City-Paid Short- and Long-Term Disability Plan

Pregnant woman at desk

If an employee was hired after January 1, 2010, or the employee converted to our Paid Time Off (PTO) plan, we pay the full cost of the premiums for short-term disability insurance. Learn more in the Short Term Disability Insurance brochure(PDF, 68KB).

Are all your new hire employees given a city-paid STD plan?
Most of our employees will get the city-paid STD plan; however, some employees (Denver District Attorney and Denver Sheriffs) have to voluntarily elect STD coverage.

What benefits are included in the city-paid STD?
Employees who are covered under the city-paid STD will receive a weekly benefit of 70% with $1500 maximum per week.

What is the waiting period for the short-term disability?
There is a 14-day waiting period for any short-term disability claims. 

Long Term Disability Insurance

All employees covered (except uniformed Police and Fire) under the city-paid LTD will receive a monthly benefit of 60% with a $6000 maximum per month. Learn more in the Long Term Disability Insurance brochure(PDF, 42KB) .

What is the waiting period for the long-term disability?
There is a 180-day waiting period for any long-term disability claims.