Extra shelters will be open through 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 13.Rec centers and libraries will be open during normal business hours as daytime warming centers on Wednesday, Feb. 12.
Public trust is a critical dynamic of a world-class city. Transparent Denver is the realization of that commitment.
Contained in this site you will find two critical elements:
These two elements sit at the heart of the work the city does day-in and day-out and significantly contribute to our ongoing commitment to meeting people where they are.
See detailed information about city expenditures broken down by payees, department, and more.
See our full city budget and budget-in-brief as well as our 6-year plan.
The City and County of Denver uses a competitive selection process to negotiate contracts with vendors for goods and services. Search city contracts through the Office of the Clerk and Recorder.
See a variety of Denver's financial reports including our comprehensive annual financial reports, city budget reports, community report, and single audit reports.
The city invests its cash with the principles of safety, liquidity, and yield; and oversees and monitors the debt and financing issuance and administration processes for city obligations including its enterprises, such as Denver International Airport, and debt for special districts and economic-related activities.
Access tax descriptions and forms and pay your business taxes online.