Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC)

The Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) is a program implemented by the Colorado Emergency Planning Commission (CEPC) and the EPA. The LEPC emphasize local awareness and ensures that all businesses and organizations which store hazardous materials have emergency plans to assist emergency responders in the safe handling of material spills on their property.

LEPC activities include emergency response planning, training, education and outreach, program administration, and local program initiatives. LEPC membership includes elected officials, emergency responders, community members and industry leaders.

Your Responsibility as Business

Under the EPCRA facilities which deal with hazardous materials that meet or exceed certain threshold amounts are required by federal law to submit documentation of said materials on an annual basis. This documentation is now required to be submitted electronically through the submission program “TIER2Submit”. This program is free and available online on EPA’s website. The purpose of Tier II Reports form is to provide State, local officials, and the public with specific information on potential hazards. This includes the locations, as well as the amount, of hazardous chemicals present at your facility during the previous calendar year.

To see upcoming meetings planned for the committee, check our training and events calendar

Have Questions About LEPC? Please email us at Stephen.Decatur@denvergov.org.