Emergency Operations

EOC To Save the City.PNG

Emergency Operations Center (EOC)

The City and County of Denver’s Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Joint Information Center (JIC) serve as the centralized location for government leadership and Denver employee personnel to coordinate operations during an emergency or declared disaster. The Denver EOC consists of 75 positions with representation from nearly every department and agency within the city. Members work together throughout the operation with a succinct and efficient response, which benefits Denver as a whole and allows us to achieve our mission to Save the City

Joint Information Center (JIC)

The Joint Information Center (JIC) is the public-facing section of the Emergency Operations Center and is staffed by 18 communication professionals from various departments within the City & County of Denver who handle media inquiries, assembling and disseminating press releases & public information, and coordinating press conferences to keep the community informed during an emergency activation.

If you are a member of the media and you're trying to reach our JIC during an activation, please send us an email at JIC_News@denvergov.org. 

Recent Activations