Resources and Publications
Learn more about the Denver I/DD community, the IDDEAS Program and how taxpayer funds benefit Denver residents with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
2024 Neuro-Inclusive Housing Summit
Slides and Recordings
On October 28, 2024, Boulder County Human Services, in partnership with Denver Human Services, Inclusive Housing Coalition, and the Colorado Housing Finance Authority (CHFA) hosted the 2024 Neuro-Inclusive Housing Summit. Visit the link below for session descriptions, recordings and other resources:
2024 Neuro-Inclusive Housing Summit (
Research and Reports
Barriers to Housing for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Landlords and Builders Assessment
To help meet the housing needs of Denver residents with I/DD, the Denver Human Services (DHS) IDDEAS Program awarded a project to The Kelsey, to investigate and identify landlord and builder concerns with renting and creating housing accessible to the I/DD community. This report outlines their findings and recommendations.
Inclusive Housing Report
Nearly a dozen local organizations partnered with the Department of Human Services (DHS) and the IDDEAS Program to collect data on the extreme shortage of affordable, accessible housing for people with I/DD. See the data and learn about housing needs and preferences within the I/DD community.
2018 Needs Assessment Summary(PDF, 298KB)
(PDF, 298KB)
To understand the needs of our I/DD community in Denver, DHS hired an independent consultant to gather feedback from people with I/DD about their most pressing needs. Read the summary.
2018 Needs Assessment Full Report(PDF, 3MB)
Read the full report on the needs of our Denver I/DD community.
IDDEAS Advisory Council
IDDEAS Advisory Council By-Laws(PDF, 150KB)
These are the rules that establish and govern the IDDEAS advisory council.
IDDEAS Ordinance(PDF, 156KB)
Read the municipal law that created the dedicated tax fund to pay for services for people with I/DD.
IDDEAS Program Rules(PDF, 197KB)
These are the rules governing the implementation of the IDDEAS Program, which is housed at DHS.
10 CCR 205-10 8.600
These are state rules that govern services and supports for individuals with developmental disabilities provided through the Colorado Department of Health Care Policy and Financing. IDDEAS program rules reference some of the definitions within these state rules.