Construction Inspections

Schedule an inspection

Note on upcoming training: Inspectors will be attending ICC Training Classes March 4 through March 8. We expect a high volume of inspections requests, but will have a limited number of inspectors available during the training, so some inspections will be cancelled.

  • Most construction projects are required to schedule a pre-construction meeting with an inspector. You may also schedule a pre-construction meeting to discuss specific inspection related questions for your project. 
  • Inspections will be completed within 2 business days. Inspections cannot be scheduled for permits that are still under review. Permit status must be "issued." 
  • For permits issued online, inspectors will carry inspection cards. You do not need to obtain these yourself.
  • Make sure to provide a good site contact phone number for the inspector to use.
  • You'll need an e-permits account before using the mobile site. 

First time scheduling online?

You'll need an e-permits account and either the permit number or site address to schedule inspections for an issued permit. Read e-permits FAQs or watch our video tutorials.

Related services:

Helpful information 

If you need to cancel your permit, change the address on your permit, or change the contractor on your permit, please click the below button to submit your request.

Note: Only issued permits can be canceled via the below link. If your permit has not been issued, please contact for help.

Submit your request

Certificate of Occupancy

In order to issue a certificate of occupancy (CO), inspectors will require:

  • That all facets of the job are complete, including work from modified plans.
  • A complete building inspection card, or cards for multiple permits, from the City and County of Denver, with all required rough and final inspection signatures including all required agency signatures in the red box on the back of the card, and resulted on the construction permit.
  • Final approval letters from any third-party engineers and inspectors.
  • A final approval letter from the engineer of record.

To obtain your CO:

  • Schedule and pass the 108 – Final inspection.
    • Request your final agency CO approvals online through e-permits.
    • Select the appropriate construction permit record by typing the permit number in the search bar.
    • Once on the correct permit page, click "Record Info" > "Inspections"
    • Click “Schedule or Request an Inspection” and follow the prompts to request the required agency approvals.
      • Required approvals will be listed on your final agency inspection record and could include the following agencies:
        • Construction Engineering
        • Wastewater
        • Denver Fire Department
        • Public Health and Environment
        • Zoning Administration
  • The CO will be mailed to the property owner and emailed to the email contact listed on the permit.

Temporary Certificate of Occupancy

In order to issue a temporary certificate of occupancy (TCO), inspectors will require:

  • A completed TCO request form in which you explain the reason for a TCO and how long it will be needed.
  • A complete building inspection card from the City and County of Denver, stamped “TCO,” including all required final signatures and all required agency signatures in the red box, and resulted on the construction permit.
  • All life safety systems functioning upon TCO inspection.
  • All third-party engineers’ observation letters.
  • A final letter by the engineer of record.
  • Collection of the $200.00 TCO fee.

To obtain your TCO:

  • Schedule and pass the 120 – Temporary Certificate of Occupancy inspection.
    • Request your agency TCO approvals online through e-permits.
    • Select the appropriate construction permit record by typing the permit number in the search bar.
    • Once on the correct permit page, click "Record Info" > "Inspections"
    • Click “Schedule or Request an Inspection” and follow the prompts to request the required agency approvals.
      • Required approvals will be will be listed on your final agency inspection record and could include the following agencies:
        • Construction Engineering
        • Wastewater
        • Denver Fire Department
        • Public Health and Environment
        • Zoning Administration 
  • Complete the TCO request form
  • Once approved by a construction chief a $200 TCO fee will be assessed and the payment should be made online through e-permits
  • The TCO will be emailed to email contact listed on the permit.

If you need an extension on your TCO:

  • Fill out the TCO request form stating the reason for the extension request and the additional time needed to complete the project. 
  • Once approved by a construction chief a $200 fee will be assessed, and the payment should be made online through e-permits
  • The TCO will be emailed to email contact listed on the permit.

Submit a TCO request form

For roof-mounted solar/PV systems, please submit a signed statement to your electrical inspector confirming PV installation in accordance with the NEC.

NEW: Have your meter release request automatically sent to Xcel following your inspection -- just make sure to specifically schedule a "meter release inspection" online. A meter release cannot be scheduled through the automated phone system.

You do not need an e-permits account to check the status of permits or inspections. You will need an account to schedule inspections.

(1) Enter e-permits, and then click the Development Services tab. From this tab, you can search by address or by record number (permit number or log number).

Search by Address or Permit Number:

(2) If you search by address, you will see a list of all records associated with that site. Select your permit from the list.

(3) If you search by permit number, it will take you directly to the record detail page, shown to the right. From this page, you can tell if the permit is in progress, issued, or finaled. A permit must be "issued" in order to schedule inspections. To schedule an inspection or to view inspection results, go to Record Info > Inspections.

Search by Log Number

Another way to find permit records -- without knowing the permit number -- is to search the Building Log number and then go to Record Info > Related Records, as shown below. This will display a list of all permits associated with that project. Click "View" to view a specific permit.

How to schedule a final inspection or Certificate of Occupancy (CO) inspection for Landmark:

  • Visit e-permits and click "Enter E-Permits"
    • New users will need to create an account 
  • In e-permits, click the “Development Services” tab and then either: 
    • Select the permit record from your “My Records” list (which will populate after your contractor’s license has been added to your e-permits account), OR
    • Search for the permit by type the permit number in the "Record Number" box and click search.
  • Once on the correct permit page, go to "Record Info" > "Inspections"
  • Click “Schedule or Request an Inspection” 
  • Select "Landmark Final" to schedule a final landmark inspection, and "Zoning CO" to schedule a final zoning inspection

What to expect from your Landmark inspection:

  • The Landmark inspector will check to see if the work complies with the Denver Zoning Code, the Landmark Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) and the approved set of Landmark plans. 
    • NOTE: Any changes made after your plans have been approved  must be submitted for review and approval again. Changes made without Landmark approval will cause your inspection to be denied.
    • If you have questions about Landmark inspections for your project, please schedule a "Landmark Pre-Construction Meeting"

Landmark inspection tips:

  • Changes to design, dimensions, and/or materials (including trim work, windows, doors, etc.) will require an additional review and approval from Landmark.
  • Landmark must approve the removal, replacement, or infill of doors and windows.
  • If required by zoning, make sure there aren't any missing or dead landscaping.
  • Make sure the types of materials you've selected are allowed to be used.
    • Examples of materials not allowed: compressed artificial wood, T-111 siding, skim-coat or two-coat stucco systems, siding or trim with faux-wood grain, and vinyl windows.
  • Make sure all work complies with the Denver Zoning Code.
  • Make sure to obtain all required Landmark approvals, as well as building and/or zoning permits. 
  • Make sure the approved plans show:
    • the locations of any exterior building penetrations,
    • new AC units, fences, or site work that may require a zoning permit (e.g. planter boxes over 12” in height),
    • exterior lighting,
    • installation of a new or replacement fence, and
    • any hardscaping and site work.
  • NOTE: Some work does not require a building and/or zoning permit unless the building is located in a historic district or has been designated as an individual landmark site. See Denver Building Code Section 130.3: Exempted Work for such exceptions (2, 5 and 23).

Marijuana facilities may present unique issues and needs related to electrical inspections. Please view the following document to learn more about preparing for an inspection.

Electrical inspections guidelines for marijuana facilities (PDF)

For re-inspections only, your building inspector may accept picture or video documentation of completed work in place of an in-person inspection. This acceptance is at the discretion of each inspector, and must be agreed upon at the time of your initial inspection.

Upon reviewing the picture or video, the inspector may request an in-person inspection if the picture or video does not sufficiently show that the identified corrections have been made. 

Due to the high volume of roofing permits issued in recent months, roofing inspection requests cannot be fulfilled by city inspectors the next business day, as is routine for other types of building inspections. See below for the range of dates of inspection requests currently being served. Please note that inspectors only carry one-story ladders. You must provide a ladder set-up capable of reaching any roof point over one-story. Learn more about avoiding reinspection fees here.

Inspections Required

3-Digit Inspection Code and Type of Inspection 205 - Pre-inspection Commercial (New or Re-roof) 206 - Other (Mid-roof, roof insulation, other meeting) 201 - Roof (Final)
One- and Two-Family Asphalt Shingles No If needed* Yes
Townhomes Yes If needed* Yes
Commercial Asphalt Shingles Yes If needed* Yes
Low-slope Roofs Yes If needed* Yes
Tile No Yes Yes

* A mid-roof inspection may be required when the pre-inspection identifies items that need to be completed but will not be visible for inspection at the final.

View details for hiring a third-party roofing inspector

Plumbing or sewer contractor

All requests for inspections must be emailed in no later than 3:30 p.m. on the previous business day before the inspection is needed. Please include a valid Denver contractor's license, associated SUDP permit number(s), property address, requestor’s name/phone number, site contact's name/phone number, and the date/time of requested inspection (a.m./p.m.).

Department of Transportation and Infrastructure Permit Operations:

  • A plumbing or sewer contractor licensed by the City and County of Denver must email for sanitary and storm sewer exterior piping / pre-treatment devices / repairs (piping in same trench) and cut-offs.
  • A contractor licensed by the City and County of Denver must email for storm sewer exterior above grade and no piping.

Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO)

  • TCO inspections require a letter of request stating SUDP permit number, address, reason for requesting TCO, and when the outstanding items will be completed. Note: not all requests for TCO can be granted.
  • Requests for TCO must be submitted by email to no later than 3:30 p.m. on the business day before the inspection is needed.
  • Please include type of SUDP inspection requested, a valid Denver contractor's license number, associated SUDP permit number(s), property address, requestor’s name/phone number, site contact's name/phone number, and the date/time of requested inspection (a.m./p.m.).

Find your DOTI inspector(PDF, 540KB)

Permanent Certificate of Occupancy (CO)

  • CO inspections must be submitted by email to
  • Please include type of SUDP inspection requested, a valid Denver contractor's license number, associated SUDP permit number(s), property address, requestor’s name/phone number, site contact's name/phone number, and the date/time of requested inspection (a.m./p.m.).

Find your DOTI inspector(PDF, 540KB)

Ballot Initiative 306, known as Waste No More, was approved by voters in November 2022. This ordinance requires nearly all construction and demolition projects to separate and recycle, at a minimum, all readily recyclable concrete, asphalt, clean wood, scrap metal, and corrugated cardboard. The ordinance requires these projects to submit a recycling and reuse plan to the city to confirm compliance with the ordinance prior to obtaining a construction or demolition permit.

The ordinance also requires these projects to submit a separate recycling and reuse compliance form(XLSX, 25KB) verifying the actual results of recycling efforts based on this plan will be required prior to completion of the final inspection and/or issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy.

After scheduling your “109 Other Inspection,” please upload your recycling and reuse compliance form online here.