
Mower mowing grass closeup

Skip the bag and leave grass clippings on your lawn. 

GrassCycling is the practice of leaving grass clippings on your lawn when mowing, instead of bagging them. It’s the natural way to recycle grass clippings and provide your lawn with the valuable nutrients and water that it needs.

Does GrassCycling cause thatch?

No! In fact, grasscycling can help prevent thatch by shading and feeding soil with grass clippings.

What is thatch?

Thatch is the layer of living and dead material (roots, stems, and shoots) that develops between the zone of grass blades and the soil surface. Excess thatch can be produced by improper mowing (keeping the grass too short), excess fertilization and pesticide usage, and improper watering techniques. 

Tips for Getting Started:

  1. Remove your mower’s collection bag and attach a safety flap instead (available at local hardware stores).
  2. Follow the 1/3 rule. Mow often enough that no more than 1/3 of the length of the grass blade is cut and left on the lawn. Lawns are healthiest when mowed to 2.5–3 inches.

And Remember:

  • Keep your mower blades sharp.
  • Mow your lawn when it’s dry.
  • Any mower will do – push, electric,
  • gas, or mulching.
  • If you use a lawn service ask your provider to grasscycle and leave clippings on your lawn.

Why GrassCycle?

  • Save Time. Skip the hassle of raking, bagging, and trashing your grass clippings.
  • Save Money. Spend less on water, fertilizer, bags and disposal.
  • Save Water. Clippings will shade grass roots and keep soil cool and full of much-needed moisture.
  • Save the Planet. 
    • Prevent unnecessary trash by keeping grass clippings out of your black cart. They can be put to better use!
    • Keep it hyper-local. By leaving them in place, clippings will break down (thanks to soil microorganisms) and return nutrients and moisture to your soil.
    • Reduce greenhouse gas emissions. When grass clippings are place in the landfill they generate methane. Methane is a more potent greenhouse gas than carbon dioxide!