New Park at 47th and Telluride

future park site at 47th Avenue and Telluride St.

Denver Parks and Recreation (DPR) has secured funding to move the vision plan into design and construction thanks to the RISE Bond and Parks Legacy Funds. Using the 2022 vision plan as the guide, design for the park will begin in early 2024. DPR will reach out for additional community engagement at that time. Construction is expected to begin in 2025 and be completed and opened to the public in 2026. 

Park Naming Committee

The Park Naming Committee needs your help to vote on a name for the new park at 47th & Telluride! The committee is leading up the naming process with support from Denver Parks & Recreation (DPR). The goal of this committee is to help find the best name for the park based on community feedback and the guidelines from DPR's Park Naming Policy(PDF, 377KB). The committee is made up of volunteers selected from the neighborhood, the Parks and Recreation Advisory Board, and Council District 11.

Survey #2 | Closes January 2025

Thanks to some great ideas that came in from the first survey, the committee has narrowed down the choices. Some name ideas may have been eliminated only if they did not fit the current park landscape or another name listed here aligned with the same concept. One vote per person.

Take the survey!

If you prefer to email your vote:

Survey #1 | Closed October 28, 2024

Thank you for submitting your park name ideas! The survey closed on October 28, 2024.

Note: Name ideas can inspired by nature, community, cultural or historical ideas. Naming after people has specific rules, most importantly that the person must have been deceased for at least 3 years. See section 4.1 for general guiding principles for a good name, and sections 4.3 - 4.4 for considerations when naming after exceptional people or historical events.


Community Engagement

Community Meeting | December 4, 2024

At the December community meeting, a summary of engagement thus far was presented along with a design overview. Neighbors provided feedback on which amenities in the preliminary design they were most excited to see.

Community Meeting | August 28, 2024

WHEN: Wednesday, August 28, 2024 | 5:30 – 7:30 PM
WHERE: KIPP Northeast Denver Middle School | Cafeteria 4635 Walden Street, Denver, CO 80249

Download the meeting presentation(PDF, 64MB)

Survey | Closed September 18, 2024

Thank you for providing input on design elements within the park. This survey closed on September 18, 2024. 

Vision Plan

The 2021 Vision Planning process included community and stakeholder outreach that informed a vision plan document for the park (formerly referred to as 47th and Walden) with recommendations for amenities that meet community needs, including a preferred concept design. 

Download the final vision plan (2022)(PDF, 21MB)

Vision Plan Community Outreach Materials


February 17, 2021


April 21, 2021 |  5:30 - 6:30PM


July 14, 2021 | 5:30 – 6:30PM


47th Avenue and Telluride Street, Denver 80249  View Map

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