Russell Square Park Improvements

rendering of a community plaza in Russell Square Park

Summer 2022 project update: See the final concept designs here. Construction started Summer 2022 and is expected to be complete late Fall 2022.

Russell Square Park in Denver’s historic Cole neighborhood of is getting a makeover! In collaboration with The Trust for Public Land (TPL), Great Outdoors Colorado, and the Cole community, Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) is developing plans for the 2.3 acre park. 

The park makeover is the culmination of a multi-year community process that began in 2016 when the My Outdoor Colorado Cole Coalition was awarded the Inspire Planning grant. Through an engaged planning process, the Cole community identified Russell Square Park as a neighborhood place where people can safely connect and reconnect to nature and the outdoors through coordinated programming efforts that allow for structured and unstructured play and enjoyment.

The park, located at the intersection of 36th Avenue and Vine Street, has an existing playground, open field and mature trees. Though 74% of Cole residents live within ¼ mile of a park or open space in the Cole neighborhood, the neighborhood parks are largely underutilized. From the Coalition’s learning conversations, they found that nearly 68% of Cole community members interviewed enjoy the nearby Denver City Park or other parks. Another 19% of interviewees reported spending time in the mountains. In both cases, Cole residents must go outside of the neighborhood to enjoy outdoor and nature-based activities.

Developing solutions with the community, especially children and families, are central to the planning and design process. The community re-envisioned the park to create an active destination where children and residents can reconnect with nature by enjoying new amenities, including nature play features, an outdoor classroom, basketball courts, a community event space, habitat gardens and public art. The improved park will knit together old and new by adding the new amenities within the existing canopy of mature trees and turf areas, creating a variety of experiences that support regular programed activities and everyday uses. 

Please email the Project Manager with questions: