Quality Hill Neighbors: Thank you for your feedback throughout the 9-month pilot period for the dog park at Quality Hill Park (10th Ave and Pennsylvania St). Through a survey that included 771 responses, along with observation of park use and gathering feedback from community emails, phone calls, and in-person conversations, Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) has learned:
- The dog park is highly utilized day-to-day
- There is a desire for early morning and later evening access
- The dog park is used throughout all seasons.
We have also learned that having a dog park located in a dense urban residential neighborhood causes significant noise disturbance, especially for those living immediately adjacent to the park. Thank you to all who provided feedback!
What’s next for Quality Hill Park?
Temporary fencing will be installed to allow the soil to be rehabilitated with new ground cover plantings. Later this year, the project team will reach out to the community to gather feedback on what residents would like to see at Quality Hill to make it a safe and welcoming neighborhood space.
Project Background:
After the initial three-month pilot that kicked off at the end of July 2022, Denver Parks and Recreation decided to extend the pilot dog park by an additional 6 months (until May 1, 2023) in order to continue to evaluate the possibility of a permanent dog park in this location. The extension allowed Denver Parks and Recreation to evaluate the pilot dog park by observing maintenance conditions throughout seasonal changes; impacts to nearby residents based on hours of operation and educational signage, and if dog park visitors used the park in a way that is respectful and compatible with the urban neighborhood context.
Prior to the pilot dog park, Quality Hill Park was temporarily closed starting in late 2021 in response to safety concerns.