Commissions and Accountability

A core function of the Department of Public Safety is providing oversight of public safety agencies in alignment with procedural and conduct policy. The DOS is the final decision-maker in discipline cases to ensure equitable and fair discipline across all agencies.

Complaints or Commendations

The Office of Independent Monitor (OIM) accepts complaints and commendations for sworn members of the Denver Police and Denver Sheriff Departments. All complaints are forwarded to either the Internal Affairs Bureau of the DPD or the Public Integrity Division for the DSD to be reviewed. The OIM monitors the investigation and review process to ensure that it is handled in a reasonable and appropriate manner. For a more detailed description of the complaint handling process or to file a complaint or commendation, visit the Independent Monitor's commendations and complaints page.

To file a complaint or commendation for the Denver Fire Department, visit the DFD commendations and complaints page

Open Records Requests

Public Safety is committed to making our agencies open and accessible through both the Colorado Open Records Act (CORA) and the Colorado Criminal Justice Records Act (CCJRA). Being transparent and accountable is an important part of our pledge to the public. 

CORA requires agencies make available for public inspection all “public records” within their custody and control. In Public Safety, CORA applies to all non-investigative records of the Denver Fire Department.  When responding to a request for public records under CORA, the agencies will make every effort to respond and/or clarify or narrow the request within three working days as required by section 24‐72‐203(3)(b), C.R.S.  CCJRA requires that records of official action must be open for inspection. The CCJRA defines an official action as “an arrest; indictment; charging by information; disposition; pre- or post-trial release from custody; judicial determination of mental or physical condition; decision to grant, order, or terminate probation, parole, or participation in correctional or rehabilitative programs; and any decision to formally discipline, reclassify, or relocate any person under criminal sentence.” Section 24-72-302(7), C.R.S. Except for records of official actions, which must be available for inspection, all other criminal justice records may be open for inspection subject to the discretion of the official custodian. CCJRA applies to all records of the Executive Director of Safety, Denver Police Department, Denver Sheriff Department, Denver 911, Community Corrections, Electronic Monitoring, Denver Public Safety Youth Programs, Gang Reduction Initiative of Denver (GRID) and Denver Fire Department Fire Investigation Unit.  When responding to a request for public records under CCJRA, the agencies will make every effort to respond and/or clarify or narrow the request within a reasonable timeframe. Please note, records will not be released if used for the direct solicitation of business for pecuniary gain per Section 24-72-305.5, C.R.S. For more details on open records requests, including costs, please visit the City's open records page

Submit a CORA Request

To submit a request to Public Safety, please use the links below.

 All other non-routine Public Safety requests can be submitted to our Records Administrator, Andrea Webber

Public Integrity Division

The Public Integrity Division (PID) was created in 2018 to ensure complaints brought against sworn Denver Sheriff personal are thoroughly evaluated, certifying accountability on the behalf of staff and complainants. PID evaluates, investigates, and recommends discipline based on complaints. Although PID is part of the Department of Public Safety, they are an external function of the Denver Sheriff Department (DSD). 

PID is comprised of the Administrative Investigations Unit (AIU) and the Conduct Review Unit CRU).AIU receives allegations of misconduct and investigates the complaint.CRU considers the evidence gathered by AIU’s investigation to evaluate whether a rule violation has occurred, and if so, makes recommendations regarding the appropriate level of discipline.

DSD Disciplinary Flowchart 9-30-21

Flow Chart Transcript  

  1. DSD: Denver Sheriff Department 
  2. AIU: Administrative Investigations Unit of the Public Integrity Division 
  3. OIM: Office of the Independent Monitor 
  4. CRU: Conduct Review Unit 
  5. EDOS: Executive Director of Safety 
Disciplinary Process Flowchart 
  1. Complaint is received by DSD, AIU, or OIM 
  2. AIU Investigation 
  3. OIM certifies the investigation as thorough and complete or returns it for more investigation 
  4. CRU review and recommendation 
  5. OIM review and recommendation 
  6. Contemplation of discipline meeting 
  7. Sheriff's recommendation to EDOS 
  8. EDOS Office conducts independent review 
  9. Final order of discipline is issued by the EDOS Office
Appeal Process 
  1. Career Service Hearing Office 
  2. Career Service Authority Board 
  3. Denver District Court 
  4. Colorado Court of Appeals 
  5. Colorado Supreme Court