Denver Zoning Code

The Denver Zoning Code balances conservation and development to implement the community's vision for the future of Denver through our built environment. The Denver Zoning Code was adopted in 2010.

For properties that were not included in the comprehensive update in 2010, zoning is governed by Former Chapter 59 of the Denver Revised Municipal Code.

View complete Denver Zoning Code as amended through December 16, 2024

Note on Recent Zoning Code Updates

The current version of the Denver Zoning Code reflects the recent adoption of text amendments on accessory dwelling units and manufactured home communities.

The 2024 Text Amendment Bundle was adopted December 16, 2024, but does not go into effect until February 25, 2025, when an updated version of the zoning code will be published and posted on this page. If you are planning on submitting a zoning permit or site development plan application in the next few weeks, click the button below for information on which code version to follow. 

Grace Period Information for the Adopted 2024 Text Amendment Bundle

Former Chapter 59

Denver Revised Municipal Code Section 59-2 enables Former Chapter 59 zoning and includes ‘bridge amendments’ updating some Former Chapter 59 provisions to be consistent with the Denver Zoning Code.  

Zoning Code Policies, Interpretations, Determinations, and Clarifications

Zoning Administrative Policies

Policy # Zoning Admin Division of Work
Name of Policy Issued, Revised Total # of Pages Author Brief Description
ZA-INSPECT-2023-2(PDF, 644KB)
Zoning Inspections
Flagging Properties for Zoning Enforcement Check
 1-17-23 6 Tina Axelrad
Policy establishes a new business practice for zoning inspections that is intended to ensure Excise & Licenses does not confer a significant privilege, specifically a license to allow a residence to conduct short-term rentals, if there is one or more active zoning enforcement actions against the proposed licensed premises that relate to or impact short-term rental activity.
ZA-INSPECT-2023-1(PDF, 245KB)
Zoning Inspections
Zoning Inspections & Short-Term Rental Licenses
1-17-23 2 Tina Axelrad Policy establishes a change in business practice to clarify that zoning inspection is not required when a person applies for a new or renewed business license to operate a short-term rental use in Denver.
Zoning Inspections
Zoning Enforcement During COVID of Household Limits (# of Unrelated Adults)
9-15-20 2 Tina Axelrad
Consistent with Governor Jared Polis’ request to suspend limits on unrelated people who can live together to prevent homelessness among those who might be evicted or displaced during the pandemic, effective immediately, CPD enforcement of current zoning rules limiting the number of unrelated adults who may reside in a dwelling unit is given the lowest priority in the expenditure of time and resources by this department.


Zoning code interpretations clarify how zoning regulations are applied to a specific case as well as guide general application of the code. Interpretations can be appealed to the Board of Adjustment within 15 days of issuance.


Zoning code determinations summarize the zoning administrator’s decisions on unlisted uses and decisions on which of two or more conflicting code provisions apply. Determinations can be appealed to the Board of Adjustment within 15 days of issuance.

Unlisted Use Determinations

Unlisted Temporary Use Determinations


Zoning code clarifications primarily provide guidance to staff on how to apply the Denver Zoning Code consistently. These clarifications are posted here to assist customers and the public on how code regulations might apply to their project or in general.


The zoning code interpretations, determinations, and clarifications listed below apply to earlier versions of the Denver Zoning Code, which is still in use for certain projects. For projects using the most current code version available on this webpage, the documents listed below do not apply.

All documents below are PDF downloads.