Q: Where does the parkway setback start?
A: The property line (not the curb).
Q: What landscaping does DPR recommend?
A: Generally, DPR recommends a low-water hybrid turf along the parkway to preserve the green, park-like setting.
Q: Can I use rock mulch on my private property along a parkway?
A: DPR does not recommend rock mulch because it can harm historic trees that are acclimated to more water supply. Rock mulch also impacts the green park-like appearance that the parkways are intended to promote.
Q: What about new buildings along a parkway?
A: Section 49-18 of the municipal code requires every building to front on a parkway unless the existing development context would show otherwise (e.g. corner lot property; project has a side adjacent to the parkway consistent with the existing block pattern).
Q: Who can I contact for more information and clarification?
A: Please send an email to parkways@denvergov.org or call 720.913.0623.
Q: Is there an application fee for a parkways exception request?
A: No, DPR provides this service to citizens free-of-charge. Download an exception request application.