Funding Opportunities & Procurement Resources

1. Overview

On this page, you will find calls for proposals in response to bidding opportunities issued by the Department of Housing Stability (HOST).  Also on this page are documents and resources for contractors and procurements.

2. Current & Upcoming Procurements

Upcoming Procurements 

Anticipated Procurements 2024

Property Tax Relief (Dec. 2024)
HOST will be issuing an RFP for the Property Tax Relief Program to assist with reviewing applications and issuing property tax rebates for the 2024 property tax year. The City and County of Denver provides a partial refund of property taxes paid, or the equivalent in rent, to low-income homeowners and renters through the Denver Property Tax Relief (PTR) Program with the continued goal of preventing involuntary displacement among City and County of Denver residents. HOST is particularly interested in proposals that emphasize a commitment to increasing robust access to property tax relief resources for underserved populations.


To receive information on upcoming opportunities and/or add your company to the vendor list, please complete the purchasing communication form.

Purchasing sends out biweekly notices and updates on current bids and solicitations, upcoming opportunities, City meetings and events, and will also include community resources for businesses. This list is also being used to compile a vendor list for use by City staff.

Current Procurements

HOST Participant Feedback Request for Applications (RFA) #HOST-85-2024
HOST invites applications from qualified partners to complete the scope of work outlined in this RFA. The use of subcontractors is neither required nor permitted under this solicitation. Proposals must clearly demonstrate the applicant's capacity to meet all project requirements independently. Evaluation will be based exclusively on the specified criteria, and all work must be carried out by the applicant.

HOST seeks partners to provide a platform for collecting participant feedback across various program types. The primary goal is to gather real-time feedback from participants to understand their experiences, assess program performance, and identify opportunities for improvements and adjustments. While the top priority is feedback from shelter guests (e.g., day shelters, overnight shelters, 24/7 shelters, and non-congregate shelters), HOST is also interested in feedback from other program types, including service programs, rapid resolution programs, rapid rehousing programs, and permanent supportive housing programs.

The platform must have the capacity to deliver regular reports that allow HOST staff and contractors to analyze trends and monitor changes over time.

Participant Feedback Pre-Bid Meeting Recording (passcode: 3%Ciy.tU)

Pre-bid meeting slide deck(PDF, 269KB)

Addendum 1: Q& A(PDF, 169KB)

Proposal Due Date: 5 p.m. Feb. 11

Application Portal: Denver - HOST Submission Manager

HOST Property Tax Relief Request for Proposals (RFP) #HOST-86-2024
HOST invites proposals from qualified partners to complete the scope of work outlined in this RFP. The use of subcontractors is neither required nor permitted under this solicitation. Proposals must clearly demonstrate the applicant's capacity to meet all project requirements independently. Evaluation will be based exclusively on the specified criteria, and all work must be carried out by the applicant.

The City and County of Denver provides a partial refund of property taxes paid, or the equivalent in rent, to low-income homeowners and renters through the Denver Property Tax Relief (PTR) Program. With the continued goal of preventing involuntary displacement among City and County of Denver residents, HOST is seeking proposals for the PTR Program for a period beginning May 1st, 2025, through April 30th, 2026. HOST is seeking partners to assist with reviewing applications and issuing property tax rebates for the 2024 property tax year. Successfully awarded contracts may be extended for future program years depending on program performance and availability of funds.

HOST is particularly interested in proposals that emphasize a commitment to increasing robust access to property tax relief resources for underserved populations.

Pre-Bid Meeting Slides(PDF, 293KB)

Proposal due date: 5 p.m. Jan. 27

Application portal:

Request for Qualifications (RFQ): Community Housing Development Organization

The City of Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) is seeking non-profit, community-based housing development organizations to become certified as a Community Housing Development Organization. Organizations previously certified by the city will also need to be re-certified to continue this designation.

 A Community Housing Development Organization (CHDO) is a private nonprofit, community-based service organization with the capacity to develop affordable housing for the community it serves. The City and County of Denver must set aside a minimum of 15 percent of their annual HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for housing development activities in which qualified CHDOs are the owners, developers and/or sponsors of the housing. 

Read the full RFQ(PDF, 179KB)

This RFQ will close on Dec. 31, 2024. 

4. Frequently Asked Questions 

We’ve compiled a list of answers to commonly asked questions asked by applicants.  If you can’t find what you are looking for, do not hesitate to reach out to Nicole Givens at

How to Apply

How Does HOST Procure/Contract for Services?

Absent special circumstances, most contracts for service are procured through competitive solicitations.

Competitive Solicitation Process:

flowchart diagram of the procurement process: drafting, solicitation, evaluation, and award

How Do I Apply?

All applications must be accessed and submitted online through the application Portal, Submittable. The portal link is listed in every solicitation document in the “Application” section and posted on the HOST Funding Opportunities, next to the open procurement. Here is HOST's Submittable portal:


What is a budget narrative?

The budget narrative provides the specific costs included in the overall line-item category. This provides details on materials necessary to carry out the program the costs associated with each line item or category and how the category is related to the project. For example, if the line-item or category is a position like case manager the narrative may provide tasks the position is responsible for. If the line item is something like direct client support, the narrative would include specific items necessary to provide the support.

Application Portal

Where can I find help creating and using the application system or questions about the procurement?

If you have technical or program questions or need assistance with the application system, please send all questions to

Decision-Making Process 

Why can’t I reach out to the program manager or other HOST staff if I have program related procurement questions?

To avoid any unnecessary delays in response, keep information accurate and ensure that if questions are asked the questions and answers are shared with all potential applicants, and to help remove bias or any actual or perceived appearance of impropriety, all communications related to the project and the RFQ/RFP must go through the designated point of contact (neutral Procurement Administrator) until the selection process is complete.

What happens after I apply?

Details All applications will be reviewed after the submission deadline.  During the review process, staff read proposals, evaluate and score based on the criteria set in the procurement document.  Evaluators then meet to discuss scores and proposals and create a recommendation or recommendations for award.  Each procurement evaluation criterion are set based on the program needs and as a result may be weighted differently to align with those specific program needs.  A list of evaluation criteria can be found in each procurement document.  After recommendations are formed, HOST leadership review for approval.  Once an intent to award letter is sent, HOST notifies Zengine of the intended awards and the information is posted on Zengine.

How long does the review process take?

Depending on the complexity, the nature of the program, and number of responses the review process can take anywhere from three to six weeks.

How will my organization know if our application has been awarded?

Provisional awards are posted in Submittable, and Awardees receive a “Notice of Intent to Fund” award letter addressed to the contact information supplied in Submittable.

What can I expect after my organization’s application has been awarded?

Once you receive notification of a provisional award, HOST begins the contract process with your organization.  At this point, funding is still contingent on your organization successfully completing and providing all additional information necessary to execute your contract.  

What does the contract process include?

  • Negotiations to determine project or program scope, budget, and outcomes based on the proposals and program needs
  • Initial internal city approvals
  • Contract drafting
  • Vendor’s signature
  • Final internal city approvals from HOST Executive Leadership, Risk, City of Attorney’s Office, Mayor’s Office
  • A contract larger than $500,000 requires Denver City Council approval
  • Contract execution 

If I win an award, am I guaranteed business with HOST?

No. The award is provisional, and contractors must still meet all legal and contract obligations. HOST may select multiple organizations to provide services, add or use other contracts while your contract is still in use, or terminate and rebid the contract



City employees are prohibited from accepting meals, tickets or gifts from vendors. The City also protects against conflicts of interest in bidding and contract work. Please see the City's Conflict of Interest Policy in Appendix K of Executive Order 8.(PDF, 800KB)  

Past Procurements

Request for Proposals: Acquisition Partner #HOST-84-2024
The City is soliciting to receive proposals from, developers, for-profit and nonprofit organizations, or other entities interested in purchasing City-owned property located at 12033 E. 38th Avenue in Denver, Colorado (the “Property”) and renovating the Property to operate primarily as Permanent Supportive Housing (“PSH”) with allowances for Bridge Housing units on site in addition to the PSH units.  The expectation is that the selected respondent(s) will acquire the Property in as in condition. The purchase price for the Property is ten dollars ($10.00).  The selected respondent(s) will need to conduct their own due diligence on the Property, at their own cost, prior to closing and complete any necessary renovations to the Property post closing in order to be able to operate onsite per the allowable uses. Certain improvements may need to be assessed for code requirements and repair, including exterior walkways, handrails, electrical and the fire suppression system. Respondent(s) will use their own funds to support any renovations, repairs, or maintenance to the Property. The City will need to see a proposed timeline in the submission to complete the proposed renovations and repairs post acquisition. The selected respondent(s) will maintain and operate the Property in accordance with terms agreed upon by the City. Qualified respondent teams may also include development consultants, general contractors, architects and engineers to support in due diligence on the transaction, and housing service providers, which may be for-profit or nonprofit organizations. An acquisition partnership team, comprised of an owner, operator, and/or service provider, may apply. A 99-year covenant and performance mortgage for the use of the Property as affordable housing will be recorded at closing. The Property use types will be: 1) Supportive Housing for Families, 2) Supportive Housing for Individuals/Couples, 3) Supportive Housing for Veterans, 4) Bridge Housing and Rehousing Services for Families, 5) Bridge Housing and Rehousing Services for Individuals/Couples, and/or 6) Bridge Housing for Veterans.

Note that proposals may include a mix of Bridge Housing and Supportive Housing, so long as 40% of all units are Supportive Housing. The intent of this Property is to serve households experiencing homelessness, including unsheltered households, targeting to provide a minimum of 90 units of Supportive Housing, with allowances for Bridge Housing, combined with rehousing and supportive services.  As a part of the covenant and secured by the performance mortgage, the selected respondent must  allow a portion of the Property located along Peoria Street (area to be defined in the Purchase and Sale Agreement), which is currently being used as a micro-community to continue to be used for the same use. The minimum term of this use in this area will be four (4) years with the option to extend the term additional years. The City reserves the right to choose the Service Provider for this portion of the property. Occupants of the building will be required to share a drive with the micro-community onsite and allow for access, utility services, deliveries, and other services, as needed.  4   The focus of this solicitation is to support homelessness resolution, including encampment resolution for those currently unsheltered. Therefore, the priority population the City intends to serve with these investments is unsheltered households. To support connectivity and tenant selection between unsheltered households and available units, specific housing-focused outreach team(s) will be working with the people who are unsheltered at encampments to prepare them for PSH and Bridge Housing. The outreach teams will be well versed in trauma-informed approaches, motivational interviewing and progressive engagement.  Given the collaborative nature of these efforts, the selected team for these projects will be expected to work directly with the assigned outreach team(s) for these projects.


Request for Proposal (RFP): Outreach - UPDATED and EXTENDED Until 8/30/24 - Encouragement for All Partners to Apply 

The City is seeking qualified proposals for homeless outreach services to serve individuals and families, specifically in the City and County of Denver, who are experiencing homelessness. The target population for outreach services are individuals experiencing homelessness who are unsheltered (living outdoors, in vehicles including RVs, or other places not meant for human habitation). Street outreach programs support initial and ongoing engagement for households experiencing homelessness who may or may not already be connected to community-based programs and services (e.g., day/overnight shelters, critical services, transport, etc.) as well as intensive, housing-focused case management services up to the point of exiting homelessness through housing/reunification, including related data entry.

Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise Participation
Article V, of Chapter 28 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code (D.R.M.C.) grants authority to the Division of Small Business Opportunity (DSBO) to establish participation requirements under the Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) Program as related to expenditures and related contracts by and through the City and County of Denver. The participation requirement for this project is: 5% Minority and Women-Owned Business Enterprise (MWBE) The requirement must be met with certified firms, § 28-127 D.R.M.C., or through the demonstration of a sufficient good faith effort. § 28-128 D.R.M.C. A proposed MWBE Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Plan (MWBE EDI Plan), also known as a Utilization Plan, is required as part of the RFP response and will be scored. DSBO’s approval of the MWBE EDI Plan will be required prior to contract execution.

Virtual Pre-Bid Meeting: View the RFP Presentation(PDF, 306KB)View the MWBE Presentation(PDF, 1MB)

Deadline to Submit Additional Questions:  5 p.m. MST August 9

Addendum 1: View the Q&A Addendum(PDF, 235KB)

Addendum 2Application Portal Issue

Addendum 3: Application Update & Extension(PDF, 155KB)

Proposal Due Date: 5 p.m. MST August 30

RFP Guidelines:

Proposals will only be accepted electronically through Zengine:


Request for Applications (RFA): Shelter Utility Assistance

HOST is looking for partners supporting day and overnight shelter spaces, who are responsible for their own utilities to receive grant funding from British Petroleum to pay for utility costs. These funds will ideally allow for movement and support of dollars to other shelter needs, and free up the ability to maintain or enhance shelter programming.

Deadline to Submit Additional Questions: 5 p.m. MST August 16, 2024 

Response to Written Questions/Addendum: 5 p.m. MST August 19, 2024

Proposal Due Date: 5 p.m. MST August 23, 2024

RFA Guidelines:

Proposals will only be accepted electronically through Submittable:

Request for Proposal (RFP): Micro-Community Food

The purpose of this RFP is to enter into a contract with an organization that will provide meals and necessary food service management to Denver micro-communities. Denver anticipates having up to ten sites with a total of 500 people. HOST’s goals are to provide nutritious, quality meals, to accommodate special diets where medically necessary, improve the nutritional quality of meals, and maintain a financially viable food service program for the residents in Denver micro-communities. This includes the provision of frozen, hot meals, cold meals (i.e., sack lunch), and snacks.

Proposers may apply individually or as a collaborative group with a lead agency submitting the proposal.

Virtual Pre-Bid Meeting: 10:30 a.m. MST August 12

Deadline to Submit Additional Questions: 5 p.m. MST August 13

Addendum 1: Q&A

Proposal Due Date: 5 p.m. MST August 23

RFP Guidelines:

Proposals will only be accepted electronically through Submittable:

Request for Proposals (RFP): Rapid Rehousing
Through this procurement, HOST will direct Rapid Rehousing (RRH) resources to households who meet the definition of literal homelessness and ensure all qualifying populations are connected to supportive case management, affordable housing navigation, and time-limited financial assistance to end their episode of homelessness and through obtaining and maintaining permanent housing with the goal of increasing income for households to stabilize. HOST is particularly interested in applications that demonstrate effective Rapid Rehousing best practices and speak to historical success in working with households transitioning out of homeless situations and into successful permanent housing placements using the RRH model.

A virtual pre-bid meeting was held at 10:30 a.m. MST on Monday, July 15. Click here to view the presentation.(PDF, 257KB)

Addendum 1: Questions and Answers

Addendum 2: Clarification on Rental Assistance Calculations(PDF, 99KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. MST on Friday, August 2.

The RFP guidelines can be found here:

Proposals will only be accepted electronically through Zengine at: 


Partners for Preserving Affordable Housing

The objective of this Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is to assemble a pool of potential development partners to assist the City in acquiring, operating, and preserving existing income-restricted and naturally occurring affordable housing as opportunities are identified.

Read the full RFQ (PDF, 284KB)

Proposals are due by 3 p.m. on Friday, Jan. 12.  

Monitoring and Auditing Partner
The Department of Housing Stability (HOST) seeks proposals to establish a list of qualified auditors to perform fiscal auditing and program monitoring for housing and homelessness service contracts. 

Read the full RFA.(PDF, 299KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. MST on Nov. 11. 

Matched Housing Savings Account Program Administrator 
The purpose of this program is to assist low-income households to purchase a first home or make needed repairs to their existing owner-occupied home by matching their savings for their selected savings goal. Homebuyer participants must be income-qualified Denver County residents, must be able to obtain a fixed rate non-predatory 30-year mortgage, and must purchase a home in the City and County of Denver.

Read the full RFP(PDF, 285KB)

Pre-proposal meeting presentation (PDF, 769KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. MST on Friday, Nov. 17.

Non-Congregate Shelter 
Department of Housing Stability (HOST) is seeking partners that will manage and provide 24/7 operational and programmatic services at City owned property for a 200 unit non-congregate shelter.

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. MST on Friday, Nov. 10.

Youth Focused Micro-Community Operations
The purpose of this RFP is to find an organization that will operate and serve a youth-focused micro-community for unsheltered youth experiencing homelessness, ages 18-24.  Operator will provide site management and necessary support services that cater to this population. Specifically, HOST is looking for a provider to utilize a comprehensive approach that addresses immediate needs to stabilize youth experiencing homelessness, provide housing navigation, benefit navigation and enrollment, full case management, referrals and coordination appropriate physical and behavioral health services, and any other services that promote long-term stability and well-being. 

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 20. 

Micro-Community Food Services
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to enter into a contract with an organization that will provide meals and necessary food service management to Denver micro-communities.  Denver anticipates having up to ten sites with a total of 500 people.

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 20.   

Down Payment Assistance 
HOST is seeking nonprofits that are HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agencies to provide down payment assistance to individual home buyers. This procurement addresses our goal to increase the homeownership rate among Denver low- and moderate-income households from 36% to 41% and the homeownership rate among BIPOC households across income levels from 41% to 45%. Additionally, this procurement helps reduce foreclosures through HUD Certified Housing Counselors providing guidance in refinancing, home purchases, foreclosure assistance, financial management, home improvement through affordable groups, education events and more.  

Read the full RFP here(PDF, 363KB)

A virtual, pre-bid meeting will be held at 11:30 a.m. MST on Wednesday, Sept. 27. Click here to join the meeting.

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. MST on Friday, Oct. 13.

Housing Counseling

The Housing Counseling Program is designed to provide direct housing services to low- and moderate- income households (at or below 80% area median income).  In this procurement, HOST will contract with nonprofits that are HUD Certified Housing Counseling Agencies; through the HUD approval process for certifying Housing Counseling Agencies.  HUD Certified Housing Counselors offer guidance in refinancing, home purchases, foreclosure assistance, financial management, home improvement through affordable groups, education events and more.

A virtual pre-bid meeting will be held at 10 a.m. MST on Friday, September 8. Click here to join. 

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. MST on Friday, September 29. 

Monitoring and Auditing Partner
The Department of Housing Stability (HOST) seeks proposals to establish a list of qualified auditors to perform fiscal auditing and program monitoring for housing and homelessness service contracts

Disparity Study

The Department of Housing Stability seeks to commission a disparity study to document racial disparities in Denver’s housing outcomes and determine whether current race-neutral housing programs and policies are sufficient in addressing the impacts of structural racism in Denver. As part of this work, HOST would like the contractor to provide recommendations on actions Denver could take (e.g., programs or policies) to better remedy racial disparities in Denver, including a determination of whether or where racially explicit programs are warranted based on relevant legal standards.

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 15

Temporary Rental & Utility Assistance (TRUA) 
Since 2017, the TRUA Program has been providing rental and utility assistance to low-to-moderate-income residents experiencing a financial crisis and at-risk of being evicted. With the continued goal of preventing involuntary displacement among City and County of Denver residents, HOST is seeking proposals for the TRUA Program for a period through December 2024 with the potential of extending awarded contracts through future program years.

HOST is particularly interested in proposals that address existing gaps in eviction prevention programs available in the Denver Metro area as well as proposals emphasizing robust access to resources designed to support low-to-moderate income households, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, and other populations imminently at-risk of housing instability. Eligible activities supported by this funding include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Application Review and Eligibility Determination
  • Rental and Utility Assistance
  • Resource Referral and Navigation

Read the full procurement here.(PDF, 342KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 1. 

Emergency Solutions Grant

Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) programs are a community-based set of activities with the goal of preventing or ending episodes of homelessness for individuals and families as quickly as possible. The ESG Program Procurement seeks to provide funding for eligible ESG programs for people in Denver experiencing housing insecurity and homelessness. ESG programs should promote long term stability for participants and whenever possible should seek to improve equity within the homelessness resolution system.

To achieve the goals listed above the ESG Program Procurement will fund the following ESG Eligible Activities:

  1. Rapid Rehousing (RRH)
  2. Emergency Shelter
  3. Homelessness Prevention
  4. Access to and use of the Homelessness Management Information System (HMIS)


Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 23

Complex Case Management
The Complex Care Team Program is intended to provide a case management pathway for those people experiencing homelessness in the Denver community who have not been able to access housing through traditional pathways—on their own or with the support of existing shelter or outreach case management strategies. HOST is particularly interested in proposals that utilize a small team approach and provide behavioral health support.

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, June 16.  

Monitoring and Auditing Partner 

The Department of Housing Stability (HOST) seeks proposals to establish a list of qualified auditors to perform fiscal auditing and program monitoring for housing and homelessness service contracts. 

 Read the full RFP (PDF, 446KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, May 27. 

Informal Request for Qualifications: Environmental Consulting Services
HOST, in its role as a Responsible Entity under 24 CFR Part 58, is seeking an environmental consultant to assist with environmental reviews that meet the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act, and other related Federal and state environmental laws. HOST sees this as an ongoing relationship with the selected consultant to span multiple projects as needed, and not just a simple work product related to one project.

Read the full RFQ(PDF, 285KB)

Qualified applicants shall submit responses electronically by 9 a.m. on Friday, May 5 to

Large Vehicle Safe Parking Program
Vehicle residency in unsupported environments is a unique experience of unsheltered homelessness. HOST seeks proposals for a Large Vehicle Safe Parking Program to address and focus resources to support outcomes to fixed-site housing for households staying unsheltered in RVs, trailers, or other large vehicles. The program will mitigate harms associated with unsupported vehicle residency and will be evaluated from a focus on transition to fixed housing. To this end, programs should not focus design on vehicle maintenance or otherwise renovating vehicles for long-term residency. This program will coordinate with a separate Large Vehicle Transition program which includes incentivizing people experiencing vehicular homelessness to transition into fixed, permanent housing; mitigating any environmental hazards due to vehicular living, and dispossession and recycling of unsafe RVs.

Read the full procurement and instructions here(PDF, 272KB)

A virtual pre-proposal meeting will was held on March 29. View the presentation.(PDF, 589KB)

Addendum 1 (PDF, 97KB)

Addendum 2(PDF, 87KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 28.

Acquisition Partner
The purpose of this Request for Qualifications (“RFQ”) is to identify and connect qualified partner(s) to acquisition opportunities that would support the Department of Housing Stability’s strategic plan to house those experiencing homelessness, specifically targeting those experiencing unsheltered homelessness.

The City is in process of identifying a short-list of available properties of interest and intends to negotiate and execute letters of intent or purchase and sale agreements which may be assigned to a qualified nonprofit partner(s) to complete financial closing on purchase costs, own and operate. After the City enters into an agreement with the respective sellers of the properties, qualified partners identified by this RFQ in the order of deemed qualification may be offered the opportunity to be assigned the agreement or relayed negotiations for the acquisition of a property.

A virtual pre-application meeting was held on March 31. View the presentation. (PDF, 592KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, April 28.


The Respite program is dedicated to serving the shelter and recovery needs of people experiencing homelessness. Respite participants are referred by the hospital system because they are no longer eligible for hospital related care, but have continued, self-directed, medical needs that require a safe environment to ensure health and healing. City funding will be provided to nonprofit partners who are able to provide congregate and non-congregate respite care. Funded partners must be able to provide care coordination to ensure recovery for participants and provide connections to housing-focused resources.

Read the full description and instructions.(PDF, 307KB)

A virtual pre-bid meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, Feb. 27. Instructions for joining the meeting are in the linked document above. 

Respite Addendum 1 (PDF, 104KB)

Pre-proposal meeting presentation slides(PDF, 730KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Wednesday, March 15.

Foreclosure Prevention: Legal Services 

The 2023 Foreclosure Prevention RFP provides funding for a Foreclosure Legal Defense Program to address the legal representation needs of Denver homeowners facing housing instability as a result of a financial hardship.

HOST is particularly interested in proposals addressing existing gaps in foreclosure legal defense programs available in the Denver Metro area including robust access and resource referrals for low-to-moderate income homeowners, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, people with mental health challenges, and other populations imminently at risk of housing instability. 

Read the full description and instructions. (PDF, 291KB)

Foreclosure Prevention: Legal Services Addendum 1 (PDF, 102KB)

Foreclosure Prevention: Legal Services Addendum 2(PDF, 110KB)

Proposals are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, March 3.

Foreclosure Prevention: Financial Assistance  

This 2023 Foreclosure Prevention RFP provides funding for a Mortgage/HOA Fee Assistance Program to address the needs of Denver homeowners facing housing instability as a result of a financial hardship. HOST is particularly interested in proposals addressing existing gaps in foreclosure prevention programs available in the Denver Metro area including robust access and resource referrals for low-to-moderate income homeowners, racial and ethnic minorities, immigrants and refugees, people with mental health challenges, and other populations imminently at risk of housing instability. 

Read the full request and application instructions(PDF, 331KB)

Foreclosure Prevention: Financial Assistance Addendum 1(PDF, 83KB)

Foreclosure Prevention: Financial Assistance Addendum 2(PDF, 71KB)  

Proposals are due by 3 p.m. on Friday, February 24.

Denver Seeking Applications for Hotel/Motel Program

The City and County of Denver through the Department of Housing Stability (HOST) is seeking proposals to establish a list of qualified hotels/motels for short term shelter for households. After eliminating respondents who do not meet the criteria of the RFA, the City may issue contracts to those certified as qualified. The City intends to contract with qualified motel/hotel providers from which it may select on an on-call basis to provide such services in the future. This RFA is open-ended and will remain in effect until February 1, 2023 (extension addendum(PDF, 89KB)). Applications will be accepted on an ongoing basis until further notice, however there is a preference to receive applications as soon as possible. 

Submission of proposals for this solicitation may only be done electronically through Zengine. Proposals must be submitted at: no later than the date and time indicated in the proposal Schedule of Events. Proposers who feel they are unable to prepare and submit an electronic submittal should submit a request in writing to the Contract Administrator, no later than the Question due date, for permission and instructions for submitting a hardcopy proposal. E-Mail:

Servicer For Single-Family Housing Program (metroDPA)

HOST is soliciting competitive responses from highly qualified, professional, and responsive firms to facilitate single family homeownership opportunities through loan servicing (Servicers) in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Request for Proposals (RFP). The City may, at its sole discretion, select multiple loan Servicers as a result of this RFP and retain a qualified pool for potential inclusion in the future. The City is seeking Servicers that will purchase, pool, sell, or hold and service mortgage loans. The City expects Servicing Agreement(s) as a result of this RFP will be for five years.

About metroDPA: In response to homeownership needs across and along the Rocky Mountain Front Range area (Front Range), the City has developed and innovated lending programs, established strategic partnerships, and incorporated successful marketing programs to deliver targeted homeownership assistance. The City’s main lending program is known as metroDPA and it serves households earning up to 150% of the area median income (AMI) who seek the dream of homeownership. 

For more information, please read the full description and instruction(PDF, 318KB)s, and fill out the application, as well as this addendum(PDF, 140KB) and the Diversity and Inclusiveness in City Solicitations Information Request Form(PDF, 307KB).  

A virtual pre-bid meeting was held on Friday, Dec. 2. You can view the presentation here(PDF, 376KB)

Underwriter Solicitation 

HOST is seeking to implement multi-year contracts with two to three underwriters to support HOST’s affordable housing lending activities, by augmenting staff positions as needed during peak workloads, on a project-by-project basis. These roles will be managed by the Director of Housing Development for HOST. Read the full scope of work(PDF, 175KB). In order to apply, please fill out the narrative response form(PDF, 151KB) and other required documents and send to HOSTProcurements@denvergov.orgThis procurement will remain open until June 30, 2023 or until the position(s) are filled.

Family Emergency Non-Congregate Shelter Case Management and Housing Navigation RFP 

This Family Emergency Non-Congregate Shelter (NCS) Case Management and Housing Navigation RFP opportunity is intended to address the current gap in case management for the families staying in contracted motels across the city, with goals of increasing exits to stable or permanent housing, and to see a reduced number of families returning to homelessness. The Family Emergency NCS Program is dedicated to addressing the temporary shelter needs of literally homeless households with a minor or dependent individual in the household. Intensive, housing-focused case management will provide these households with greater stability and opportunity to obtain long-term housing.

This Family Emergency NCS Case Management and Housing Navigation RFP is broken into two parts, A) case management and housing navigation, and B) an intake team. Applicants are encouraged to provide service proposal(s) for either A or B, or A and B. Regardless the type of proposal(s) from the applicant, all partner agencies must use Housing First and Trauma Informed approaches to case management and have a strong working knowledge of Harm Reduction models, nonviolent conflict management, Motivational Interviewing, and housing systems in Denver. Read the full description here and learn how to apply.(PDF, 287KB)

Proposals must be submitted at: by 5 p.m. on Oct 26, 2022Please see this addendum(PDF, 74KB) for questions and answers, and this presentation(PDF, 376KB) from the pre-bid meeting. 

 Please direct any questions to

City Seeks Proposals to Build Affordable Housing, Community Services Space in Globeville

The City and County of Denver has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP)(PDF, 6MB) to identify a qualified development partner(s) to provide affordable housing and community services space at 4995 Washington St., a city-owned site in Globeville. The RFP was developed based on responses from a Request for Expressions of Interest issued earlier this year. 

The City purchased the 2.68-acre property in 2019 with the intent that the land would be acquired for a mixed-use development of affordable housing and meet a need for community space in the area. The property has recently been rezoned to C-MS-5, which allows up to five stories of construction.

The Department of Housing Stability (HOST) is seeking a multifamily development with a majority of units restricted to households with incomes at or below 80% of the area median income. Additional consideration will be given to projects with units for households at 30% of the area median income. The proposed project may include a range of unit sizes, however, additional consideration will be given to projects that include three-bedroom units or larger in support of HOST’s Five Year Strategic Plan(PDF, 6MB) goal.

The qualified development partner(s) will enter into a 99-year land lease for the property, ensuring permanent affordability of the income-restricted units.

The deadline to submit proposals is 5 p.m. Friday, April 15, 2022.

City Explores Redevelopment of Crossroads Shelter to Provide Improved Shelter, Affordable Housing

The Department of Finance and Department of Housing Stability (HOST) today issued a Request for Expressions of Interest(PDF, 252KB) (REOI) by qualified for-profit and nonprofit developers for possible redevelopment of the 1.08-acre Crossroads Shelter. Located at 1901 29th St., Crossroads serves as the primary walk-up shelter in the downtown area for men experiencing homelessness. The city-owned shelter operates 24/7 and provides a distanced capacity of approximately 300 guests. The property was purchased by the City and County of Denver in 2019. The city-owned shelter operates 24/7 and provides a distanced capacity of approximately 300 guests. The property was purchased by the City and County of Denver in 2019.

The REOI seeks the development of new shelter in the downtown Denver area, walkable and accessible to public transportation. Location boundaries for eligible off-site locations are I-70 to the north, I-25 corridor to the west, 6th Avenue to the south and York Street to the east, with a preference for locations with easy walking access to St. Francis Center and Denver Rescue Mission Lawrence Street Shelter. The proposal must include 500 shelter beds, with no more than 300 of those beds being in a congregate setting. 

The city-owned shelter operates 24/7 and provides a distanced capacity of approximately 300 guests. The property was purchased by the City and County of Denver in 2019.

The REOI seeks the development of new shelter in the downtown Denver area, walkable and accessible to public transportation. Location boundaries for eligible off-site locations are I-70 to the north, I-25 corridor to the west, 6th Avenue to the south and York Street to the east, with a preference for locations with easy walking access to St. Francis Center and Denver Rescue Mission Lawrence Street Shelter. The proposal must include 500 shelter beds, with no more than 300 of those beds being in a congregate setting. 

The REOI also seeks proposals for affordable housing on the existing site, with a percentage of income-restricted housing targeting households earning up to 30% of the area median income ($22,050 for a single-person household, or $28,350 for a family of three). Permanent affordability is sought via either a fair market land sale and 99-year restrictive deed covenant recorded on the land, or through a 99-year land lease.

The REOI supports HOST’s Five-Year Strategic Plan goals of increasing the availability of affordable housing and expanding the diversity of shelter options.

The deadline to submit expressions of interest is at 2:30 p.m. Friday, April 22, 2022.

Denver Seeks Proposals for Safe Parking Program 

Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) from service providers interested in administering a Safe Parking program for persons experiencing homelessness in their personal vehicles. The service provider will manage site operations and provide on-site services at approved City-owned or controlled sites and/or at sites with evidence of site control for this permitted use. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds totaling $150,000 are available to pilot the program. 

In alignment with City charter and zoning, sites will temporarily allow occupancy for cars, recreational vehicles, and/or other innovative mobile housing options for temporary sheltering during the public health emergency and recovery period. Once identified, a future safe outdoor parking site would be temporary. 

Safe parking was identified in HOST’s Five-Year Strategic Plan as one of many strategies designed to help address unsheltered homelessness. The option to park in a legal, safe, and consistent place helps ensure that those residing in vehicles can place their focus on attending to concrete tasks to assist them in exiting homelessness. 

Interested parties should submit their proposal at Proposals will be accepted through March 21, 2022. A virtual, informational pre-proposal meeting will be held at 10:30 a.m. Friday, March 4, 2022.

City Seeks Development Partner(s) to Build Affordable Housing and Community Services Space

The City and County of Denver has kicked off the pre-project development stage for the development of affordable housing and a community services space at 4995 Washington St. in Globeville. The Department of Finance and Department of Housing Stability today issued a Request for Expressions of Interest(PDF, 605KB) (REOI) to solicit expressions of interest by qualified for profit and nonprofit developers to enter into a partnership to provide affordable housing at the city-owned site.

The proposed development of the property will include a community services space as a part of the scope of the project. Responses to this REOI must outline access, parking, ownership, maintenance, and proposed use, and scope of partnership with this community services partner. Additional commercial space could be included in this project but is not required.

The City purchased the 2.7-acre property in 2019 with the intent that the land would be acquired for a mixed-use development of affordable housing and meet a need for community space in the area.

The deadline to submit expressions of interest is February 7, 2022, 2:30 p.m.

Denver Solicits Proposals for Catalytic Homelessness Resolution Development Opportunities

November 1, 2021

Denver's Department of Housing Stability (HOST) has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) seeking proposals from teams of developers, service providers, and shelter operators that are interested in developing an innovative project to resolve homelessness, comprised of a mixture of shelter and permanent housing. The City is seeking proposals from teams with documented property ownership, either through deed, Purchase and Sale Agreement, or option agreement.

This solicitation is targeted at creating shelter and permanent housing with supportive services for those currently experiencing homelessness. Proposed projects in any Denver City Council District are encouraged to apply. Projects are encouraged to provide a thoughtful plan of how residents will access services and employment, if applicable.

Interested parties should submit their proposal at Proposals will be accepted until 3 p.m. Dec. 29, 2021. A pre-bid virtual meeting will be held at 9 a.m. Nov. 8, 2021.

[Closed] Denver Solicits Proposals for Non-Congregate Shelter Operations

October 1, 2021

Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) seeking proposals for service providers that are interested in providing support for operations and services for non-congregate shelter at city leased and/or acquired sites, and/or other innovative approaches to transitional shelter for persons experiencing homelessness. HOST is seeking proposals for services at current or anticipated sites for shelter operations and programs. 

HOST is accepting proposals from organizations that will provide management and oversight of shelter operations for city-owned and/or city-leased locations, including:

  • Rodeway Inn, 4765 Federal Blvd. (92 rooms)
  • An anticipated, to-be-acquired hotel property (96 rooms)

The city is also considering opportunities for operations support at additional properties for non-congregate shelter sites as identified in the RFP.

Interested parties should submit their proposal at Proposals will be accepted until 3 p.m. on November 1, 2021. A pre-bid virtual meeting will be held on October 6, 2021 at 9 a.m.

Informal Solicitation: Facilitation of Quarterly Community Stakeholder Meetings

 May 6, 2021

The City and County of Denver Department of Housing Stability (HOST) is seeking an individual or team to facilitate four (4) quarterly meetings for community stakeholders over a twelve (12) month term. Meeting dates, times, and location will be determined at a later date. The purpose of these quarterly public meetings is for City officials to meet persons experiencing homelessness and their representatives to obtain information, input, and feedback on programs; gather unhoused attendees’ approval of or objection to proposed changes to key components of the Lyall lawsuit settlement; listen to concerns; and discuss opportunities for solutions. Each public meeting is expected to last up to 90 minutes. Read the full solicitation here.(PDF, 144KB)

 If interested, please submit the following information to by 5:00 p.m., MST, Friday, May 28, 2021:

  • Describe your team/company overview and experience in facilitation
  • Describe personal lived expertise or experience working with those who have life experience in housing stability and/or homelessness and/or co-facilitate with someone with such experience;
  • Examples of groups facilitated
  • References
  • Fees: hourly rate and overall cost breakdown
  • Completed Diversity and Inclusiveness in City Solicitations Information Request Form

Emergency Rental Assistance Program

April 7, 2021

Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) is seeking proposal(s) for service providers that are interested in administering the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program. The City and County of Denver has been allocated funds under the ERA program from the United States Department of the Treasury. HOST is seeking proposals for ERA for a period through September 30, 2022, with possible extensions.

In accordance with the requirements of the ERA program, these funds will be utilized to provide financial assistance, including rent, rental arrears, utilities and home energy costs, utilities and home energy costs arrears, and other expenses related to housing to eligible households that are unable to pay rent and utilities due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Service providers will utilize a centralized database to review and approve or deny ERA applications for Denver residents and issue financial assistance payments to landlords/tenants/utility providers.

Interested parties should submit their proposal at (title: Emergency Rental Assistance Program for the Department of Housing Stability (HOST)). Vendors must register with Bidnet to view the RFP and apply. Proposals will be accepted until 11 a.m. on April 27, 2021. A pre-bid virtual conference will be held on April 13, 2021 at 10 a.m.

Eviction Legal Defense and Prevention Services

March 24, 2021

Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for eviction legal defense and eviction prevention services to address the increased risk of eviction caused by the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The proposal will cover services through December 2021, with possible extensions.

HOST is seeking responses from service providers that have experience providing eviction legal defense and/or eviction prevention services such as free legal services including legal advice for residents facing an eviction and/or in-court eviction representation; community navigation and support in accessing emergency rental assistance and other eviction prevention resources; tenant/landlord mediation; coordinated call center connecting residents facing an eviction to appropriate eviction legal defense and prevention resource(s); or other innovative programs or services aimed at providing eviction legal defense or eviction prevention services to address the increased risk of eviction caused by the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Proposals will be required to demonstrate a strong commitment to integrating into existing service delivery systems of eviction legal defense and prevention programs and services and willingness to participate in regular communication and coordination with such programs and services.

Interested parties should submit their proposal at  (title: 2021 Eviction Legal Defense and Prevention Funds for the Department of Housing Stability (HOST)). Vendors must register with Bidnet to view the RFP and apply. Proposals will be accepted until 1 p.m. on April 29, 2021. A pre-bid virtual conference will be held on April 2, 2021.

Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA)

August 7, 2020

Denver’s Department of Housing Stability (HOST) is seeking proposals for a variety of housing programs and services utilizing both federal and local funds. Proposals are sought for housing opportunity, housing stability and homelessness resolution programs to be funded in 2021.

HOST is soliciting proposals in the following program areas:

Housing Opportunity

  • Housing Counseling (HC)
  • Down Payment Assistance (DPA)
  • Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs)

Housing Stability

  • Tenant/Landlord Counseling
  • Rental/Homeowner Access and Modification Program (RHAMP)
  • Emergency Home Repair (EHR)
  • Single Family Rehabilitation Program (SFR)
  • Tenant Based Rental Assistance (TBRA)
  • Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA)
  • Temporary Rental and Utility Assistance Program (TRUA)
  • Eviction Legal Defense

Homelessness Resolution

  • Shelter Operations
  • Shelter Programming
  • Outreach Programs
  • Employment Services
  • Re-housing Interventions
  • Supportive Housing
  • Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Programs
  • Emergency Solutions Grant Coronavirus Relief Programs (ESG-CV)

Innovative Programs and Services

Professional Services

Application Information:

The HOST NOFA application is available at The request for proposal number is 29220M. The deadline to submit funding applications in response to the NOFA is Wednesday, September 16, 2020, at 4 p.m. Mountain time.

A general information meeting for NOFA applicants will be held Tuesday, August 25, 2020, 10 a.m. Mountain time via Microsoft Teams.