Planning, Visioning & Infrastructure Projects

A long view of the length of Hampden Avenue toward the east showing 6 lanes of traffic in both directions.

Southeast Denver Visioning Overview

Since 2015, southeast Denver residents have shared their ideas to improve the area. Through surveys, community meetings, online engagement and one-on-one communications, residents have shared how much they love our corner of Denver, but would like it to be more walkable with local restaurants, retail and gathering places for people to meet and linger. These ideas have created a vision for the area and are guiding the work of the District 4 Council office.  Below are the results from some of our community surveys:

Multiple planning efforts have already occurred, and more are in the works. See below. Scroll down to learn about our community volunteer efforts.

This 2016 video, Imagine the Possibilities, inspired 1000s of residents during our Visioning Series.

Southeast Denver Planning

Neighborhood Planning Initiative (NPI) & Near Southeast Area Plan

  • Denver's Neighborhood Planning Initiative is a long-term commitment to ensure every corner of the city can enjoy the benefits of an area plan. Since its launch in 2017, residents, neighborhood groups, and community leaders have been working alongside the city's neighborhood planning team to create a vision and plan for their areas.
  •  The Near Southeast Area Plan is scheduled to begin in 2021. It includes the Evans corridor, the Goldsmith neighborhoods, University Hills North, Virginia Village, Virginia Vale and Indian Creek. It is hoped that an Evans Corridor Study will occur concurrently.

Yale Corridor Study

A Yale Corridor Study is underway to look at safety improvements from Downing to Holly. The study began in December 2019 with an existing conditions assessment and concluded in 2020. Next steps include public comment through March 10 2021. Check the project page for information and community meeting details.


Hampden Avenue Corridor

After a Hampden Corridor Study and public input, the first phase of Hampden improvements were completed in 2019 including medians, new crosswalks and a new light at Verbena. Phase two improvement will include a redesign of the Locust intersection to increase pedestrian safety as well as a new “Southmoor” sign at Monaco. For more information visit: Hampden Corridor Study Report(PDF, 9MB)Hampden Improvement Plan presentation(PDF, 1MB) and Hampden Improvements FAQ(PDF, 364KB).


Belleview Station Planning

Located at Belleview and I-25, the Belleview Station is a fast growing “urban” walkable Transportation Oriented Development complete with housing, hotel, office, retail, restaurants and an active transportation hub. Western Union and Newmont Mining, two Fortune 500, companies are located at the Belleview Station. View the plans online


Colorado Station Planning

The Colorado Light Rail Station located at Colorado Boulevard and I-25, is a dense, walkable Transportation Oriented Development that includes office and retail. Junction Food & Drink opened in 2020 and is a chef-driven Food Hall featuring inspired creations from both locally and nationally known chefs and has been a very popular spot to dine at.


Infrastructure Projects

Hampden Avenue Corridor

After a Hampden Corridor Study and public input, the first phase of Hampden improvements were completed in 2019 including medians, new crosswalks and a new light at Verbena. Phase two improvements will include a redesign of the Locust intersection to increase pedestrian safety. Design for this intersection will begin summer 2021. There will also be a new “Southmoor” sign at Monaco.

For more info: Hampden Corridor Study Report.(PDF, 9MB) Hampden Improvement Plan presentation(PDF, 1MB) and Hampden Improvements FAQ(PDF, 364KB)

Yale Avenue Corridor

  • The Yale Corridor Study looked at safety improvements from Downing to Holly. The study wrapped up in September 2020 with a virtual open house. The draft plan will be available for public review in February 2021. You can view all past reports, summaries and open house videos here.
  • A tunnel connecting the High Line Canal Trail under Yale and Holly is funded through the Elevate Denver Bond. It has not yet been designed. Project timeline is TBD.

Colorado Boulevard Corridor

  • Buchtel Complete Street & Evans Intersection Improvements

    The overall University Neighborhoods Safer Streets Program is looking at the big picture of transportation in this area, including projects funded by voter approved bonds, scheduled maintenance like street paving and new construction. The program helps understand how various projects connect to others, such as new sidewalk installations where they are missing, new bike facilities that can be installed when streets are repaved, and other bond funded projects. A final stakeholder meeting just rapped up and a timeline for construction will be announced soon.

  • Colorado Blvd. Corridor Study

    CDOT, in collaboration with the Regional Transportation District (RTD), the City and County of Denver, and the City of Glendale, is working on a corridor plan on Colorado Boulevard from East 52nd Avenue to East Hampden Avenue. The plan will analyze multimodal infrastructure needs and identify necessary improvements that will benefit all travelers and support a future Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) route.

Evans Avenue Corridor

The Evans Ave. Corridor study is underway! The following goals were developed by the project team and the community at several meetings in October and November 2023. While they may continue to evolve as the project advances, generally these goals will be used to assess and refine recommendations for the corridor as they are developed.

  1. Improve safety for all users traveling along or across the corridor.
  2. The corridor should prioritize multimodal options and support communities.
  3. Considering the current and future importance of Evans Avenue as a transit corridor, prioritize improvements to transit infrastructure and operations.
  4. Facilitate strong stakeholder partnerships and communications to coordinate infrastructure changes.
  5. Promote designs to increase the corridor's environmental resiliency.
  6. Ensure transportation equity is met along the corridor.


Mobility Projects

  • A signalized crosswalk on Quincy at Syracuse is planned. No start date has been identified.
  • The traffic signals at Yosemite and I-225 will be rebuilt in 2021 to improve safety.

Parker Road Corridor Study

A Corridor Study for Parker Road between Hampden Avenue and E470 is underway. A focus group met last August to go over next steps. An evaluation on improving travel conditions and safety for bicyclists, pedestrians, and transit riders along and across the Parker Road corridor between Mississippi Avenue and Hampden Avenue. Learn more about the project here(PDF, 4MB) .


If you are interested in learning more about the bond projects happening around the City, a map and dashboard have been created to help track the progress.