The formal site development plan (SDP) stage is the first technical submittal of development plans, supporting technical documents, and review fees. This phase provides the city with the plans and submittals required for final approval (e.g., technical data, drainage studies, transportation studies, design review compliance, and other requirements).
During the review of the formal SDP, city agencies will send comments and feedback on the plans, which may require the project to submit revised or additional documents during the SDP review process. Plans will be checked by the project coordinator upon receipt and any plans not containing a full response to all issues will be returned, un-reviewed.
What to submit:
General Requirements
Save your Site Development Plan set as a PDF and including the following components (some components may be combined on the same sheet as long as information remains legible, depending on project size):
Cover sheet
Survey sheet
Zone lot amendment exhibit (if applicable)
Architectural site plan
Utility and grading plan
Denver fire sheet
Landscape plan
Floor plans
Roof plan
Architectural building elevations
Photometric plan with manufacturer lighting fixture details
Accessory structure and site details (may be shown on other sheets as space permits and these shall be to scale)
Format requirements all documents:
Sheets must be formatted in 24” x 36” landscape orientation
Site plan components need to be scaled appropriately for legibility (1”10, 1”20, 1”30, etc.)
See templates for border requirements
Development name, project location, and address located at the top of the page and centered in the following format:
Initial Site Development Plan or Amendment to a Site Development Plan
SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN (1/4"-5/16" text)
Located in Quarter Section, Township, Range (1/8"-3/16" text "A PART OF")
Project Address(es) (3/16"-1/4" text "LOCATED AT:")
SITE DEVELOPMENT PLAN, 1st Amendment (1/4"-5/16" text)
Located in Quarter Section, Township, Range (1/8"-3/16" text "A PART OF")
Project Address(es) (3/16"-1/4" text "LOCATED AT:")
Name of development and project master number in lower right-hand corner of page, beneath the border
Page title, number, page number in series total in lower right-hand corner of each sheet, above the border
All lettering should be at a legible font size
Show legend on all sheets as needed with the symbols pertaining to the sheet. The legend must define each symbol and line type used on the sheet.
Zone lot boundary must be clearly shown in a heavy solid line on all plan sheets post any ROW dedication(s)
All sheets need to be oriented in the same direction with a north arrow
All text must be in black; remove all gray line work and shaded areas. Gray can make a document illegible or disappears when recorded.
Cover Sheet Requirements
The cover sheet should contain general information on the scope of the project, general notes applicable to the project, project specific notes, a summary of development and site statistics, vicinity map and approval signature blocks. The following information is required on the cover sheet:
Vicinity Map: Must clearly identify the subject property as a black/white drawing (do not provide a Google map). Located at top center below the development title. It is not required to be drawn to scale, but it should be proportional. Include site boundaries and hatch subject zone lot(s); include street centerlines, street names, zone districts, and if the subject property is located within a view plane, the view plane should be shown on the vicinity map with the view plane origin points.
Sheet Index: Located in sheet center below the vicinity map. Label each sheet and provide page numbers for each sheet.
General Notes: Located in sheet center below the index. The following general notes must be included:
This SDP was reviewed under the Denver Zoning Code Effective Date June 25, 2010, restated in its entirety on July 1, 2021, as Amended through ________________.
Fences, walls, signs, and accessory structures may be subject to separate reviews and permits.
An access easement for emergency services is hereby granted on and across all areas for police, fire, medical, and other emergency vehicles and for the provision of emergency services.
Where private roadways serve as required fire lanes or fire apparatus access roads, “fire lane” signage needs to be posted as required by Denver Fire Code section 503.3. Fire lane designations and signage locations needs to be shown on the site plan. Private roadways serving as fire lanes need to be constructed in accordance with an approved DOTI roadway section per Denver Fire Code section 503.2.1.
Accessible parking spaces must be identified by signs and on pavement surfaces with the International Symbol of Accessibility (ISA).
Approval of this plan does not constitute or imply compliance with ADA requirements.
Site(s) shall be landscaped prior to issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy (CO) during the growing season of April 1st to October 1st. All other times the individual sites shall be landscaped within 45 days of the start of the following growing season.
All landscape areas need to be irrigated with an underground automatic irrigation system. Trees, shrubs, and decorative grasses will be irrigated by a separate zone from sod/grass; this includes trees planted in sod/grass area. The irrigation system is to have a rain sensor shutoff installed.
Private roadways are non-dedicated streets and will not be maintained by the City and County of Denver.
Include applicable Green Building Ordinance Compliance notes.
Transportation Demand Management (TDM) compliance:
If TDM is required:
Development resulting from this Site Development Plan is subject to the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance No. 20210342 and adopted Rules and Regulations. The approved TDM Plan, and any modifications to the Plan, are on file with the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, TRAN File #__________________.
If TDM is not required:
At the time of approval the Site Development Plan falls within Tier 0 of the Transportation Demand Management (TDM) Ordinance No. 20210342 and adopted Rules and Regulations, and therefore has no TDM requirements. The approved Tier 0 TDM Plan is on file with the Department of Transportation and Infrastructure, TRAN File #__________________.
Survey Sheet Requirements
Zone Lot Amendment Exhibit Requirements (if applicable)
Architectural Site Plan Sheet Requirements
The site plan should illustrate the location of any proposed buildings and site improvements in relation to the property boundaries. The site plan will be reviewed to determine compliance with setbacks, proposed setback encroachments and building overhang, block sensitive setback, build-to requirements, vehicular/bike parking layout and design, pedestrian access and right-of-way improvements (consistent with the Transportation Engineering Plan). The following is the minimum information needed to review these requirements:
Zone Lot Boundary: Show the Zone Lot Boundary as a solid line with the heaviest line weight on the plans. Provide all zone lot boundary dimensions. Label primary, side, rear, and side street zone lot lines. If ROW is required to be dedicated, the zone lot boundary should be illustrated post dedication.
Dedication: The portion of the parcel to be dedicated should be shown, dimensioned and labeled with room for the reception number of the dedication. (e.g. 2’ right-of-way dedication to the City and County of Denver), Reception Number: ____________
Building Envelope: Show, label and dimension the building envelope as defined by the required setbacks. Label all setbacks by type: primary, side street, side interior, rear.
Build-to Range: If the underlying zone district has a build-to requirement, show, label and dimension the build-to range. Label the dimension of buildings within the build-to range and any proposed alternatives.
Projecting Building Elements: Show, dimension and label all projecting elements, such as cantilevered floor areas, balconies, bay windows, etc., with a dashed line. Dimension from building element to setback line.
Setback Encroachments: Label, dimension, reference the code reference that allows the encroachment, and max encroachment limits for all site and building elements projecting into setbacks.
Provide the Ground Story Floor Plan: For residential projects, label accessible unit types. For non-residential and mixed-use projects, call out the use and GFA for each use on the ground floor. GFA for lobbies and facilities serving upper story uses should be credited towards that use.
Site Improvements: Show, label and dimension the location of all proposed site improvements, such as sidewalks, drive aisles, parking and loading areas, bike racks, trash enclosures, gas and meter locations, mailboxes, ground mounted a/c locations, accessory structures, etc. Show location of any fences, garden walls, and retaining walls. Provide a typical design detail including height and materials. Label paving materials and dimension sidewalk widths.
Sight Distance Triangles: Show all three sight distance triangles at curb cuts: pedestrian, 30’ corner, and roadway based upon ASHTO. Review DOTI’s Transportation Engineering Plan (TEP) review submittal requirements for specific requirements.
Parking: Show general parking arrangement. Provide dimension for all parking stalls, vehicular driveways, and loading areas. For enclosed one and two-car garages, dimension the garage. Locate and provide dimensions for accessible spaces. Label any compact spaces. For spaces or garages that directly access the alleyway, show and label the distance from the opposite side of the alleyway to the face of garage or beginning of parking stall.
Build-To Analysis
Primary Street:
Primary Street Zone Lot Line Dimension (ft.):
Required Build-To (ft./%):
Building dimension provided within Build-to Range (ft./%):
Build-to Alternatives Provided (list alternatives) (ft./%):
Max Build-to Alternative Allowed (ft./%):
Total Build-to (buildings + alternatives) (ft./%):
Side Street:
Side Street Zone Lot Line Dimension (ft.):
Required Build-To (ft./%):
Building dimension provided within Build-to Range (ft./%):
Build-to Alternatives Provided (list alternatives) (ft./%):
Max Build-to Alternative Allowed (ft./%):
Total Build-to (buildings + alternatives) (ft./%):
Street Level Active Uses: Dimension and label the active use area at the street level, if applicable, and provide active use data within the build-to analysis. Street level active uses need to be shown from the building façade in for a depth of 15 feet.
Utility and Grading Plan Requirements
The utility plans are reviewed to determine how the project will be served by water, sanitary sewer and other utilities, required fire hydrant access and distances to the nearest fire hydrant. The grading plans are reviewed to analyze overall drainage of and handling of storm water on site in addition to ensure that proposed drainage doesn’t adversely impact adjacent properties.
Utilities: Show existing and proposed utilities and service lines including water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer, gas, electricity, etc. Provide pipe sizes. Utilize different symbology/line types for each utility type and provide a legend.
Grading Plan Information: Grading must be shown on the entire property, within a foot of surrounding property to demonstrate tie in of existing grades, and on adjacent rights-of-ways including sidewalk and tree lawns. The following grading information is required.
Existing grading contours in a light dashed line shown in intervals no greater than 2-feet.
Proposed grading contours in a solid line shown in intervals no greater than 2-feet.
Contours may be needed in intervals less than 2-feet depending on site conditions.
Spot grades for existing and proposed grading may supplement contours as necessary.
Provide labels for the existing and proposed contours.
Denver Fire Sheet Requirements
Fire Flow Data
CODE USED FOR ANALYSIS: 2021 IFC and 2022 Amendments
Fire Lane Details: Show cross-sections (widths), materials, signs, turning radii, etc.
Landscape Plan Requirements
Site Distance Triangles: Show all three sight distance triangles at curb cuts: pedestrian, 30’ corner, and roadway based upon ASHTO. Review DOTI’s Transportation Engineering Plan (TEP) review submittal requirements for specific requirements.
Utilities and Infrastructure: Show existing and proposed utilities including but not limited to the following: hydrants, streetlights, utility lines, water lines/mains, storm lines, drain inlets, utility boxes, utility poles, underground/overhead lines, stop signs, drain chases, and stop signs. Indicate size and type for each wet/dry utility line.
Landscape Elements and Details: Show as needed including fences, walls, and berms, and all site amenities/structures such as seating, shelters, bicycle racks, trash receptacles/enclosures, and gazebos.
Planting: Provide details, including typical methods of planting, minimum required mulch materials and depths, underlayments, etc. (refer to the Office of the City Forester page for information).
Planting Schedule: Provide a table and legend for proposed planting that includes the symbol/abbreviation, quantity provided, botanical name, common name, planting size (caliper, gallon, or height) and notes.
Interior Parking Lot Landscape Analysis
Area of Parking Lot Stalls (exclude drive-aisles and proposed landscaping):
Minimum landscape area required (5% of parking lot stall area):
Landscaped Area Provided (SF):
Perimeter Surface Parking Lot Landscaping Analysis
Linear Frontage of Abutting Street Right-of-Way (ft.):
Minimum Number of Trees Required (1 per 25 LF):
Number of Trees Provided:
Perimeter Landscape Street Width Provided (ft.):
Garden Wall Required/Provided (Yes/No):
Fence/Wall/Berm Provided (Type):
Floor Plan Requirements
If structured parking is proposed, a parking plan must be provided to evaluate parking structure design and layout. Floor and roof plans are needed to determine GFA of uses, unit count, hotel room count, mezzanine design and compliance with proposed height exception limitations.
Parking Layout: Provide parking structure layout and dimensions for parking stalls and driveways. Label compact, accessible, tandem, and EV spaces and equipment.
GFA: Provide Gross Floor Area data on the floor plans. For purposes of calculating Floor Area Ratio (FAR), “gross floor area” means the sum of the gross horizontal areas of the several floors of a building, including interior balconies and mezzanines, but excluding exterior balconies. All horizontal dimensions of each floor are to be measured by the exterior faces of walls of each such floor. The floor area of a building shall include the floor area of accessory buildings on the same zone lot, measured the same way. Please review Article 13 for applicable GFA exclusions. Please provide the following information on each floor plan sheet broken down by primary zoning use classification and accessory parking classification. The summary of all GFA broken down by zoning use or accessory use classifications should be reflected on the cover sheet statistics table.
For garage levels, all spaces devoted to bike or car parking shall be classified as accessory parking use. This includes stair cores and elevator lobbies used exclusively to access parking levels. For all other enclosed space within a parking level (such as storage, mechanical rooms), the GFA should be assigned to the dominant primary use (ex. multi-unit dwelling, office, etc.).
For mixed use levels, such as the ground floor. All common building areas should such as lobbies, mechanical rooms, etc., should be assigned to the dominant primary use, all other features if used exclusively for a secondary use (such as specific trash rooms or hallways serving only the non-residential uses), the GFA should be classified as the secondary uses.
Rooftop enclosed spaces should be classified with the dominant primary use.
Roof Plans: Show roof layout including rooftop stairwell access, elevator penthouses, mechanical equipment, mechanical equipment screening, etc. If proposed improvements are over maximum building height, provide an GFA analysis of height exceptions to determine max roof coverage is not being exceeded, and ensure that all other height exception requirements have been satisfied within the zone district.
Architectural Building Elevation Requirements
Architectural building elevations are reviewed to determine conformance with zoning requirements, such as required ground floor activation, transparency, and build-to, overall building height, rooftop mechanical screening, and exceptions to building height and setbacks. Building elevations also are reviewed against applicable urban design standards and guidelines and are required to illustrate building design. Building elevations are required for all sides of all buildings, even if not public facing.
Transparency Analysis
Primary Street Name:
Primary Street (Street Level Façade Width):
Required Transparency (%/Ft):
Transparency Provided (%/Ft):
Clear Glazing:
Side Street Name:
Side Street (Street Level Façade Width)::
Required Transparency (%/Ft):
Transparency Provided (%/Ft):
Clear Glazing:
Projecting Elements: Show all projecting elements such as cantilevered floor area, balconies, bay windows, etc. Where projections encroach into setbacks, label the specific encroachment dimension the encroachment, and provide the code citation that allows the encroachment.
Accessory Structures: Provide elevations and typical details of any proposed accessory structures, trash enclosures, walls, and fencing. Dimension and provide material information. These structures shall meet the detached accessory structure standards within the Denver Zoning Code.
Photometric Plan Requirements
The photometric plan is utilized to evaluate exterior site lighting and lighting fixtures for conformance with lighting standards contained within the Denver Zoning Code.
Lighting Schedule: Provide a lighting schedule that includes the fixture type, light source type (metal halide, LED, etc.), wattage, lumen output, distribution type, model name and number, etc.
Manufacturer Fixture Cut Sheets and Pole Information: Provide cut-sheets for all exterior lighting fixtures. If the cut sheet contains option information, make sure the selected options are identified. Provide design details, and dimension free-standing pole heights.
Updated February 6, 2024
Ready to submit your formal SDP?
View application instructions
Learn what happens when your formal SDP is approved
Once all review comments have been addressed during the formal site development plan (SDP) stage, the final SDP may be submitted online for recording. The city now requires electronic recordation for Infrastructure Master Plans, Large Development Review Frameworks, Site Development Plans, and Zone Lot Amendments.
How to Submit
Add digital signatures that includes the owner’s notarized electronic signature and surveyor’s electronic stamp and signature to a PDF.
Drawing sets could be rejected if the file size is too large or illegible.
Please use the following file naming convention:
Project Name_Project Record Number_For Recordation
View electronic notary FAQs.
How to submit your signed and notarized plans for recordation:
- Sign in to e-permits
- Click "My Records" under the Home Tab
- Click on the appropriate record*
- Go to Record Info > Attachments
- Click "ADD" to upload files*
- Remember to click "SAVE" prior to exiting the page
*If you do not see the record listed under My Records and there is no ADD button on the record attachments page, then it means that your e-permits account is not linked to the record. You can request to have a record linked to your account by contacting In your request, please include the email address registered to the e-permits account and record(s) that need to be added to your account.
Troubleshooting Tips for Submitting
When Utilizing Adobe:
To prevent getting locked out of an Adobe e-signature document when needing multiple signatures, use the "Mega Sign" feature in Adobe Acrobat Sign, which allows you to send a single document to multiple signers sequentially without locking the document after the first signature is added; simply designate the signing order within the document.
When Utilizing Bluebeam:
To prevent getting locked out of a PDF in Bluebeam when needing multiple signatures, add separate digital signature fields to the document for each signer, allowing each person to sign without affecting the ability for others to sign afterwards; essentially, you need to create multiple signature areas within the document instead of just one, which would lock the document after the first signature is applied.
Paying Fees
Projects may have additional fees due at this point related to site engineering, which must be paid before this review group will sign-off on the SDP.
How to pay fees online:
- Sign in to e-permits
- In the record number, search for 20XX-XXX-000XXX
- Under the payments tab, select “Fees”
- Click on “Pay Fees” and follow the instructions
In addition, the following documents, if required, must be signed by the property owner and returned to and approved by the appropriate agencies:
- Transportation Engineering Plan (TEP)
- Storm and Sanitary Sewer Construction Plans (if required)
- Right-of-Way Dedications (if required)
- Street or Alley Vacations (if required)
- Declaration or relinquishment of easements (if required)
- Other project-specific documents as determined by city reviewers