Q: Is this program the same as the Work Release Program?
A: It is not. The Work Release Program is no longer available.
Q: How long until I can return to work after booking in?
A: It takes up to four business days once we verify employment.
Q: How many sets of clothing can I bring to jail?
A: Do not bring any extra clothing when you book in. We recommend you have extra clothing dropped off at your job site for your first day back to work. You may have up to three sets of clothing in the facility at any given time. You will have the opportunity to wash your clothes upon returning from work.
Q: Can I bring in shampoo, soap, toothpaste, etc.?
A: You must buy all hygiene items through the commissary.
Q: Can I have people drop off cash?
A: No, you cannot have cash dropped off at the jail. A postal money order may be left for you in the main jail lobby. Learn more about Money Accounts & Calling Cards.
Q: Can I have a cell phone/laptop/tablet/MP3?
A: Turn off cell phones before entering the facility. Your cell phone must stay in your locker, it is not allowed in the dorm. No other electronic devices can be in the facility at any time.
Q: Will I have time to cash/deposit my paycheck?
A: Yes, you may request one extra hour on your payday to cash your check or withdraw your direct deposit. Submit all wages earned, minus $50.00, in the form of a postal money order to deposit into your inmate account.
Q: Can I bring in books?
A: Participants on education release may bring in one school book. Metal binders are not allowed. Mail any recreational reading material for approval by the Mail Room staff.
Q: Am I allowed personal visits to the facility?
A: Schedule personal visits through the visitation line by calling 720-913-3791. Get more information on the Jail Visit Request webpage.