Hampden Avenue

Denver Hampden Avenue corridor logo

The Hampden Avenue corridor is a critical east-west arterial near the southern limits of the City and County of Denver serving residents, visitors, shoppers, and employers. The vision for Hampden Avenue is a safe and engaging multimodal street that provides intuitive connections to residents and businesses to services and destinations, while balancing the regional needs as a vital east/west corridor in southeast Denver 

In 2018, the City & County of Denver led a corridor study to engage residents and businesses along the corridor to develop a plan for Hampden Avenue between University Boulevard and Galena Street.  Throughout the planning process, stakeholders identified key themes for the recommended improvements:

  • comfortable and convenient crossings
  • safety for all modes of travel
  • a complete sidewalk network

Phase 2 — Construction Expected Q2 2024

Locust Street Intersection Improvements(JPG, 272KB)

  • Raised concrete medians on Hampden Ave with pedestrian refuge and signal push buttons
  • Possible raised concrete bulbout
  • Left turn signal phasing improvements
  • Signing and pavement marking improvements

Dayton Street Intersection Improvements(JPG, 289KB)

  • Raised concrete median on Hampden Ave with pedestrian refuge and signal push buttons
  • Possible larger raised channelizing island with pedestrian refuge on the southwest corner
  • Possible realigned eastbound right turn curb line to better accommodate larger vehicles
  • Signing and pavement marking improvements

Florence Street to Girard Improvements(JPG, 241KB)

  • Raised concrete median from Florence St to Girard
  • Raised median at Florence St includes pedestrian refuge and signal push buttons
  • Installation of inlets and storm pipes along median
  • Signing and pavement marking improvements

I-25 Ramp Crosswalk Improvements(JPG, 325KB)

  • Installation of enhanced crosswalk warning devices (Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons), enhanced pavement markings and signage at all four channelized right turns at the I-25 Ramps/Hampden Interchange

Bus Stop Enhancements(JPG, 270KB)

  • Concrete boarding areas, create space for future shelters, benches, trash cans

Southmoor Community Sign Installation

  • Installation of decorative "Southmoor"

Hampden Avenue Corridor Projects

Hampden Avenue Corridor Projects

Hampden Avenue Study Area Map

Hampden Avenue Study Area Map

Hampden Avenue Study Area Map - full size rendering(JPG, 334KB)

Project Materials

Fall 2019 Safety Improvements

Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) partnered with CDOT to install safety improvements in conjunction with the Hampden Resurfacing Project.

  • Medians from Monaco to Tamarac — improve safety, clarify vehicle movement, control turns into residential neighborhoods and side streets, reduce pedestrian conflicts
  • HAWK signal at Verbena Street — a High-Intensity Activated crossWalK beacon to improve visibility for pedestrians crossing the roadway and improve access to transit stops
  • Signal improvements and pedestrian refuges in the medians at the intersections of Oneida, Poplar and Tamarac, and at the crossing at 7500 E Hampden

Fall 2016 Southeast Denver Visioning

In Fall 2016, Councilwoman Black (District 4) held a visioning series to gather ideas of what Southeast Denver residents want. Over 1,500 participated in the online survey and 300 attended the two workshops. Overwhelming, the results showed Southeast residents love their corner of Denver, but want it to be more walkable, with local restaurants, retail and places to meet and linger.