Water Use Restriction and Conservation Records
- Notices of Restrictions
Notices of water use restrictions imposed because of restrictions on water supply.
Retention: 2 years
- Variance Records
Records of variances for individual property owners to the watering restrictions.
Retention: Until expiration of variance
- Water Conservation Records
Records of activities that promote and coordinate the efficient use of water resources, i.e., educational and outreach efforts, reports, etc.
Retention: 5 years, then evaluate for continuing value prior to destruction of records
- SUDP without Floodplain Permit
Retention: Until Sewer is abandoned or removed
- SUDP with Floodplain Permit
Records related to any use of the floodplain including, but not limited to: application, plans, reports, studies, maps, inspections, correspondence, and permit documents.
Retention: Permanent
Disconnection Records [Reference: County Schedule 10.250]
Records documenting the disconnection of properties from district water, sewer, power or similar utility systems.
Retention: Permanent
Records explaining how storm or sanitary billing is determined for each account, including answers to customer questions on billing.
Retention: 5 years; Special accounts with unusual circumstances may require longer retention for administrative purposes.
Records relating to the treatment of water or sewage.
- Analytical Reports
Records relating to analysis of samples taken from various locations throughout the system and from raw and processed sources of supply.
- Bacteriological and Microbiological Analysis
Samples collected for laboratory testing for various contaminants that are naturally present in the environment; includes sewage plant composite sampling records, weekly sewage tests, etc.
Retention: 5 years [40 CFR 141.33]
- Chemical and Radiological Analysis
Verification of water quality at various sampling points to determine the presence of chemicals and radionuclides from the decay of natural and man-made deposits and the erosion of natural deposits.
Retention: 10 years [40 CFR 141.33]
- Lead and Copper Analysis
Tests to determine the levels of lead and copper resulting from the corrosion of household plumbing systems, the erosion of natural deposits and leaching from wood preservatives; includes sampling data and analyses, reports, surveys, letters, evaluations, schedules, state determinations, etc.
Retention: 12 years [40 CFR 141.91]
- Secondary Contaminants Analysis
Tests to determine the levels of inorganic and volatile organic contaminants.
Retention: 10 years [40 CFR 141.33]
- Turbidity Analysis
Documentation of analysis of water samples to determine level of cloudiness caused by suspended particles resulting from soil runoff.
Retention: 5 years [40 CFR 141.33]
- Water Test Standards
Standards for water testing.
Retention: 5 years after superseded
- Annual Reports
Reports created on annual basis, including national primary drinking water consumer confidence reports delivered to consumers, documenting water and wastewater treatment operations.
Retention: Permanent
- Corrective Actions– Noncompliance
Documentation of actions to correct violations of primary drinking water regulations. Retention: 3 years after last action regarding violation [40 CFR 141.33]
- Discharge Permits and Monitoring
Documentation of pollution and effluent discharged from wastewater treatment facilities and reports submitted in conjunction with permit compliance; permits issued under the Clean Water Act by the Colorado Department of Health or Environmental Protection Agency/ National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) for discharge of treated sewage under controlled conditions.
- Inspection Records
Documentation of annual inspections of wastewater treatment operations to monitor compliance with NPDES permit conditions. Retention: 5 years
- Odor Complaints
Retention: 3 years
- Permits and Supporting Documentation
Retention: 5 years after expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial
- Industrial Pretreatment Permits
Permits and permit modifications issued to private industries allowing the discharge of specific pollutants under controlled conditions.
Retention: 5 years after expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial
- Operational Reports
- Chlorination Reports
Retention: 10 years
- Filter Plant Logs
Daily information regarding plant operations.
Retention: 5 years
- Plant Capacity Records
Retention: 2 years
- Sand Trap Inspections
Retention: Life of sand trap
- Sanitary Surveys of System
Studies, surveys or reports examining the overall sanitary condition of water and wastewater systems and any communications regarding the sanitary survey.
Retention: 10 years after completion of sanitary survey [40 CFR 141.33]
- Sludge Application Records
Documentation of placement of approved sites and the surface application of sewage sludge to approved sites.
- Domestic Septage Application
Retention: 5 years [40 CFR 503.17]
- Permits and Supporting Documentation
Retention: 5 years after expiration, cancellation, revocation, or denial
- Preparation and Application of Sludge
Records relating to preparation of sewage sludge and the application of sewage sludge to approved sites, including certifications of concentration of pollutants, pathogen requirements and management practices.
Retention: 5 years [40 CFR 503.17]
- Surface Disposal Site Placement
Records of sewage sludge placed on surface disposal sites, including name and address of persons who prepare the sludge, name and address of the landowner or lease holder, site location, an explanation of why the sludge must remain on the site for longer than two years before final use or disposal, and an estimate of when final disposal will take place.
Retention: By person who prepares sludge, for as long as sewage sludge remains on land [40 CFR 503.20]
- Variances and Exemptions
Retention: 5 years after expiration [40 CFR 141.33]
Records pertaining to source of supply of raw (untreated) water, including records relating to adjudication, acquisition, dedication and transfer of water shares and water resources and records relating to the water storage system. [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in electronic format.]
- Acquisition, Sale and Transfer Records
Records relating to acquisition, sale, or transfer of water rights, including water acquisition agreements, dedication of water rights by developers to meet development requirements, court proceedings, water decrees, allotment contracts, temporary use permits and other similar transactions.
Retention: Permanent, except that water offers are to be retained until accepted or rejected [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]
- Dam Monitoring and Inspection Records
Dam safety inspections and monitoring data and reports.
Retention: Life of dam + 1 year
- Ditch Records
Records relating to gauging station and visual monitoring of ditch flows and conditions.
Retention: Life of ditch + 1 year
- River and Stream Records
- Flow Measurements
Data reported to the State Engineer's Office regarding water flows, collected from recording stations in streams or wells.
Retention: 1 year
- Hydrologic Data – Rivers and Streams
Raw data collected from field gauging stations established to monitor diverted river and stream flows.
Retention: 5 years, provided that data is compiled into report that is retained permanently
- Surface Water Rights Records
Augmentation plans, river flow observations, adjudication of priorities of use and similar records relating to surface water rights.
Retention: Permanent [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]
- Underground Water Rights and Supply
Records relating to underground aquifers, water wells and similar records.
Retention: Permanent [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]
- Water Decree Accounting Records retained as required by the State Engineer or Water Court to track the use of water under a decree.
Retention: Permanent [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]
- Water Rental or Leasing Records
Records relating to water stock assessments and seasonal rental of surplus irrigation water.
Retention: 6 years
- Water Stock Certificates
Documents issued by water companies as proof of an ownership interest in the company.
Retention: Until sale or transfer of stock
- Weather Records
- Weather Modification Records
Records of cloud seeding projects.
Retention: Permanent
- Weather Observation Records
Reports on weather, river, snow pack and climatological observations affecting water supply.
Retention: Permanent for data compilations and 5 years for raw data
- Well Records
Records pertaining to location, adjudication, permit applications, drilling, installation, testing, use and abandonment of water wells for Denver use.
Retention: Permanent [Important Note: Water rights records are considered to be essential records to Denver, and it is therefore recommended that the "record" copy be retained in paper format.]
60.101 Weather Sensor Calibration and Testing Records [Reference: County Schedule 10.310 Weather Records]
Documentation of testing and calibration of district weather sensors to ensure accuracy
Retention: Life of equipment + 1 year
60.102 Water Modeling and Forecasting Records [Reference: County Schedule.310]
Records relating to projections of future water needs and supplies for the county.
Retention: Permanent
Cross References
Agreements and contracts– 40.030*, Agreements and Contracts Annexation review records – 65.010, Annexation Case Files
Communication infrastructure – Schedule 55, Information Technology and Communication Systems Records Communication systems franchises – 30.110, Franchise Records
Complaints – 40.090, Complaints, Routine Service Requests and Nonbinding Petitions Correspondence – Schedule 145, Correspondence Records
Development review records – 65.030*,Development Case Files
Easements – 95.030, Easements and Rights-of-Way and Supporting Documentation Emergency plans – 100.040, Emergency Planning and Response
Encroachments – 75.020*.G, Permits to Work in Public Way
Enterprise board records – 45.060, Governing Body as Another Decision-Making Body Equipment calibration, maintenance, and testing– 35.010*, Equipment Records in General Fee collection – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records
Franchises – 30.110, Franchise Records
Hazardous waste – 25.020*, Hazardous Waste Storage and Transport Records Impact fees – 30.020*, Accounts Receivable (A/R) Records
Improvement districts – 30.130, Improvement District Records Landfill monitoring – 25.010*, Environmental Monitoring and Reviews
Maps and drawings – 40.180, Maps, Drawings and Supporting Documentation
Metering records– 30.210.B, Meter Records Plans – 40.330,Studies, Plans and Reports Policies and procedures – 40.220*, Policies and Procedures Documentation
Projects – 40.240*, Non O&M Project Files
Rebate programs – 30.180*, Rebate Program Records Reports – 40.290, Reports
Rules, regulations, and standards – 40.310, Rules, Regulations and Standards Studies – 40.330, Studies, Plans and Reports
Traffic code – 40.070.A,Codes Adopted by Reference
Training and operator records– 90.070*, Employee Records – Active and Terminated Utility billing – 30.210, Utility
Billing Water and sanitation district records – 40.320, Special District Records