High Line Canal Trail Underpass - Colorado/Hampden

Historically, the High Line Canal Trail left pedestrians and people on bikes at Colorado Boulevard and Hampden Avenue, a busy intersection that was intimidating to cross on foot or on a bike. This project built two underpasses to reroute the trail under Colorado and Hampden to create a safer, more convenient connection for people walking and riding bikes. In addition, between the two underpasses, Denver added a new, 10-foot wide multi-use trail along the north side of Hampden.

High Line Canal Underpasses at Colorado and Hampden Now Complete!

The trail is now open and fully operational

The City and County of Denver, through its Department of Transportation & Infrastructure, has completed its High Line Canal Underpass Project at the Hampden Avenue and Colorado Boulevard. This new connection offers users a safer alternative to the previous trail which had pedestrians crossing at the busy intersection of Hampden Avenue and Colorado Boulevard.

This project includes public art along the trail by Denver local, Michael Buckley, titled "We Are Future Strata".  As you walk or pedal the High Line Canal Trail, you will pass a cluster of three 50,000 pound granite boulders that are painted with brightly colored stripes depicting strata. We Are Future Strata is symbolic of a post-human future where the man-made environment has become strata in stone. Comparing a geologic time scale with a human time scale reminds us of the temporary nature of existence. As Mary Oliver asked in “The Summer Day”, “Tell me, what is it you plan to do / With your one wild and precious life?”

High Line Canal Underpass - Colorado/Hampden new trail map

HLC Underpasses at Hampden & Colorado now complete

High Line Canal Underpasses at Hampden & Colorado now complete

HLC Underpasses at Hampden & Colorado now complete

High Line Canal Underpasses at Hampden & Colorado now complete

HLC Underpasses at Hampden & Colorado now complete

High Line Canal Underpasses at Hampden & Colorado now complete

HLC Underpasses at Hampden & Colorado now complete

High Line Canal Underpasses at Hampden & Colorado now complete

"We Are Future Strata" by Michael Buckley

Photo of large granite boulders painted with brightly colored stripes on the west side of the Colorado Boulevard underpass.

Project Area

High Line Canal Underpass - Colorado/Hampden project map

Project Timeline

 1970   Denver Water opens trail for recreational use 
 2021-2014   Feasibility Study adopted by High Line Canal Working Group, which recommends pedestrian underpasses at Hampden and Colorado
 2014-2015   DRCOG TIP (funding) application and award
 Fall 2016   Design/NEPA (environmental) begins
 February 2017   30% design complete
 February 2017 - January 2019   Agency coordination
 April 2019   90% design complete
 May 2019   Open House #2 / Final design complete
 May 2020 

 *Current status*
 Construction begins

 2021   Construction complete

Proposed alignments:
 High Line Canal Trail at East Hampden Avenue

Typical cross section looking east (with retaining walls)

High Line Canal Trail at East Hampden Ave - Typical cross section looking east (with retaining walls)


Typical cross section looking east (at grade)

High Line Canal Underpass - Colorado/Hampden - typical cross section looking east (at grade)