Apply for Site Development Plan Review

First, review the site development plan review process. Then, follow the below instructions to submit site planning documents online. 

Concept Plan

Step 1.Conceptual Site Plan

Create a conceptual site plan based on the requirements outlined in the concept submittal checklist(PDF, 88KB).

Step 2.Submit Online

When you are ready to submit your conceptual site plan, go to e-permits and register for a free, online account. Click Development Services > Apply for a Permit. Select the appropriate Site Planning option and click Continue Application. Make sure to read the instructions carefully, follow the prompts to submit contact information, project details, and upload site planning documents, including your conceptual site plan.

Apply now

Formal SDP

Step 1.Gather Documents

  • A GBO declaration form(PDF, 226KB) for any new building of 25,000 square feet or more in gross floor area (GFA) or any addition of 50,000 square feet or more in GFA. 

Step 2.Submit Online

When you are ready to submit your formal site development plan, go to e-permits and register for a free, online account. Click Development Services > Apply for a Permit. Select the appropriate Site Planning option and click Continue Application. Make sure to read the instructions carefully, follow the prompts to submit contact information, project details, and upload site planning documents, including your formal site development plan.

Apply now


How to Submit Revised Plans

  • Sign in to e-permits to view previously logged projects in My Records.
  • Click on the appropriate record, then Record Info and Attachments to add additional documents. 
  • Make sure to “save” after uploading new/revised documents.

To resubmit plans for projects initially submitted via email or the old e-plan/EFT site, email with the email address associated with your e-permits account and the projects where you would like to resubmit. You will receive a confirmation email verifying that your e-permits account has been associated with the projects. Then, follow the above instructions to resubmit.

Screenshot of site development application instructions in e-permits

Screenshot of Denver's Permitting Center - how to resubmit site planning documents

Submit revised plans now