Inclusive Play Strategy

woman pushing a girl in a wheelchair on an inclusive swing that can accommodate the wheelchair safely

Fall 2024 Update: Denver Parks & Recreation hopes to share the findings from the 2023 survey soon to explain how they are shaping the department's approach to inclusive play.

What is inclusive play? It's ensuring that play equipment and spaces can be used by ALL people, regardless of age or ability, so that we can all play, explore and imagine together. Denver Parks & Recreation (DPR) recognizes the need to increase access to inclusive play across our park system and is developing a citywide Inclusive Play Strategy that will also create policy recommendations for more accessible and inclusive play spaces in Denver parks.

Download the project information sheet(PDF, 641KB)

Community Outreach

Survey #1 | Closed January 11, 2023

Thank you for participating in the survey. The survey closed on January 11, 2023. Please email with questions or comments.