Extra shelters will be open through 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 13.Rec centers and libraries will be open during normal business hours as daytime warming centers on Wednesday, Feb. 12.
The purpose of the MBAC is to advise the Mayor and City Council of the City and County of Denver, and all Departments of and consultants to the City, on all matters relating to the use of bicycles as a means of transportation and recreation. MBAC reviews and make recommendations on planning, design, and development of projects prepared by developers, City Departments, and consultants affecting the use of bicycles.
Denver MBAC 2025 Series
Hybrid Meeting Info
MBAC ChairJose Castro; jcastro1399@gmail.com
MBAC Co-ChairLoren Hansen; l.monroe.hansen@gmail.com
Denver DOTIJena Van Gerwen; jena.vangerwen@denvergov.org
Apply for this Committee
2022 Meeting Minutes