Extra shelters will be open through at least 11 a.m. Wednesday, Jan. 15.
The DOAC oversees Denver’s allocation of Local and Regional Shares of opioid settlement funds. The DOAC facilitates the flow of settlement funds according to its 2-year plans and for their intended, approved purposes, as defined in the Colorado memorandum of understanding (MOU). The DOAC is also responsible for submitting Colorado Opioid Abatement Council (COAC) with annual expenditure data. DOAC meetings are open to the public. The DOAC has adopted guiding principles to reflect the DOAC’s values and guide decision-making: DOAC Guiding Principles.
The DOAC consists of 11 voting members and up to 8 non-voting members. All DOAC members are appointed by the Mayor of Denver. Community members and representatives from community-based organizations can apply for vacant non-voting member positions. Vacant positions will be posted on this website. EmailOAFProgram@denvergov.org to receive alerts when vacancies are posted.
Voting Members have two year terms, and include representatives from:
Non-voting Members have one-year terms, and include representatives with the following areas of expertise:
Monthly DOAC Meetings Second Thursdays | 2:00 pm MT Join the Microsoft Teams meetingMeeting ID: 278 349 634 57 Call-in: (720) 388-6219 Conference ID: 983 622 558# Monthly Strategic Planning Subcommittee Meetings Third Mondays | 12:00 pm MT Join the Microsoft Teams meetingMeeting ID: 224 543 072 117 Call-in: (720) 388-6219 Conference ID: 558 231 867# Monthly Membership Subcommittee Meetings Third Thursdays | 2:00 pm MT Join the Microsoft Teams meetingMeeting ID: 245 452 722 515 Call-in: (720) 388-6219 Conference ID: 439 817 24#
Click here to access prior DOAC meeting agendas and minutes.
Opioid Abatement Funds (OAF) Program
OAFProgram@denvergov.org(720) 865-5453