Outdoor Adventure & Alternative Sports Strategic Plan

collage of alternative sports including cross-country skiing, bike park, and rock climbing

Building off the Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) Game Plan for a Healthy City and Strategic Acquisition Plan, an Outdoor Adventure and Alternative Sports Strategic Plan has been developed to identify nontraditional outdoor recreation trends and best practices along with opportunities to leverage the system's current assets through partnerships and other strategic programs over the next 20 years, specifically focusing on equity. A year-long planning process consisted of:

  • Inventory and needs assessment (including gap analysis)
  • Community outreach to identify needs, priorities, and opportunities
  • Exploring and leveraging partnerships to deliver programming
  • Creating a phased implementation and financial plan

Download the final strategic plan, completed February 2023(PDF, 59MB)

Community Outreach & Project Materials

Throughout the development of the Master Plan, DPR committed to a community informed process focused on equity. The Outdoor Adventure and Alternative Sports Plan’s vision, goals and outcomes were informed by community input, a Technical Advisory Committee, and the Denver Parks and Recreation Advisory Board.

The Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) was intentionally inclusive of black, indigenous, people of color (BIPOC) currently engaged in outdoor adventure and alternative sports. The TAC focused on reaching target communities identified in DPR’s Neighborhood Equity Index Map(PDF, 318KB) to ensure that the voices and recommendations of marginalized/untapped communities were included in the plan development process.

Outreach efforts included online engagement tools such as surveys; focus groups and roundtable discussions; and virtual public meetings and presentations. Find meeting materials below:

Public Meeting 3

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Public Meeting 2 

Thurs. February 24, 2022

Survey 2  

Public Meeting 1

Thurs. September 30, 2021

Survey 1

Survey closed October 31, 2021.