Martinez Park Master Plan

Construction Notice | October 2024: A portion of Joe P. Martinez Park, including the parking lot, is closed as construction of Phase 1A of the vision plan began. This phase includes a new tribute plaza to Private Joe Martinez, community pavilion, open lawn area, new playground, basketball court, fitness area and improved walkways. See construction map(PDF, 1MB) for area closure.

Joe P Martinez Park Entry Image

Project Scope

The Martinez Park master plan was completed in January, 2021. The next phase, including final design and construction of Phase 1A, will include new and exciting amenities that support active recreation and play. This will be the first phase of a multi-phase project that will revitalize the park, honoring and celebrating the history of Martinez Park. The next phase will be funded by DPR's Capital Improvement and Legacy programs. Download the project information sheet(PDF, 506KB)

Download the master plan(PDF, 39MB)

Community Outreach

Vision Plan Public Outreach Meeting | July 23, 2021

Public Meeting 3: July 23, 2021


Phase 1A Community Engagement

Engagement Summary

Phase 1 community engagement took place throughout 2023 and included public meetings, online surveys, and other touchpoints with neighbors. Read the Phase 1A Engagement Summary(PDF, 6MB) for full details and results.

Public Meeting Phase 1A | May 9, 2023:

At the virtual meeting for Phase 1A, we asked the community to provide feedback on the final design of the playground and memorial plaza at Martinez Park. Phase 1A design builds on the 2021 vision plan, which was created in collaboration with the community. Other recommendations for this initial phase include improvements on fitness area, open lawn and community pavilion.

Reunión comunitaria Fase 1A | 9 de mayo:

En la reunión virtual para la Fase 1A, los invitamos a compartir sus comentarios sobre el diseño final del área de juegos y la plaza conmemorativa en Martinez Park. El diseño de la Fase 1A se basa en el plan de visión 2021, que se creó en colaboración con la comunidad. Otras recomendaciones para esta fase inicial incluyen mejoras en el área de acondicionamiento físico, césped abierto y pabellón comunitario.