Data & Reports

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The office of Children's Affairs uses data to help policy makers, advocates, and community partners form a common understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by Denver’s children and youth. Together, we utilize this data to align financial investments and resources to support programs and services that will improve the lives of young people in neighborhoods where they're needed most.

Denver Children's Cabinet Report

The Denver Children's Cabinet (DCC) is the policy-making group who coordinates city-based programs and services in order to create opportunities for Denver’s children and youth to succeed.

Get the data by viewing the Children's Cabinet Interactive Story Map.
This resource will highlight the data collected around both the spending and investments of individual agencies, departments, and programs that provide services aimed to support Denver’s goals for children. Stakeholders can use this data as another way to measure government efficiency and progress toward shared goals.

Denver Great Kids Head Start Reports

Denver Great Kids Head Start (DGKHS) is a program that prepares children to enter kindergarten confidently with the social, physical, emotional, cognitive skills and competencies necessary for continued school success. 

Annual Reports
These reports highlight the managerial aspects of the program for each school year. Focal points include program operations and metrics, targeted investments, and teacher coaching activities.
Download: 2017 - 2018 | 2016 - 2017

Community Assessments
These assessments are intended to provide decision-making data to inform stakeholders about programs, services, and investments in children and youth as they relate to the Head Start program in Denver. This report represents a comprehensive description of the strengths and needs of children and families in Denver, particularly focused on at-risk families who could potentially qualify for the Head Start program.
Download: 2019 | 2018 | 2017

My Brother's Keeper Reports

My Brother's Keeper Denver collaborates with youth, community members, nonprofit organizations, educational institutions, businesses and other government agencies to create opportunities to help boys and young men of color reach their full potential.

Get the data by viewing the MBK Denver Interactive Story Map.
This will give you a deeper dive into understanding the neighborhood demographics and factors that impact outcomes for boys and young men of color. You can also get more information on the men and women who were recognized and honored by the mayor as a member of the MBK25, class of 2018.

The Status of Denver's Children Reports

This guide gives a picture of the well-being of children in Denver. It provides data from both the Census, local agencies and programs, and includes geospatial data on Denver neighborhoods. It also maps the outcomes of children and youth, as they relate to the opportunities available in each specific neighborhood. Partners, decision-makers, and current and potential funders can use this information to monitor the city's progress toward the Mayor's goals for children, or discover investment and programming opportunities to help create equity in neighborhoods where it's needed most.

Download Guides: 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016