2021 Project Archive

See highlights from projects completed by Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) in 2021.

For information on projects completed prior to 2016, please contact the DOTI Public Information Office.

14th Avenue Bridge Over Cherry Creek Reconstruction

As part of the Elevate Denver Bond Program, which voters approved in 2017 to fund critical improvements to infrastructure, Denver’s Department of Transportation & Infrastructure (DOTI) replaced a 60-year-old bridge on West 14th Avenue between northbound and southbound Speer Boulevard to preserve and extend the life of the bridge.

DOTI also made safety improvements for those who walk and bike over the bridge, which includes building wider sidewalks and a new, raised bicycle track over the 14th Avenue Bridge. In addition, crews upgraded the traffic signals and pedestrian ramps on West 14th Avenue at the intersections of Northbound and Southbound Speer Boulevard.

Read more about the 14th Avenue Bridge Over Cherry Creek

36th & Downing 2-Way Conversion - "The Lawrence Swoop"

This part of northeast Denver has long been dangerous for pedestrians and drivers. The current site is in what the city calls a High Injury Network (HIN). These are a network of streets that represent only 5% of Denver's roads, but are responsible for 50% of traffic deaths! To promote better pedestrian safety and flow of traffic, Downing St. and N. Marion St. were converted to two-way streets and a new network of signalized lights, sidewalks were installed and extend neighborhood bike routes as recommended in the 38th and Blake Station Area Plan.

Read more about The Lawrence Swoop project

41st & Fox Next Steps Study

This comprehensive study developed a community-facing infrastructure plan for the north Denver community, creating a hub of vibrant land use at the 41st and Fox Station Area.  It was a joint effort of DOTI, Denver Community Planning and Development, and the North Denver Cornerstone Collaborative. 

Read more about 41st & Fox Next Steps Study

48th Avenue Bridge Improvement Project

The City and County of Denver contracted SEMA Construction of Centennial to begin rehabilitation work on the 48th Avenue Viaduct in early April 2021.  The bridge is located in northwest Denver and spans over the rail lines for UPRR, BNSF and RTD. These improvements will extend the life of the bridge, constructed in the late 1970s, that provides an important connection between the Globeville and Sunnyside and Chaffee Park neighborhoods.

Work began on April 12, 2021 and was completed fall 2021.

Read more about 48th Avenue Bridge Improvement project

48th Avenue Sidewalks

Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) completed construction on a project that included building a sidewalk and adjacent landscape areas along the south side of 48th Avenue between Brighton Boulevard and Claude Court to improve connections to the 48th and Brighton Light Rail Station.

During the summer and fall of 2021, construction crews installed sidewalks, trees and landscape; replaced pipe and inlets for the storm pipe; and repaved the street. These improvements were completed and ready for use in late 2021.

Read more about 48th Avenue Sidewalks

East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study: Brighton to Colorado Boulevard

This feasibility study evaluated the possibility of providing a continuous 52nd Avenue from Brighton Boulevard to Colorado Boulevard, improvements to the Brighton Boulevard underpass at the intersection with York Street, and improved connectivity to the National Western Center (NWC) transit station.

The Elyria-Swansea Neighborhood Plan (2015) provided a framework for potential improvements to 52nd Avenue. The Department of Transportation & Infrastructure (DOTI) conducted this study as the next step in evaluating the feasibility, identifying the community’s priorities related to the corridor, and developing a phasing plan for implementation in alignment with those priorities.

Read more about East 52nd Avenue Feasibility Study: Brighton to Colorado Boulevard

Cory Merrill Safe Routes To School Project

The City and County of Denver implemented multimodal safety improvements (collectively called the "Cory Merrill Safe Routes to School Project") along E. Florida Avenue and E. Iowa Avenue.

These improvements included:

  • sidewalk infill construction on E. Florida Ave., from S. Clayton St.to S. Steele St.,
  • sidewalk infill construction on E. Iowa Ave., from S. University Blvd. to S. Columbine St.,
  • a new bike lane on E. Florida Ave. from. S. Race Street to S. Steele St.,
  • signal rebuild for the signal at E. Florida Ave. and S. Steele St.,
  • a concrete bump-out to replace the paint and post-bump-out on the southeast corner of E. Florida Ave. and S. Steele St., and
  • repaving of E. Florida Ave. from S. University Blvd. to S. Steele St.

Read more about the Cory Merrill Safe Routes To School project

Denver Moves: Downtown

Denver Moves: Downtown was built off years of study and analysis to create a roadmap for implementing near-term improvements to Downtown streets. This plan is intended to recommend improvements that add travel options and improve safety for the hundreds of thousands of people who live, work, study, visit and play in downtown Denver while also identifying a long-term vision for the future of mobility in the city’s center.

The final plan can be found below:

Denver Moves: Downtown Final Report(PDF, 37MB)

Learn more about Denver Moves: Downtown

High Line Canal Trail Underpass - Colorado/Hampden

Historically, the High Line Canal Trail left pedestrians and people on bikes at Colorado Boulevard and Hampden Avenue, a busy intersection that was intimidating to cross on foot or on a bike. This project built two underpasses to reroute the trail under Colorado and Hampden to create a safer, more convenient connection for people walking and riding bikes. In addition, between the two underpasses, Denver added a new, 10-foot wide multi-use trail along the north side of Hampden.

High Line Canal Underpasses at Colorado and Hampden Now Complete!

The trail is now open and fully operational

The City and County of Denver, through its Department of Transportation & Infrastructure, has completed its High Line Canal Underpass Project at the Hampden Avenue and Colorado Boulevard. This new connection offers users a safer alternative to the previous trail which had pedestrians crossing at the busy intersection of Hampden Avenue and Colorado Boulevard.

Learn more about High Line Canal Trail Underpass - Colorado/Hampden

Lincoln Transit & Safety Improvements

Building on the feedback received during a study conducted in 2015 to improve travel on the Broadway and Lincoln corridors, Denver's Department of Transportation and Infrastructure (DOTI) coordinated with the Regional Transportation District (RTD) on incorporating transit improvements along Lincoln Street from Ohio Avenue (by the Broadway Station) to 5th Avenue to support more reliable transit service. In addition, DOTI also rolled out safety enhancements to calm traffic and make Lincoln a safer street for all users, particularly pedestrians.

Read more about Lincoln Transit & Safety Improvements

Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard Extension Project

This project involves a 1.1 mile extension of Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard (MLK) from Havana Street east to Peoria Street within the Stapleton Redevelopment Area. The new roadway includes travel and parking lane changes, multi-use paths for bicycles and pedestrians, a soft-surface equestrian trail, and new signals and street lighting.

Construction began November 2018 and was completed in July 2021.

Read more about the MLK Extension

Navigate North Denver

There are multiple projects happening in North Denver, including CDOT’s Central 70 project that’s reconstructing a 10-mile stretch of I-70 between Bright Boulevard and Chambers Road.

Sheridan Blvd and 52nd Ave Pedestrian Safety Improvement Project

The Sheridan Boulevard and 52nd Avenue Pedestrian Safety Improvement project, which spans multiple jurisdictions, is taking the first steps to identify and evaluate the safety and infrastructure issues within the project area.  The project area is defined along Sheridan Blvd. as approximately the area between the intersections of Sheridan Blvd. and West 48th Ave. on the south and Sheridan Blvd. and 52nd Ave. on the north.  Along West 52nd Ave., the project area is approximately the area between the intersections of 52nd Ave. and Lowell Blvd on the east and 52nd Ave. and Jay Street on the west. 

The project evaluated and provided preliminary designs for improvements which include:

  • Sidewalks for pedestrian access along Sheridan Blvd. and West 52nd Ave.
  • Safety improvements for the entrance to Inspiration Point Park
  • Bicycle lane improvements along West 52nd Ave.  (Please note, the intersection of West 52nd Avenue and the Clear Creek Trail is being evaluated through a separate project effort.) 
  • Drainage improvements throughout the project but with special attention to evaluate the existing ponding issues west of Sheridan Blvd. along the northern side of West 52nd Ave.
  • Pedestrian, bicycle, and safety improvements to the West 52nd Ave. Bridge over Clear Creek
  • Bus Stop Improvements
  • Utility improvements such as relocation and undergrounding

The project provided preliminary plans and project cost estimates to inform jurisdictional stakeholders and facilitate funding discussions for future final design and construction projects.

Sheridan & 52nd Ped Safety map

South Downing Street Pedestrian Crossings and Speed Study

DOTI Transportation Design analyzed speeding concerns between Speer Blvd. and Louisiana Avenue and pedestrian crossings/access concerns to historic Washington Park between Virginia Avenue and Louisiana Avenue. Close coordination with Parks & Recreation was required to establish access into the park. Staff developed quick implementation solutions to address the safety concerns in the corridor.

Project Schedule:

  • Data Collection: October-December 2019 – Completed
  • Analysis/ Alternatives Evaluation: January-March 2020 – Completed
  • Public Outreach: May 2020 – Completed
  • Design: Summer-Winter 2020, Spring 2021 – Completed
  • Construction: Summer-Fall 2021 – Completed


This project was presented to the community on May 19, 2020.

Meeting Video (YouTube)

Read more about the S. Downing Signal Rebuild Project(PDF, 2MB)

Read more about the S. Downing Street Pedestrian Crossings and Speed Study(PDF, 1MB)