Requirements for All New Developments
The Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Regulation(PDF, 451KB) is in effect as of June 1, 2021. All Applicants must complete and submit the TDM Plan Compliance Spreadsheet(XLSX, 222KB) via E-Permits prior to Site Development Plans (SDP) submittal. You must also submit the information from the compliance spreadsheet via this web form to complete the intake process. Information about complying with the regulation can be found in the sections above.
Denver’s Departments of Transportation & Infrastructure (DOTI) and Community Planning and Development (CPD) have adopted new rules that make developers partners in furthering Denver’s mobility goals by providing residents and employees with choices in how they move about the city. The regulations require new developments to implement measures known as Transportation Demand Management (TDM) strategies that expand people’s travel options and create attractive alternatives to driving.
Benefits, Strategies & Goals
Denver’s TDM Plan will benefit the community by:
- Reducing the number of people driving
- Creating walkable, transit-friendly communities
- Improving community health and the environment
Developers will select strategies that expand people’s transportation options, including:
- Services
- Infrastructure
- Parking Management
- Multimodal Subsidies
- Education
Examples of TDM strategies that developers may choose from to increase mobility options and reduce single occupancy vehicle trips, which contribute to traffic congestion and greater levels of greenhouse gas emissions include:
- Offering subsidized transit passes
- Supporting/offering car share opportunities
- Offering people who walk or bike to work amenities such as showers, lockers, and changing rooms
- Shared amenities for people who ride bikes, such as repair kits and air pumps
- Event or one-time transit passes or a transit validation program
- Eliminating policies/practices that subsidize parking and incentivize driving
- Work from Home and alternative work schedule policies
The measures Denver will require of developers will correspond to the size of the development (by number of residential units or square feet of space), as well as the type of development and land use context.
The TDM Regulation has been seamlessly tied to the Site Development Plan (SDP) review process and creating the TDM Plan is a simple step in preparing your SDP for submittal. The process differs slightly depending on the size of the development (by number of residential units or square footage), as well as the type of development and land use context.
To determine your project's tier, first download and input your project's information into the TDM Plan Compliance Spreadsheet(XLSX, 222KB). The spreadsheet will automatically calculate the project's tier. Then you can follow the steps outlined below to get approval:
Tier 0 Projects
No TDM requirements apply to your project but the Summary tab of the TDM Plan Compliance Spreadsheet needs to be printed as a two-page PDF and submitted via E-Permits prior to your SDP submittal. Follow these submittal instructions to generate a TRAN File #. Then submit the information from the compliance spreadsheet via this web form and add the relevant TDM language from CPD's SDP Cover Sheet Requirements page to your SDP.
Tier 1 and 2 Projects
The TDM Plan Compliance Spreadsheet will guide you through the TDM requirement and present TDM strategies for you to choose from to comply with the requirement. The Detailed TDM Strategy Guidance section provides additional guidance on each of the available TDM strategies. The Background and Resources section also includes an FAQ and other reference material.
When complete, print the Summary tab of the spreadsheet as a two-page PDF. This document will be your project’s TDM Plan. Follow these instructions to submit the TDM plan via E-Permits to generate a TRAN File #. Then submit the information from the compliance spreadsheet via this web form and add the relevant TDM language from CPD’s SDP Cover Sheet Requirements page to your SDP. All selected infrastructure measures will also need to be shown on the SDP site plan sheet(s).
Tier 1 and 2 projects are subject to the ongoing reporting and compliance requirements after the property’s certificate of occupancy is issued.
Review and Approval
DOTI staff will review, approve/not approve and provide comments via E-Permits. Plan re-submittals may be required if the first submittal is not approved. Clarifications may also be requested via email.
Site Development Plans will be reviewed in parallel to ensure that any infrastructure measures selected in the TDM Plan are also included in the SDP drawing set. Staff will not approve SDP submittals if the TDM Plan infrastructure is not shown. Additional guidance for infrastructure measures is the Detailed TDM Strategy Guidance section.
Large Development Review (LDR) and Multi-Phase Projects
LDR and multi-phase projects will almost certainly be Tier 2. Due to project scale and complex phasing, meet with the City prior to concept plan submittal to discuss TDM Plan development and submittal process.

Construction Inspection
Any TDM infrastructure measures identified in the approved TDM Plan must be noted on the building permit set and will be checked during typical construction inspections. The property’s certificate of occupancy will not be issued until all infrastructure has been constructed.
Assigning a Transportation Coordination/TDM Contact
Property owners/managers are required to assign a Transportation Coordinator (also called a TDM Contact) for the property. This should be someone who is familiar with the property and the approved TDM Plan. Contacts should be assigned before a Certificate of Occupancy is issued. If a TDM Contact is not identified the applicant and owner (as noted on the SDP application) will be the interim TDM Contact until another person is identified. Complete this form to submit or update a TDM Contact.
Properties will need to demonstrate annually that programmatic elements are being implemented and infrastructure is maintained. Larger properties will also need to conduct surveys to show progress toward their goals biennially. TDM Contacts can submit Annual Reports here.
Modifications to an Approved TDM Plan
Modifications to an approved TDM Plan can be requested by submitting a Strategy Change Request Form via E-permits using the process outlined above.
Transit Strategies
Subsidize Transit Passes (100% subsidized) // Programmatic
Transit passes shall be offered at a 100% subsidy to all tenants through RTD's EcoPass program.
For commercial properties: RTD EcoPass Program
For residential properties: RTD Neighborhood EcoPass Program
EcoPasses are annual transit passes that allow holders to make unlimited rides on buses and trains within the RTD district. Passes must be purchased for every employee at a site or every resident at a site. Because each employee or resident receives a pass, the passes are offered by RTD at a significant discount compared to the cost of purchasing individual passes. Significant limitations exist when providing EcoPasses in a residential context. For support offering a resident-based EcoPass program, reach out to a local transportation management association (TMAs - information on TMAs can be found on the City's TDM website) or RTD.
This strategy assumes that all building occupants will receive an EcoPass free of charge. If occupants will have to pay a fee for the EcoPass, the “Subsidize Transit Passes” strategy should be claimed.
Subsidize Transit Passes (50% subsidy) // Programmatic
Transit passes shall be offered at a minimum 50% subsidy to all tenants. Subsidies of 100% shall utilize the 100% subsidy strategy.
For commercial properties: RTD EcoPass Program
For residential properties: RTD Neighborhood EcoPass Program
Providing subsidized transit passes is an effective strategy to increase transit ridership and decrease the number of employees driving alone. Transit subsidies can be provided tax-free to employees up to an IRS-specified monthly limit; however, transit subsidies can be used in a residential context, not just a workplace context. This strategy requires a minimum 50% subsidy to be offered to all employees and/or residents. If a 100% subsidy will be offered to all employees and/or residents, a developer should claim the 100% subsidized strategy.
Transit Stop Investment // Infrastructure
The intent of this measure is to improve amenities provided at a bus stop (such as benches, shelters, real-time information). The transit stop should be on the subject property or within walking distance. This shall include long-term upkeep (such as through adopt-a-stop).
Consult with DOTI and RTD to determine feasibility of this measure.
Infrastructure elements to include:
- Sponsoring the implementation of a bus shelter with benches and trash receptacle
- Improving lighting around an existing bus stop
- Working with RTD to move an existing bus stop to a more convenient location or to locate a site for a new bus stop
Implementation of other transit stop supporting amenities such as real-time information display boards
Transit Connection Services // Programmatic
Shuttles should provide regular and predictable service between a worksite and and a high-frequency transit service.
This strategy includes the implementation of a transit connection service from the building to nearby high frequency transit services. Connection services can operate in multiple forms, including:
- Shuttle or vanpool services (such as those provided by hotels, major employers, or car rental companies)
- Microtransit (e.g., demand responsive shuttles that can be booked with an app and operate along a route or within a service area)
Carpool services (e.g., using Uberpool and Lyftline to provide people with an ability to catch on-demand transportation without access to a personal car. Specifying pick-up and drop-off locations for this service is crucial)
Passenger pick-up/drop-off areas with Curb Management // Infrastructure
Shall only be used in conjunction with Transit Connection Services.
Bicycle and Pedestrian Strategies
Bicyclist Support: Shared Amenities (Non-residential) // Infrastructure
All of the following elements must be included in a location that is accessible to all tenants and employees: showers, lockers, changing rooms, bicycle repair kits.
This strategy includes providing showers with changing rooms, lockers, bicycle repair kits, and other amenities to encourage walking or biking.
Bike repair kits can be offered in the form of a permanently installed bike repair station near bike parking or as a set of tools that can be made available to students and employees. Tools should include a pump, multi-purpose bike tool, tire levers, tire patch kit, and tubes in common sizes. Bike lights to borrow should also be provided.
Bicyclist Support: Shared Amenities (Residential) // Infrastructure
All of the following elements must be included and accessible to all tenants/residents: bicycle repair tools/kits, air pumps, adequate space to maintenance a bicycle.
Bike repair kits can be offered in the form of a permanently installed bike repair station near bike parking or as a set of tools that can be made available to students and employees. Tools should include a pump, multi-purpose bike tool, tire levers, and a tire patch kit.
Provide bicycle, e-bike, or micromobilty share // Programmatic
Bike, e-bike, scooter or similar share/loaner program (separate from the publicly accessible options in the City) to provide employees and residents with short-term access for trips.
Programs can be based on a low-tech check-out system that allows users to rent bikes or scooters for a certain period or a technology-enabled system can be used that allows for automated check-outs.
Subsidize shared mobility (e-bikes, e-scooters) // Programmatic
Provide at least $30 a month for tenants to use on publicly accessible shared mobility options (such as shared e-bikes and scooters)
Pedestrian- and Cyclist-Scaled Wayfinding // Infrastructure
Provide signs, maps, and directions to point travelers to the location of nearby alternative commute routes, such as transit or shuttle routes, bicycle and pedestrian paths, as well as major nearby destinations.
Multimodal signage and wayfinding should be guided by NACTO (National Association of City Transportation Officials) and RTD’s Regional Wayfinding Design Guidelines. Development of a wayfinding system can be branded to some degree by the building owners if suitable.
Parking and Car Share Strategies
Parking Fees // Programmatic
Drivers must pay full market value for parking. Properties that validate parking (subsidize the cost of parking) are not eligible for this strategy. Cannot be combined with Parking cash-out or Unbundled Parking strategies.
Charge market rate fees for parking to make alternative transportation more attractive when compared to driving in a single occupant vehicle. The fees can be included in lease agreements, but any lessee must then pass the fee onto individuals who park. Alternatively, the fee can be collected directly from parkers by the property owner or manager.
All visitors must pay for parking at developments that claim the 3 visitor trip reduction points.
The revenues generated by the parking fees are encouraged to be earmarked to support implementation of other TDM strategies listed within this document.
Parking cash-out // Programmatic
This allows people who would otherwise receive free parking to 'cash out' their parking in exchange for money instead of using the parking. Cannot be combined with Parking Fees or Unbundled Parking.
To allow flexibility, employees typically do not have to give up their parking space altogether, but can be compensated for every day, week, or month they do not park onsite and use alternative modes of transportation or work from home.
In addition to incentivizing employees not to drive alone, a parking cash-out program addresses an equity issue that is prevalent at many employment sites: employees who drive receive free or highly subsidized parking, while employees who choose to take transit, walk, or bike often do not receive a subsidy, or receive one that is of lesser value. By offering them an amount equal to the value of the parking space, they are recognized and compensated for their commute choice.
Unbundled Parking // Programmatic
Lease or sell parking spaces separately from residential units or office space. Cannot combine with Parking Fees or Parking Cash-out measures.
This can reduce the monthly rent of any building occupants who choose not to purchase a parking space(s) within their lease.
Preferential parking for carpool/vanpool // Infrastructure
Reserve the most desirable parking spaces for employees who use a sustainable mode such as carpool and vanpool to get to work.
These parking spaces should be close to the building entrance, covered, or otherwise preferable. This strategy incentivizes modes such as carpooling and vanpooling by making the experience more convenient than driving alone.
Incentivize Carpooling/Vanpooling // Programmatic
Actively promote carpooling and vanpooling through encouraging building occupants to register for the My Way to Go program to find carpool partners or through apps that utilize casual carpooling technology to provide flexible ridesharing solutions to building occupants. At a minimum, an annual event should be hosted to provide carpool/vanpool matching amongst employees. This can be hosted internally (transportation coordinator or other knowledgeable employee) or through My Way to Go.
Access to Car-share // Programmatic
Provide preferential parking for car-share vehicle(s) and obtain a car-share service to utilize those parking spaces.
Car sharing allows members to rent cars on an hourly basis after paying a small annual membership fee. Properties can facilitate car sharing by providing car-share spaces. Car-share parking space locations must be preferential to the average parking space. This can be achieved by situating the preferred spaces adjacent to building entrances and ensuring that they are covered. Property owners shall also identify a car-share operator to utilize any identified carshare spaces.
Supportive Strategies
Membership in a Transportation Management Association (TMA) // Programmatic
TMAs promote and facilitate TDM in specific service areas and can provide TDM services and information to help properties meet their TDM goals. This strategy is only available for those within the boundaries served by the five (5) TMAs that currently serve the City of Denver.
Find your local TMA by accessing this map
Find the services your local TMA offers here
TMAs are funded through federal grants and the support of local jurisdictions, but are also membership organizations of local employers, activity centers, and building owners. TMAs serve their members with a variety of ongoing TDM measures and promotions and can also provide special fee-for-service activities, such as designing, implementing, and managing a robust building-specific TDM program.
Membership to a TMA includes paying annual membership dues to cover the cost of the provided TDM programs. The costs of joining a TMA depend on the location of your building and the local TMA. Specific services may be sought from a TMA for a standalone fee and may support the implementation of other strategies contained within this document.
Flexible Sustainable Transportation Incentive Fund // Programmatic
Develop and manage an annual budget line item - the equivalent to the cost of providing an annual local pass to each residential unit or an annual local pass to each 1,000 square feet of occupiable building space. This funding is to be used on sustainable transportation incentives and programs.
It is highly encouraged that a development consult with a TMA to determine how funds should be spent to reduce SOV trip.
Examples of what the fund could be spend on: subsidized transit passes, bicycle/e-bike purchase and/or maintenance, carpool incentives (such as a gas card for forming or participating in a carpool), vanpool incentives (such as paying the fees or providing a gas card for active vanpools, cars-share incentives (such as a paid or subsidized membership), provision of or subsidization of first/last mile connections to transit, incentives to utilize shared mobility devices (scooters and bike share), or another strategy that reduces single-occupancy vehicle trips.
Providing information via kiosks, transit screens, websites, or apps // Infrastructure
This strategy involves providing a physical (e.g., information kiosk or digital display) platform to provide information on transportation options and could also leverage existing virtual platforms to increase effectiveness and reach. Information typically includes transit and shuttle maps and schedules, bike maps, location of car share and bike share as well as preferential carpool parking. Additional information displayed can include information on programs and promotions available to the target audience. Information should be specific to the building and not generalized to the region or city.
New resident/employee kits // Infrastructure
Provide welcome kits to all new building occupants to educate them about transportation options available at their new residence or employment site. Minimum kit requirements: nearby transit route information, RTD tickets (min. 2 per resident/employee), bike map, bike parking information for location, and information on other TDM programs offered at the property. Depending on the service area micromobility credits (shared bikes and scooters) should be considered as well as any other relevant information specific to the site/location.
Starting a new job or school is a behavior change moment when individuals are considering travel options and are more willing to try new modes of transportation. Providing information about alternatives to driving alone before that decision has been finalized can increase the rate at which employees and residents carpool, bike, walk, or take transit to work. It is an opportunity to create a new behavior rather than change an existing habit.
Emergency Ride Home // Programmatic
Emergency/Guaranteed Ride Home provides commuters who do not drive alone to work with a free ride home in case of an approved emergency. Instructions for utilizing the service should be easily found and posted in public spaces wherever possible (like OSHA posters).
Rides are typically provided by taxi, Lyft/Uber, or rental car for long distances and either requires pre-authorization or subsequent reimbursement. Also see services offered by DRCOG's Guaranteed Ride Home Program. The service is reserved for true emergencies such as illness and unscheduled overtime. Programs usually cap the total number of emergency rides per person per year and/or require manager confirmation. Rides to work are not eligible. The program must be clearly advertised to employees.
Offer Employees a Commuter Benefits Transit Account // Programmatic
Employees shall be able to opt into a Commuter Benefits Transit Account to pay for transit passes and vanpool fees pre-tax. Cannot be combined with 100% Subsidized Transit.
The federal commuter tax benefit based on Section 132(f) of the federal tax code enables commuters to pay for “qualifying transportation expenses” that include transit passes, vanpool fares, and parking fees using pre-tax income. Employees can use pre-tax income to pay for transit, vanpool, and parking expenses through a payroll deduction up to a maximum amount designated by the IRS every year, much like a flexible savings account.
Teleworking / Work from Home Policy // Programmatic
Applicable to offices only. Telework refers to allowing staff to work outside of the office some or all of the time. Telework can involve working from home, a satellite office or a telework center closer to home. Note: a new strategy will need to be selected if tenants do not have a policy that meets these requirements.
By removing the need to travel to work some or all of the time, telework can have a significant impact on trip reduction and parking demand. This option does not work for every type of employee or with every position and may require some education for managers and employees.
Flexible or Alternative Work Schedules // Programmatic
Applicable to offices only. Flexible work schedules allow eligible employees to vary their start and end times by a certain amount each day and allow for a compressed work week (for example a 4x10 schedule or 9x80). A new strategy will need to be selected if tenants do not have a policy that meets these requirements.
Organizations typically specify core hours during which all employees have to be present, or arrival and departure windows. Another flexible scheduling tool is a compressed work week. It allows employees to work more than eight hours per day and regularly take time off to compensate, such as working 4 x 10-hour days every week, 3 x 12-hour days per week, or one day off every two weeks when working 8 x 9-hour days plus 1 x 8-hour day. Some flexibility in arrival/departure times can also help facilitate more transit or biking use without fear of running late, missing a bus, not having time to change, etc.
On-site Child Care // Programmatic
Include an on-site childcare facility to reduce commuting distances between households, places of employment, and childcare. The on-site childcare facility must comply with all state and City requirements.
Event-related TDM Strategies
Event / One-time transit passes or Transit Validation Program // Programmatic
Develop a program to provide visitors or customers with pre-paid transit passes or reimbursement for transit (similar to parking validation). This should be clearly advertised to visitors prior to their trip, such as in "how to get here" information on a website and/or emails.
Valet Bike Parking // Programmatic
Offer a valet bike parking service for use by employees and visitors.
Special Event Transit Service // Programmatic
Provide transit service to special events or daily to places with high visitor attraction. The service can be a private shuttle or the property can coordinate with RTD to buy-out service.
Frequently Asked Questions
This FAQ document offers answers to questions that staff have received during the process of creating the regulation, and it will continue to be updated as we get more questions.
Transportation Management Associations (TMAs)
Copy of the adopted ordinance:
Summary Document and Brochure for Developers
This document summarizes TDM regulation.
This brochure summarizes the proposed TDM regulation.
Denver TDM Plan
This planning document is the result of over a year of study and outreach into TDM requirements and regulations. It covers the background, planning process, and the recommended next steps from the City & County of Denver. This document has also served as a roadmap to create the TDM Ordinance as well as the new Rules & Regulations.
Prior Presentations & Webinars for Developers
Copies of the most recent presentations given regarding the TDM Plan are below:
Developer Webinars
Overview of the Regulation
- February 10, 2021
- The video at the link below outlines the specifics of the TDM regulation, the review & adoption process and the anticipated timeline.
- Meeting Video (YouTube)
Transportation Associations and Organizations
- March 26, 2021
- The video at the link below was given to Transportation Management Associations and other transportation organizations who are key partners in advancing City goals.
- Meeting Video (YouTube)
How To Submit a TDM Plan
- April 29, 2021
- The video at the link below covers the details of preparing and submitting a TDM Plan to meet the new regulations. As mentioned during the video, a FAQ document will be posted in the near future.
- Meeting Video (YouTube)
TDM Regulation and Compliance Overview
- June 4, 2021
- The video at the link below provides an overview of the TDM regulation. It summarized the information provided in previous webinars and covers the regulation, requirements, monitoring, enforcement, as well as a walkthrough of the TDM Compliance Spreadsheet, which creates the required TDM Plan.
- Meeting Video (YouTube)
1. Register for an account on the CPD E-permits Portal if you don't already have one
2. To submit a completed TDM Plan, go to Development Services > Apply for a Permit
3. Select “Transportation Plan” under the Site Planning section
4. Follow the prompts to submit:
- Project Master Number for the overall proposed project. Do not enter a project master number for an individual block or subphase.
5. Select “TDM” under the TEP Review Type dropdown menu
6. Upload a two-page PDF of the "Summary" tab of your completed TDM Compliance Spreadsheet
7. You must also submit the information from the compliance spreadsheet via this web form to complete the intake process.