Denver's cold weather shelters will remain open as long as weather conditions are met.
Most City and County of Denver offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17 for the Presidents' Day holiday.
Councilwoman Sawyer facilitated a conversation considering a legislative rezoning of the Hale statistical neighborhood, including parts of Mayfair. There were two virtual community meetings and a survey. Survey closed on September 29.
Watch the September 12th Town Hall
Watch the September 19th Town Hall
After an extensive outreach process, the majority of the neighborhood said they did want to move forward. We are happy to announce that the survey was statistically valid and had 58% of respondents in favor of the changes. Based on the feedback we received in our community meetings, in the survey, and in the East Area Plan, we have moved forward with a legislative rezoning that, if approved, will allow all single unit properties in Hale to build an ADU without having to go through a rezoning process.
Read the Hale ADU Responses Presentation(PDF, 332KB)
The rezoning application was filed on Nov 20, 2023. It came to Planning Board on January 1, 2024. It came to LUTI on February 6, 2024. It passed City Council on April 8, 2024, and it is now law.
If you have questions or comments, please e-mail