Community Connections Email List
Our group email list is a great way to share information, announcements, events, job openings, and other opportunities to a network of community partners.
How to join
Join our list by providing your name, organization, email address, and a short message telling us why you want to join.
Click here to view form.
You will receive an email verification once we have added you to the list.
How to send
After you have been added to our list, just send an email to from the email address that you signed up with.
Your email will be sent to the group including any attachments.
Acceptable emails to the group include:
- Job announcements
- Information you'd like to share that supports healthy communities where people are connected, supported, safe, and well
- Events and webinars related to human services
Unacceptable content includes:
- Advertising of products or services
- Material that is defamatory, obscene, or threatening
- Copyrighted material unless it is owned by you or you have consent from the owner
By accessing, utilizing, or participating in this Denver Human Services (DHS) email group, you agree that DHS does not monitor, edit, or have any responsibility for the information contained herein. DHS provides this email group solely for the exchange of information in matters of professional interest. DHS is not responsible for and does not endorse or necessarily agree with the views expressed through this DHS email group. Such views are solely those of the individuals who express them.
See our complete Terms of Use.