How were the priority commercial and community shared streets determined?
The top ten priority commercial and community shared streets were determined based on a multi-step process. First, basic design, feasibility and safety considerations had to be met; for example, streets with RTD bus routes were eliminated from consideration. Second, community was asked to weigh in on desirable shared streets locations using an online map-based engagement tool. Finally, the program applied other locational criteria such as surrounding land uses and equity considerations along with the community feedback to rank locations and determine the top ten locations to consider for shared streets in the future.
Is there a potential to bring back the successful temporary shared streets while more permanent iterations are being designed?
It is unlikely that DOTI will bring back temporary shared streets. It is DOTI’s preference to begin implementing permanent shared streets, so that short-term and long-term maintenance is reduced and their design better reflects the community vision and accessibility needs.
Will crash rates be considered as a factor when evaluating potential shared street locations?
Yes, this will be a consideration in location prioritization. In general, shared streets will likely be implemented in locations that already have low crash rates, low vehicle volumes, and slow speeds so that pedestrians are safe from conflict with vehicles.
Can shared streets be “undone” if they are not successful in an area?
We are utilizing community engagement, the design process, and deliberate installation to ensure that a shared street will be a good fit for the community before any construction. However, in the event of an unforeseen issue, the City will work quickly to make changes.
How will shared streets interact with other networks including Safe Routes to School, the 5280 Trail, and bicycle and transit infrastructure?
The Shared Streets prioritization process will incorporate existing networks and consider connections and gaps for travel and recreation by all modes. This analysis will inform placement of shared streets as a tool to help increase connectivity throughout the city. The project team is also reviewing recent plans that have already recommended shared streets.
Will shared streets be placed in denser contexts to support walkable commercial activity and placemaking?
The “commercial” shared street designation will be geared towards commercial areas where businesses and communities can be supported by increasing access for all modes of transportation and providing gathering spaces.
Will there be a process to recommend or request an area to be considered for a shared street?
To maintain equity in the selection process, there will not be a public application to request a shared street. The prioritization process is using many data points to determine where shared streets will be implemented across the City. Members of the public have opportunities to recommend locations during each phase of outreach for this project. Additionally, shared streets can and should be discussed and recommended in future neighborhood plans if the community desires them.
Are streets around schools being considered?
Streets around schools are included in the same prioritization process as all other streets in the city.