Smart Interactive Voice Response (IVR)

To reduce call volume, improve customer experience, and free up call takers to answer calls when you need them, Denver 9-1-1 will begin using a smart integrated voice response (IVR) system for non-emergency calls at the end of June. This means that callers will reach an automated system designed to assist callers and direct them to the best resources for their needs rather than directly connecting callers to a call taker. This system will not be implemented for 9-1-1, and callers will still reach a call taker when making emergency calls to 9-1-1. 

Why smart IVR? 

Denver 9-1-1 received close to one million non-emergency calls in 2023. Many of those calls were routed to other agencies for assistance, meaning that a call taker had to take the call and transfer it to the appropriate place. By using the smart IVR system, callers can quickly reach the correct public safety or city resource, and call takers are able to answer calls that need a public safety response or public safety information more quickly.

What to Know 

If the caller requests to speak to a call taker, the system does not understand what someone says, or the system does not have the ability to assist with the request, it will transfer the call to a call taker for assistance. If a caller speaks a language other than English, callers will also be transferred to a call taker to get an interpreter on the line.

Calls will be documented to allow for process improvement and to identify new ways for the smart IVR to assist callers, however, it will not be collecting data on callers outside of what is already collected when someone calls the city.

As a reminder, dialing 9-1-1 is only for emergencies – to save a life, report a crime in progress, or report a fire. For non-emergency public safety services, call the non-emergency line at 720-913-2000. For all other city services, call 311.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a smart IVR?

A smart interactive voice response (IVR) system allows callers to tell the automated system exactly what they need help with and it connects them to the right person, information, or department.

Why did Denver make the change to a smart IVR for the non-emergency line?

Denver 9-1-1 received nearly one million non-emergency calls in 2023, many of which had to be routed to other entities by call takers. This change will allow the system to route callers to the best resource for their needs, reduce call volume, and free up call takers to answer calls when callers need assistance from public safety.

What if I would rather just talk to a call taker directly?

If a caller requests to speak to a call taker, the system does not understand what a caller says, or the system does not have the ability to assist with the request, it will transfer the call to a call taker for assistance. Callers should not call 9-1-1 just to speak to a call taker.

Will this change how I reach a call taker when I call 9-1-1?

No. The smart IVR is only being implemented on the non-emergency line, and callers will still reach a call taker when they dial 9-1-1.

How will the system know to route me to the right place?

The city reviewed the most common call types to the non-emergency line and built in ways for the smart IVR to know how to handle those calls and route callers to the right place. The smart IVR is a tool designed to improve over time as residents use it. 9-1-1 and the city’s technology services team will actively review calls to identify improvements and refine the process to ensure the best customer service. If the system does not understand what a caller says or the system does not have the ability to assist with a request, it will transfer the call to a call taker for assistance.

What if a caller does not speak English?

If a caller speaks a language other than English, callers will be transferred to a call taker to get an interpreter on the line.


Is my call going to be recorded? Will the system collect any of my data?

While the calls will be documented to allow for process improvement, the system will not be collecting data on callers, beyond what is already collected as a normal course of business when contacting the city. Any data collected will never be used for any reason other than assisting the caller, and internal statistics.