
Trash Service

black city and county of Denver trash cart

Trash is collected every week. Trash carts are available in three sizes: 35, 65 and 95-gallons. Beginning in 2023, the city will directly bill customers for residential waste services based on trash cart size. The smaller the trash cart, the lower the fee. Free residential recycling and compost collection services were also added to reduce the amount of trash Denver sends to the landfill and the production of harmful greenhouse gas emissions.

Waste Directory

Large Item Pickup

Check your pickup schedule for your large and bulky item collection dates. Details on what is accepted are on the large item pickup page:

Large Item Service and Schedule Information

Appliance Collection

Frequently Asked Questions

Setting out branches and yard debris for collection

  • Group loose branches into tied bundles weighing no more than 50 pounds per bundle. Branches can be no longer than 4 feet in length or larger than 4 inches in diameter.
  • A maximum of 10 branch bundles per household will be collected per scheduled Large Item Pickup
  • Place bundles at least 2 feet away from any service carts when setting out for collection.
  • Do NOT place branches in your city issued black trash cart or purple recycle cart.

Residents are responsible for the removal and disposal of tree stumps and all branches over 4 inches in diameter and/or 4 feet in length. There are a number of licensed haulers that are available to residents to hire for removal of this material.

Want to compost them instead?

  • Branches can be dropped off for composting at the Cherry Creek Recycling Drop-off located at East Cherry Creek Dr. South & Quebec St.
    Cherry Creek Recycling Drop-off Hours: Tuesday – Friday, 10 A.M. to 5 P.M, Saturdays 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.
    • Denver residents only.
    • No branches longer than 4 feet in length or larger than 4 inches in diameter.
    • No pieces or bundles weighing more than 50 pounds.
    • Maximum of 10 branch bundles per week.

Broken branches and fallen trees

Property owners are responsible for cleanup of debris from trees on private property and from trees within the public right-of-way adjacent to their property.

Property owners are responsible for the pruning needs of private property trees and the pruning needs of trees within the public right-of-way adjacent to their property. 

  • If you have general questions about the condition of a public-right-of way tree, contact Denver Forestry at
  • For trees on private property, citizens can visit for a list of licensed and insured tree care contractors. It’s a wise practice to make sure any tree care contractor is licensed and insured.
  • If emergency removal of a fallen branch is needed to clear a street, the city can assist though an established on-call contract; however, the cost of the work will be billed to the responsible property owner. Call 311 (720-913-1311) if you have questions.

Reporting a dead animal

For dead animal removal in streets or alleys, please call 311 (720-913-1311) or visit

Reporting an illegal dump

Enforcement of Rules and Regulations - every attempt shall be made by an authorized agency representative to contact the violator and seek resolution of the violation. Conflicts and disputes arising from the enforcement of the rules and regulations shall be resolved by the Manager or an authorized representative. Repeated or gross violations may result in the issuance of a notice of violation up to and including a court summons.

  • To report Illegal Dumping call 311 (720-913-1311).
  • Do not confront person doing the dumping.
  • Obtain as much information as possible, make/model of vehicle, license plate number and description of the person(s) involved.
  • An inspector will follow up on this information.

Rules and regulations for trash services

Solid Waste Management is an agency of the City & County of Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure. The Rules & Regulations for Trash, Recycling and Compost services(PDF, 470KB) authorize Solid Waste Management to provide services to residential homes of seven or fewer units, and municipal facilities.

Denver Housing Authority

Dumpster Service Guidelines

Dumpster trash service customers are provided with dumpsters for the disposal of household trash only. Automated trucks are used to lift and empty the dumpster. DHA residents may use any dumpster located around the property.

  • Keep the area around the dumpster clear of trash and large items at all times. Do not place items next to or within 2 feet of the dumpsters. Bag all of your trash in heavy-duty bags. Always keep the dumpster lid closed to reduce litter and pests. If the closest dumpster is full, please take your trash to the next closest dumpster that has space available. Do not place furniture, construction debris, sod or dirt in dumpsters. Only set out large items on scheduled Extra Trash Collection weeks (every 8 weeks). See the "Extra Trash Collection" tab for more information. Maximize space in your dumpster by placing items in the rear of the dumpster first.
  • Report illegal dumping by calling 311 (720-913-1311) as soon as possible. Record a license plate number and state of origin, description of the vehicle and a description of the person(s). Please do not approach or confront the person(s).