Strategic Acquisition Plan

Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) has developed a Strategic Acquisition Plan to guide the growth of an equitable and resilient parks and recreation system that supports a healthy city. The Strategic Acquisition Plan builds off the department's long-term Game Plan for a Healthy City along with the Parks Legacy Fund 5-Year Plan to provide the foundation upon which DPR's acquisition program is implemented.

The plan provides a clear framework for decision-making that identifies priorities, describes strategies, and explains criteria for success when completing acquisitions. The plan also identifies a toolbox that combines funding mechanisms and real estate techniques to help grow the city's parks and recreation system. 

2022 Progress

With the passage of the Parks Legacy Fund, a voter-approved 0.25 percent sales tax supporting the improvement of our city’s park system, Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) has established an Acquisition Program to grow and expand the parks and recreation system. Since the program began in 2019, DPR has made significant progress in the following areas: 


In 2019, DPR hired a real estate project manager that focuses on park acquisitions, resulting in two completed acquisitions in 2022 (see Figure 2) along with several other successful acquisitions over the past three years. 

Strategic Planning 

Adopted in 2021 after extensive community engagement, DPR’s Strategic Acquisition Plan identifies six focus areas

  1. Equity
  2. Closing the 10-minute walk/roll service gap
  3. Mountain parks
  4. DPR facilities
  5. Resilience, habitat restoration & waterway health
  6. Downtown, high-density & growth areas 

DPR has made acquisition advancements across all 6 focus areas of the plan which was recognized in fall 2022 by the Colorado Chapter of the American Planning Association with an Honor Award.   

System Growth 

More than $7.3M of the Parks Legacy Fund has been spent on land acquisition expenses, resulting in: 

  • 33 acres added to Denver’s urban park system (about the size of Huston Lake Park)
  • 450 acres added to Denver’s mountain park system (about the size of City Park & City Park Golf Course combined)
  • 10 acres of urban open space, waterways and habitat areas protected
  • 5,200 additional Denver households soon to have new access to nearby parks (see Figure 1

Next Steps

Currently, there is about $25.4 million in the Legacy Acquisition Fund with about 23 acres in the negotiation process (expected cost of 7 – 8 million, see figure). DPR staff works continues to work closely with the development community to help grow the parks system as the city grows and will soon receive about 19 acres in developer dedicated parkland. In addition, about 380 acres of open space from DEN and 0.8 acres of future parkland in Globeville will come from the City and County of Denver’s Division of Real Estate.  Denver Parks and Recreation is actively considering and pursuing additional acquisition opportunities that we hope to announce in 2023. Learn more about recently completed and current acquisition projects

Public Outreach Summary (2020-2021)

To assist with this planning effort, DPR has hired Design Workshop which has a long track record of working with both the City and County of Denver and other local and regional municipalities on strategic planning.

DPR is committed to a collaborative planning process with multiple opportunities for public engagement. Outreach efforts will include online engagement tools such as surveys and virtual meetings and presentations. Until guidelines allow in-person contact and exposure all public input opportunities will be virtual.

The acquisition planning process begins with extensive research and analysis on the historic development of Denver’s park system and best practices and case studies as well as mapping related to the acquisition focus areas. The Strategic Acquisition Plan’s vision, goals and outcomes will be developed by community input, Technical Focus Area Groups, a Technical Partners Group and the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.

Public Hearing

The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board (PRAB) heard public comments on the proposed Strategic Acquisition Plan on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 at their regular meeting. 
View the presentation(PDF, 3MB) | Review the draft plan(PDF, 4MB) 

Public Survey 2:

[survey closed 4/12/2021]

Public Meeting 2:

March 11, 2021 | 5:30 p.m.
Watch the video recording | En español

Public Survey #1

[Survey closed 12/2020]

Public Meeting 1:

October 22, 2020
View meeting presentation  

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