FAQ: DeBoer Park Bridge Closure
Why is the Harvard Gulch DeBoer Park bridge closed?
In June 2023, the bridge was found to have critical structural issues which could not be repaired and required a complete replacement of the bridge.

Pictured above:
Photo on the right shows one of multiple vertical truss members with swelling and section loss from water getting trapped inside. Photo on left shows one of many locations where the stringers have rested-through holes up to 2 feet long.
Why wasn’t this designed and replaced before it was closed?
Due to budget limitations, funds are typically not immediately available to avoid bridge closures like these. With nearly 200 structures along Denver’s trails and parks, more closures may be required as bridges continue to age.
What is the timeline for replacing the DeBoer Park bridge?
The existing bridge does not meet modern standards and requires a new design, which has added to the project timeline. Currently under design, the new bridge must comply with all local, state, and federal requirements. Because it is located in the Harvard Gulch floodplain, construction must be completed within the low-flow season of October to April, meaning construction cannot begin any earlier than October 2025. Pending project funding, the new bridge is expected to be complete by Summer 2026.
What is the new bridge going to look like?
The new bridge will look a little different and will likely be a low-flow crossing. These structures are used widely along Cherry Creek such as the bridge pictured below near Holly Street.
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