North Federal Boulevard Pedestrian Safety Project

Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI), in partnership with its contractor Concrete Express, has made improvements on Federal Boulevard between West 23rd and West 27th Avenues that help people cross the stretch more safely and comfortably to access local business destinations.

The project, funded by the voter-approved Elevate Denver Bond and the Colorado Department of Transportation’s Safer Main Streets Program, improved the environment for crossing Federal Boulevard and accessing business along W. 25th Avenue by:

  • Upgrading the pedestrian ramps on Federal Blvd at West 25th and West 26th Avenues.
  • Adding concrete bulb-outs at multiple corners in the area to shorten pedestrian crossing distances and slow vehicle turns.
  • Installing a HAWK signal on Federal Blvd. at West 25th Avenue. People on foot and on bikes can activate the HAWK signal to stop vehicles traveling on Federal to cross the street more safely.
  • Transforming West 25th Avenue from Federal Blvd to Eliot Street into a more pedestrian friendly street with a narrowed and curved design to slow vehicle speeds (known as a chicane) and install green infrastructure on this block to provide water quality and natural plantings to beautify and cool the environment.
  • Upgrading the stormwater infrastructure at W. 25th and W. 26th Avenues and on Eliot Street to improve drainage and reduce flood risks.

This project wrapped in fall 2024.

Project Area

Project Detail Map


This project is funded from the Elevate Denver Bond Program and Safer Main Streets Grant.