Federal Boulevard Improvements

The Federal Boulevard Improvements is a collection of planning, design, and infrastructure improvements to be constructed to enhance the Federal Blvd. corridor bounded by Floyd Ave. to the South and Columbine Rd. to the North. 

DOTI is coordinating closely with external partners to expedite a variety of safety improvements, many of which were recommended in the 2017 Federal Boulevard Corridor Plan.  The planning, design, and construction of these improvements is underway from various organizations (DOTI, CDOT, Xcel Energy, Denver Water, RTD, and many others) and are intended to create safer environments for pedestrians and transit users and create a sense of place that will benefit local businesses, residents and visitor

Corridorwide Projects

Federal Boulevard Corridor Plan — Opportunities and Implementation Report

The Federal Boulevard Corridor Plan- Opportunities and Implementation Report serves as a guiding document for the City of Denver, Colorado Department of Transportation, RTD and the Federal Boulevard Stakeholders as they pursue future projects to improve safety and access of a multimodal transportation network, urban design character and economic development opportunities along Federal Boulevard into the future.

Read the Federal Boulevard Corridor Plan - Opportunities And Implementation Report(PDF, 17MB)

North Federal Blvd Projects (52nd Ave to US 6)

North Federal Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements

The North Federal Blvd Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project made travel safer along Federal Blvd from 23rd to 27th Avenues, as well as 25th Ave between Federal Blvd and Eliot St. Improvements included:

  • Curb ramps
  • Pedestrian crossing signals
  • Sidewalk expansions
  • Green space
  • Gathering areas
  • Other enhancements that prioritize a safer and more comfortable experience for you

Learn more about North Federal Boulevard Pedestrian Improvements Project

Colfax & Federal Interchange Transformation Study

Lead by the City and County of Denver, the goal of the Transformation Project is to gain an understanding of technical factors, including the interchange configuration, improving the transportation network for all users, stormwater and park requirements and possibilities, and evaluate the scenarios that best connect to the vision, goals, recommendations and strategies from previous citywide and area specific plans.

The project is nearing completion with planning study efforts that will result in illustrative scenarios that take into account the community needs, meets requirements for stormwater management and parks and recreation, and supports the City’s different land use, affordable housing, accessible multimodal transportation network, and other priorities.

Learn more about the Colfax & Federal Interchange Transformation Project

Vision Zero Quick Builds

DOTI’s Vision Zero team is designing and installing a variety of quick-build projects along the corridor aimed to address safety concerns identified in the 2017 Federal Blvd Corridor Plan. The projects will complete design the Summer 2021 with expected installation of Winter 2022.

Location in the northern segment are:

  • 50th Ave to 52nd Ave. – Travel Lane Rebalancing

Bike Detection Improvements

In an effort to develop a safe and comfortable bicycle transportation network, DOTI is installing bicycle detection cameras at several intersections along Federal Boulevard to ease the movement of bicyclist through the intersection. The technology is designed to detect the presence of a bicyclist, without the bicyclist having to dismount to push the pedestrian button, or rely on a car or pedestrian to trigger the traffic light. Bicycle detection cameras locations are being installed in conjunction with our Denver Moves: Bicycles Program. Locations in the northern segment are:

  • 29th Ave. and Federal Blvd.
  • 35th Ave. and Federal Blvd.
  • 50th Ave. and Federal Blvd.

Traffic Signal Improvements

DOTI and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) and DOTI will be replacing antiquated traffic signal equipment at several intersections along the corridor. The project will replace traffic signal poles and cabinet boxes.  All intersections will have pedestrian features with pedestrian signal heads, push buttons and countdown timers. In addition, the project will also rebuild the intersection corners and install new curb ramps.  After installation, traffic engineers will analyze crossing times and establishing half cycle lengths at intersections to provide a better pedestrian walk phase. This project is being coordinated with Federal’s Transit Speed and Reliability in order to integrate Transit Signal Priority (TSP) into the signal management system.

Locations in the northern segment are:

  • 42nd and Federal Blvd. (CDOT)
  • 41st and Federal Blvd. (CDOT)
  • 38th Ave. and Federal Blvd. (DOTI)
  • Howard Ave. and Federal Blvd (CDOT) 

Design is already underway for both DOTI’s and CDOT’s traffic signal reconstruction projects, with DOTI’s signal projects expected construction to begin in Fall 2022 and CDOT’s in Summer 2023.

Pedestrian Solar Lights Pilot Project

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is testing out pedestrian solar lights at key locations of the corridor. Locations were selected based on pedestrian crossing activity as well connectivity needs to local destinations such as parks, businesses, and transit stops. The pedestrian lights a photo sensitive and pedestrian activated, no buttons to push. This low-cost technology will help improve nighttime pedestrian visibility for drivers, making the pedestrian crossing experience a safer one.

Pilot Locations in the northern segment are:

  • 47th Ave. and Federal Blvd.
  • 37th Ave. and Federal Blvd.
  • 25th Ave. and Federal Blvd.

Watch CDOT’s Pilot Project video

Federal Blvd. Median Gaps

DOTI and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) have partnered to design and construct continuous curbed medians in the center of roadway, with openings at each intersection. This is known as a raised median. There will be pedestrian crossings at each intersection along with an additional crosswalk access points. Work will include median installation, signing and striping.

Locations in the northern segment are:

  • I-70 to 52nd Ave.
  • 33rd Ave. to 29th Ave.

This project will improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians along this corridor. The addition of the raised median helps to reduce car crashes, reduce vehicle speeds and decrease the rate and severity of crashes.

Federal Boulevard Medians - Preliminary Design(PDF, 6MB)

Public Meetings

North Segments:

Two opportunities exist for community review of the preliminary design:

  • Dec. 13, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. community event at Woodbury Branch Library, Downstairs Community Room, 3265 Federal Blvd.
  • Dec. 15, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. drop-in video conference

Both events are open houses without formal presentation, so drop in at your convenience during the times listed above to view the design exhibits. Project team members will be available at both events to listen to comments and answer questions. Input received will be used to refine the design before it is finalized.

Join the meeting using this link to view the presentation materials on screen: bit.ly/CD1Federal

Or, if you are unable to connect online, join with this connection info:

Dial-In Number: 
+1 720-928-9299
Meeting ID: 
914 9907 0912

The preliminary design graphics will be posted online following the meetings.

South Segments:

A drop-in videoconference will be hosted on Dec. 15, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. No formal presentation is planned, so drop in at your convenience to view the design exhibits. Project team members will be available to listen to comments and answer questions. Input received will be used to refine the design before it is finalized.

Join the meeting using this link to view the presentation materials on screen: bit.ly/CD2Federal

Or, if you are unable to connect online, join with this connection info:

Dial-In Number: +1 720-928-9299
Meeting ID: 982 6395 8182

The preliminary design graphics will be posted online following the meeting.

Roadway Mill & Overlay

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will be conducting two resurfacing efforts on Federal Blvd.

  • Mill and Overlay between 16th Ave. to I-70 bridge - Scheduled to begin in the Spring of 2022, the project seeks to to improve driving conditions and safety along this three-mile stretch including asphalt removal, asphalt paving, cleaning inlets, culverts, adjusting or replacing guardrail on the I-70 bridge ramps, roadway signing and re-striping.
  • Mill and Overlay between north of I-70 bridge to 91st Ave  - Scheduled to begin in the Summer of 2023, the project seeks to to improve driving conditions and safety along this five-mile stretch including asphalt removal, asphalt paving, cleaning inlets, culverts, roadway signage and re-striping.  The majority of this project takes place in Adams County and the cities of Westminster and Federal Heights.

South Federal Blvd Projects (US 6 to Floyd Ave.)

Sidewalk Improvements

DOTI is currently working to address essential missing links in its sidewalk network along Federal Blvd. to help people get where they want to go more safely and easily. Sidewalk gaps Locations in the southern segment are:

  • S. Federal Blvd. between W. Dartmouth and W. Amherst Avenues
  • S. Federal Blvd. between E. Yale and E. Vassar Avenues
  • S. Federal Blvd. between E. Iliff and E. Warren Avenues

Learn more about the DOTI’s New Sidewalk Construction Program

Federal Blvd. Median Gaps

DOTI and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) have partnered to design and construct continuous curbed medians in the center of roadway, with openings at each intersection. This is known as a raised median. There will be pedestrian crossings at each intersection along with an additional crosswalk access points. Work will include median installation, signing and striping.

Locations in the southern segment are:

  • Harvard Ave. to Floyd Ave.

This project will improve safety for both motorists and pedestrians along this corridor. The addition of the raised median helps to reduce car crashes, reduce vehicle speeds and decrease the rate and severity of crashes.  

This project is part of Denver’s Vision Zero Action Plan and CDOT’s Safer Main Streets program.  Design is underway for all median gap segments, with expected construction to begin in Spring 2023.

Federal Boulevard Medians - Preliminary Design(PDF, 10MB)

Federal Boulevard Medians - Preliminary Design (espanol)(PDF, 10MB)

Public Meetings

South Segments:

A drop-in videoconference will be hosted on Dec. 15, 6:30 – 7:30 p.m. No formal presentation is planned, so drop in at your convenience to view the design exhibits. Project team members will be available to listen to comments and answer questions. Input received will be used to refine the design before it is finalized.

Join the meeting using this link to view the presentation materials on screen: bit.ly/CD2Federal

Or, if you are unable to connect online, join with this connection info:

Dial-In Number: +1 720-928-9299
Meeting ID: 982 6395 8182
Passcode: 758255

The preliminary design graphics will be posted online following the meeting.

Vision Zero Quick Builds

DOTI’s Vision Zero team is designing and installing a variety of quick-build projects along the corridor aimed to address safety concerns identified in the 2017 Federal Blvd Corridor Plan. The projects will complete design the Summer 2021 with expected installation of Winter 2022.

Location in the south segment are:

  • Southbound at Alameda Ave. – Removal of the acceleration lane by Far East Center
  • Northbound at Louisiana Ave. – Travel lane rebalancing north of the intersection
  • Northbound at Jewell Ave. - Removal of the acceleration lane
  • Northbound at Evans Ave. - Removal of the acceleration lane
  • Northbound at Iliff Ave. - Removal of the acceleration lane
  • Northbound at Harvard Ave. - Removal of the acceleration lane

Bike Detection Improvements

In an effort to develop a safe and comfortable bicycle transportation network, DOTI is installing bicycle detection cameras at several intersections along Federal Boulevard to ease the movement of bicyclist through the intersection. The technology is designed to detect the presence of a bicyclist, without the bicyclist having to dismount to push the pedestrian button, or rely on a car or pedestrian to trigger the traffic light. Bicycle detection cameras locations are being installed in conjunction with our Denver Moves: Bicycles Program. Locations in the northern segment are:

  • 1st Ave. and Federal Blvd.
  • Kentucky Ave. and Federal Blvd.
  • Florida Ave. and Federal Blvd.

Traffic Signal Improvements

DOTI and the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will be replacing antiquated traffic signal equipment at several intersections along the corridor. The project will replace traffic signal poles and cabinet boxes.  All intersections will have pedestrian features with pedestrian signal heads, push buttons and countdown timers. In addition, the project will also rebuild the intersection corners and install new curb ramps.  After installation, traffic engineers will analyze crossing times and establishing half cycle lengths at intersections to provide a better pedestrian walk phase. This project is being coordinated with Federal’s Transit Speed and Reliability in order to integrate Transit Signal Priority (TSP) into the signal management system.

Locations in the southern segment are:

  • Bayaud Ave. and Federal Blvd. - HAWK (CDOT)
  • Virginia Ave. and Federal Blvd. (DOTI)
  • Exposition Ave. and Federal Blvd. (DOTI)
  • Kentucky Ave. and Federal Blvd. (DOTI)
  • Tennessee Ave. and Federal Blvd. - HAWK (CDOT)
  • Mississippi Ave. and Federal Blvd. (DOTI)
  • Louisiana Ave. and Federal Blvd. (CDOT)
  • Florida Ave. and Federal Blvd. (CDOT)
  • Iliff Ave. and Federal Blvd. (DOTI)
  • Jewell Ave. and Federal Blvd. (DOTI)
  • Harvard Ave. and Federal Blvd. - HAWK (CDOT)
  • Amherst Ave. and Federal Blvd. – HAWK (DOTI)

Design is already underway for both DOTI’s and CDOT’s traffic signal reconstruction projects, with DOTI’s signal projects expected construction to begin in Fall 2022 and CDOT’s in Summer 2023.

Roadway Mill & Overlay

The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) will be resurfacing Federal Blvd. from Alameda Ave. to Louisiana Ave. The project – scheduled to begin in the Summer 2023 – will improve driving conditions and safety along this three-mile stretch including asphalt removal, asphalt paving, cleaning inlets, culverts, roadway signing and re-striping.