A valid camping permit is required to camp overnight. All motor vehicles/trailers are required to display a parking pass. Exclusively towed vehicles/trailers will be given a pass at no charge.
Camping Units Allowed
- Option 1: one passenger vehicle and two tents if space allows; or
- Option 2: one motorized vehicle towing a camping trailer and one tent if space allows.
No campfires permitted.
Cooking Grills
No Charcoal/wood. Gas grills are allowed at individual campsites in approved containers. Please see camp hosts for a list of approved devices.
Littering, including cigarette butts, is unlawful and harmful to wildlife and the environment. Cigarettes and all trash must be disposed of properly.
Tree/Fence/Structure Attachments
No hammock, clotheslines or anything attached to trees, fencing or park structures.
No dumping of grey water or black water. Leaky connections are strictly prohibited.
Speed Limit
Five (5) miles per hour throughout the campground.
Pets are allowed but must be kept on a leash no longer than six (6) feet. Pets must be kept under control and cannot be left unattended. Dog waste must be promptly cleaned up and disposed of properly.
Payment by Visa, MasterCard or Discover only. Camping fees must be paid in advance.
Quiet Hours
Quiet hours are enforced every day from 10:00pm to 7am.
No hunting or shooting of any kind is allowed.
Weapons and fireworks of any kind are prohibited.
Vehicle Maintenance
No vehicle maintenance, repair or washing of RVs or vehicles is allowed within the campground.
Parking is allowed in designated spaces or in campsite. All additional motor vehicles must park at overflow lots.
No glass bottles or containers are allowed within the campground at any time.
No liquor allowed.
Chief Hosa Campground is a public facility and the consumption, use, display, transfer, sale or growth of marijuana is prohibited.
Motorized Scooters
No motorized scooters or toy cars are allowed within the campground or any roadway or trail.
Length of Stay
Maximum length of stay allowed is 14 days within any 28-day period of time.
Tents are required to be placed on tent/RV pads. RVs and Trailers are not allowed in tent sites.
See pricing information above.
Additional vehicles are $5.00 per day, per vehicle.
Registered Campers
Registered campers are responsible for all monetary costs, including legal fees incurred by Chief Hosa Campground as a result of unauthorized actions or failure to use appropriate precautions.
Office Hours
As posted on-site. Campground open May through September.