Department of Public Safety

Photo of Director Armando SaldatePublic Safety's mission is to solve complex problems through support and oversight of Denver's public safety agencies. The Department of Public Safety (DOS) unifies all the agencies tasked with ensuring Denver is the safest and most welcoming city in the nation. Denver’s Public Safety Department includes Denver Police, Denver Fire, Denver 911, Denver Sheriff, Community Corrections, and the Public Safety Cadet Program.

Under Executive Director Armando Saldate’s direction, our staff provide oversight, management, discipline, policy direction, human resources and administrative support for all five public safety agencies.

Annual Report, 2022(PDF, 16MB)    Annual Report, 2023(PDF, 15MB)

Language Access and Accessibility

It's the policy of the DOS to ensure meaningful access to its programs, services, activities, information and communications to all community members including individuals who are limited English proficient (LEP). When requested, we will provide free language assistance services, including interpretation services to enable effective communication with our department, and translation of publicly provided documents, information, services offered, and other written communications. If you would like to have any DOS public documents, information or written communications translated into your native language, including any documents provided on this website, please send an email identifying your native language and the name of the document or documents to SafetyLanguageAccess@Denvergov.Org

Learn More About Us      Non-Monetary Settlement Agreements 

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Department of Public Safety
1331 Cherokee St.
Denver, CO 80204


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