5-Year Plan: Parks Legacy Fund Thanks to Denver voters who passed the Parks Legacy Fund, a 0.25% sales tax has been dedicated to the improvement and expansion of Denver Parks. Every five years, DPR updates its priorities to continue implementing the Game Plan For a Healthy City, and ensure Parks Legacy Fund investments reflect community needs.
Axton Ranch Donation In March 2021, Denver City Council approved an agreement to accept 450-acres of Axton Ranch in Jefferson and Gilpin Counties to the Denver Mountain Park system. This is the first acquisition of a new mountain park since the donation of James Q. Newton Park in Conifer in 1939.
Basketball Court Improvements (Multi-Park) Basketball courts in Berkeley Park, Bezoff Park, Chavez Park, Dennison Park, Eastmoor Park, Harvard Gulch Park, and Pferdesteller Park will undergo improvements.
Bear Creek Park Vision Plan This 86-acre regional park contains natural landscapes, a playground, regional trail, picnic shelters, ballfields and a restroom building. A master plan document and concept plan for park improvements to be implemented in future phases tomake Bear Creek Park a resilient destination park.
Bethesda Park (New Park at Iliff & Bellaire) After several years of working with the community, the vision plan was completed 2023. This new 2-acre park is starting its final design with construction documents completed in late 2025.
Capitol Hill Parks Projects This parks planning project in Capitol Hill will look at the cluster of three parks in the southern part of the neighborhood: Quality Hill Park, Governors' Park, and Grant-Humphrey’s Park.
City and County Building Landscape Transformation The City & County Building Landscape Transformation Project will convert the existing non-functional bluegrass turf around the building to a diverse prairie consisting primarily of native grasses and wildflowers.
City Park Projects Learn about projects in City Park, including a nature-play area being built in partnership with the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, the restoration of Lily Lake, and the recently completed regional playground.
City of Potenza Park and City of Chennai Park Thanks to DPR Capital Funds and the Elevate Denver Bond, two Sister City parks are getting upgrades!
Civic Center & Bannock Street Concept Design Project partners and the public are working together to create a design for four key areas within Civic Center that will accommodate its current uses and encourage active daily use in the: Greek Theater, Central Promenade, Central Gathering Space, and Bannock Street between Colfax and 14th Avenue.
Dailey Park Thanks to funding from the voter-approved 2021 Rise Bond, improvements are being made to the playground and basketball court at Dailey Park.
Cook Park Improvements Cook (Judge Joseph E) Park, located in the Virginia Village neighborhood will be receiving upgrades to the playground, basketball court and walks as a part of the Elevate Denver Bond Program and Denver Parks and Recreation’s Capital Improvement Program.
Crestmoor Park Thanks to funding from the RISE Denver Bond and City Wide Accessibility Capital Funds, the second phase of improvements are being made to playground equipment and other amenities throughout Crestmoor Park.
Downtown Skate Park Denver Parks and Recreation is planning repairs to existing downtown skate park features, with the community invited to help identify what would be most beneficial to those who use the skate park.
Eisenhower Park Picnic Improvements The existing picnic site will be renovated or replaced based on public feedback and budgetary constraints. The picnic amenities around the site will be improved for better circulation and ADA compliance. An expanded and improved walkway to the picnic site will be implemented as part of this project.
Green Valley Ranch Recreation Center Indoor Pool Thanks to the Elevate Denver Bond, Green Valley Ranch Recreation Center is expanding to include an indoor aquatic facility.
Green Valley Ranch West Park Green Valley Ranch West Park is a 3.5-acre park situated in the Green Valley Ranch neighborhood. The park provides amenities to the local neighborhood such as picnic spaces, athletic fields, a basketball court, and a playground. Planned enhancements are in the works for this park.
Harvey Park Thanks to funding from the Rise GO Bond 2021, improvements are being made to playground equipment and new site furnishings at Harvey Park.
Carpio-Sanguinette Park and Heron Pond Open Space This project re-envisions approximately 80 acres of city property and existing open space around Heron Pond to serve as a regional and local amenity in the Globeville and Elyria/Swansea neighborhoods.
High Line Canal Trail This project will replace the existing narrow asphalt trail with a new 10' wide concrete trail and adjacent 6' wide crusher fines path between Parker Ave and Havana St. The project will also include ADA ramp upgrades and other trail amenities. The project is a partnership between Denver Parks & Recreation and the High Line Canal Conservancy.
Huston Lake Park Improvements Huston Lake Park is a community park in the Athmar Park neighborhood with a wide variety of amenities. The next phase of improvements include a new playground, walks with ADA improvements, and irrigation upgrades.
Inclusive Play Strategy Community guidance has identified a need to increase access to inclusive play opportunities. In response, DPR is creating an Inclusive Play Strategy to address the function of play spaces and ensure play elements are well-integrated for all ages and abilities.
Kennedy Golf Course Master Plan The master plan discussion will include desires for the clubhouse, improved golf holes, a practice area, a new parking lot, and more. The final master plan is intended to provide goals and guidance for future design needs.
La Alma-Lincoln Park Vision Plan Exciting changes are coming to La Alma-Lincoln Park! A Vision Plan was completed in July 2023 for La Alma-Lincoln Park, illustrating the community vision for the future of the beloved neighborhood park. “Alma” translates to “soul” and this park has been the heart and soul of the surrounding neighborhood through a rich and diverse history.
La Raza Park Improvements Denver Parks and Recreation is planning enhancements for La Raza Park. This project is being funded through the Legacy Fund, DPR CIP, Elevate Denver Bond, and RISE Denver Bond.
Loretto Heights Park Improvements This park contains natural landscapes, a playground, trails, and picnic shelters. A master plan document and concept plan for park improvements to be implemented in future phases tomake Loretto Heights Park a resilient destination park.
Martinez Park Master Plan The Martinez Park master plan was completed in January 2021. The next phase, including final design and construction of Phase 1A, will include new and exciting amenities that support active recreation and play.
Mestizo-Curtis Park This project consists of rebuilding and updating the existing community pool and pool facility.
Montbello Central Park Improvements Thanks to funding from the Parks Legacy Fund, Parks Capital Funds, and RISE Bond the existing tennis court facility and ballfields will receive improvements at Montbello Central Park.
New Park at 47th and Telluride This new park will provide much need amenities for the Green Valley Ranch neighborhood. A vision plan for the park was completed in 2022 and the voter-approved RISE Bond has funded the first phase of construction. The park will include athletic fields, sports courts, a play area, walkways, and other amenities as requested by the community.
New Park in Avion Community DPR is partnering with the Denver Connection West Metropolitan District to acquire & build a new park in northeast Denver's Avion community. At approx. 9 acres, a 2022 vision plan includes a playground, basketball court, athletic fields and walking loop along with native landscaping and trees, urban food forest, picnic and seating areas. Funding provided by DCWMD & Parks Legacy Funds.
New Park in Sun Valley A new 10-acre park is coming to 10th Avenue and Alcott Street in the Sun Valley neighborhood. Owned by Denver Housing Authority (DHA) and Xcel Energy, this riverfront parcel is being constructed and conveyed to DPR to serve the redeveloped DHA Sun Valley community with access to the river and regional trail system.
Outdoor Adventure & Alternative Sports Strategic Plan Denver Parks and Recreation is developing an Outdoor Adventure and Alternative Sports Master Plan which will identify nontraditional outdoor recreation trends, best practices, and how DPR can better leverage its current assets while identifying new opportunities over the next 20 years, focusing on equity throughout the city.
Park Hill Open Space In a historic deal negotiated by Mayor Mike Johnston, the City and County of Denver today announced it is acquiring the site of the former Park Hill Golf Course and that it intends to transform the space into a modern, urban park. Denver Parks & Recreation will oversee the park, which will open for the public by summer of this year.
Pickleball: Planning & Advisory Group Denver Parks & Recreation recognizes the demand for additional pickleball facilities and is exploring appropriate park locations while collaborating with stakeholders on various maintenance and operations issues around the sport.
Sloan's Lake Neighborhood Projects Several projects and planning efforts are underway in Denver's Westwood neighborhood, bringing new green space and recreation amenities to the community.
Southmoor Park Improvements Planned enhancements are in the works for Southmoor Park, which include a reconstructed basketball court and playground with possible new locations, ADA-compliant walkways, and turf conversion with associated irrigation upgrades.
Quebec Medians Landscape Transformation In partnership with Denver Water and the Colorado Water Conservation Board, this project is aimed at adapting to a changing climate. The Quebec Median project will transform water intensive, non-functional bluegrass on four medians, between Smith Road and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard, to a native meadow landscape.
Rosamond Park Improvements Rosamond Park was identified as an Elevate Denver and Rise Bond project with the scope including replacement of the existing playground and basketball court (Elevate Denver Bond) and replacement of the tennis courts and lighting (Rise Bond).
Ruby Hill Park: Phase 3 Design After successfully implementing the Levitt Pavilion, mountain bike park, roadway network, and parking lot improvements called for in the 2008 Ruby Hill Park Master Plan, DPR is advancing the third phase of improvements.
Russell Square Park Improvements Russell Square Park in Denver’s Cole neighborhood of is getting a makeover! In collaboration with The Trust for Public Land, Great Outdoors Colorado, and the Cole community, Denver Parks and Recreation is developing renovation plans for the 2.3 acre park.
Skyline Park Improvements This project will create a new vision for all three blocks of Skyline Park and develop a final design for construction of phase one improvements that are funded by the Elevate Denver Bond Program. In alignment with the Outdoor Downtown Plan, this plan will be driven by the foundational goals of a Social, Recreational, Connected, Cultural and Sustainable downtown.
Sloan's Lake Environmental Assessment Sloan's Lake is a beloved regional asset in northwest Denver that is in need of environmental improvements to remain a resilient ecosystem and recreational amenity.
South Platte River Trail Improvements Various long and short-term infrastructure projects will soon be implemented and require detours along the South Platte River Trail in the coming months and years.
Tennessee Utility Corridor Irrigation Replacement This project includes full irrigation system replacement along the 8 block corridor between Federal and Zuni. The project will also include landscape restoration.
Trails Projects Various long and short-term infrastructure projects are implemented on Denver's regional trail system, requiring detours and closures at different times and locations. Learn more about current trail projects.
Strategic Acquisition Plan Denver Parks and Recreation has developed a Strategic Acquisition Plan to guide the growth of an equitable, sustainable and resilient parks and recreation system for a healthier Denver.
Sunken Gardens Park Master Plan Denver Parks & Recreation is leading the master plan and implementation process, which seeks to improve the Sunken Gardens Park visitor experience in a way that respects the historical context, period features, and landscape character, while accommodating changing use patterns and programming needs of the community.
Washington Park Projects In line with the park's master plan, Denver Parks and Recreation is creating a concept plan/design for the boathouse area in the north end of Washington Park. As part of this process, an existing conditions assessment will be conducted, along with community outreach to inform how to utilize this former play area.
Swansea Indoor Pool An indoor pool is being constructed at Swansea Recreation Center to replace its aging outdoor pool. This project is funded through the Elevate Denver Bond.
Verbena Park Improvements Located in the East Colfax neighborhood, Verbena Park playground and basketball court will be redesigned with input from the surrounding community.
Westwood Recreation Center This project is funded through the Elevate Denver Bond Program. The public input process held in early 2018 identified health and wellness as a high priority throughout the city, with a recreation service-gap in west Denver—the future recreation center will be the first in the neighborhood.
Zeckendorf Plaza Dog Park Denver Parks and Recreation has recently initiated a 3-month pilot dog park at Quality Hill Park. It started following a series of focus groups with the neighborhood association.
Westwood Neighborhood Projects Several projects and planning efforts are underway in Denver's Westwood neighborhood, bringing new green space and recreation amenities to the community.