B-1 Limited Office District:
This district provides office space for services related to dental and medical care and for office-type services, often for residents of nearby residential areas. The district is characterized by a low-volume of direct daily customer contact. This district is characteristically small in size and is situated near major hospitals or between large business areas and residential areas. The district regulations establish standards comparable to those of the low density residential districts, resulting in similar building bulk and retaining the low concentration of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Building height is controlled by bulk standards and open space requirements. Building floor area cannot exceed the site area.
B-A-1 Arterial Office and Multi-Unit Dwellings District:
Allows banks, offices, clinics, institutions, churches, multi-unit residences and office service uses. Requires 100 feet of arterial street frontage. Maximum lot coverage is 30%. Building floor area cannot exceed 2 times the site area. Building height is controlled by bulk standards. Maximum residential density is determined by the size of the units and the factors mentioned above. Arterial setback areas are required for landscaping.
B-2 Neighborhood Business District:
This district provides for the retailing of commodities classed as “convenience goods,” and the furnishing of certain personal services, to satisfy the daily and weekly household or personal needs of the residents of surrounding residential neighborhoods. This district is located on collector streets, characteristically is small in size, usually is entirely surrounded by residential districts and is located at a convenient walking distance from the residential districts it is designed to serve. The district regulations establish standards comparable to those of low density residential districts, resulting in similar standards. Building floor area cannot exceed the site area.
B-A-2 Arterial Service District:
This district is intended as a tourist oriented area, allowing restaurants and hotels or motels with accessory automobile service stations. Requires 100 feet of arterial street frontage. Zone lot coverage not to exceed 30%. Building height is controlled by bulk standards. Front setback areas are required for landscaping.
B-3 Shopping Center District:
This district is primarily to provide the retailing of most commodities and the furnishing of certain personal services, satisfying all household and personal needs of the residents of surrounding residential communities. This district is normally located on major arterial or collector streets at or near the intersection with another major arterial or collector street so that is has good vehicular accessibility. This district is characteristically large, usually is entirely surrounded by residential districts, and is located a convenient driving distance from the residential districts it is designed to serve. The district regulations establish standards comparable to those of low density residential districts, resulting in similar building bulk on smaller parcels and retaining a low concentration of vehicular traffic. Building height is controlled by bulk standards and open space requirements. Building floor area cannot exceed the site area.
B-A-3 Arterial General Business District:
This district is designed to accommodate uses that are oriented toward the motorist and residents of nearby neighborhoods. Included among such uses are bowling alleys, theaters, nightclubs, drive-in restaurants and service stations. Setback areas are required for landscaping. Ground coverage by buildings cannot exceed 30% of the site. Building height is controlled by bulk standards.
B-4 General Business District:
This district is intended to provide for and encourage appropriate commercial uses adjacent to arterial streets, which are normally transit routes. Uses include a wide variety of consumer and business services and retail establishments that serve other business activities, and local transit-dependent residents within the district as well as residents throughout the city. The regulations generally allow a moderate intensity of use and concentration for the purpose of achieving compatibility between the wide variety of uses permitted in the district. Building height is not controlled by bulk standards unless there is a property line to property line abutment with a residential use. Building floor area cannot exceed twice the site area.
B-A-4 Automobile Sales and Service District:
This district provides an area designed particularly for the special needs and characteristics of auto, boat and recreational vehicle sales and service activities. The city’s Comprehensive Plan encourages the establishment of this district in concentrated centers rather than in a linear arrangement along arterials. Ground coverage by structures cannot exceed 60% of the site area. Building height is controlled by bulk standards.
B-5 Central Business District:
Permits businesses, office and light-industrial uses along with residential and educational uses. Maximum floor area cannot exceed 10 times the site area, plus floor area premiums for the development of plazas, arcades and atriums. Off-street parking is not required. Building height is not controlled except for Federal Aviation Administration restrictions. Ground level retail uses are encouraged along the 16th Street Mall area.
B-7 Historic Business District:
This district is intended to preserve and improve older structures that are architecturally and/or historically significant. Allows light-industry, general retail, wholesale, offices and residential uses. Building floor area cannot exceed 2 times the site area; however, with premiums the floor area can be increased to 4 times the site area. Additional floor area is allowed with the development of residential units, underground parking or retail uses at the street level. Refer to Ordinance #109 Series of 1988, regarding design guidelines and height limitations.
B-8 Intensive General Business/High Density Residential District:
This district, primarily for activity centers, provides the concentration of retailing, personal and business services, as well as residential and cultural uses at a necessary intensity to efficiently be served by mass transit facilities. The regulations are designed to permit a highly concentrated, intense development of the enumerated facilities, limited by standards designed to provide light and air for street exposures of buildings in the district. Building floor area cannot exceed 4 times the site area plus floor area premiums for the development of plazas, arcades, or the provision of low-level light areas. Building height is not controlled by bulk standards.
B-8-A Arapahoe Square Zone District:
This is a mixed use zone district located in the Arapahoe Square (bounded by 20th Street, Larimer Street, Park Avenue West and Curtis Street) that encourages pedestrian activity areas and related uses while making auto related uses and other more intense uses conditional uses subject to design review. Housing, the arts, child care facilities and preservation of historic buildings are favored uses in this area and subject to generous floor area premiums above the basic 4:1 F.A.R.
B-8-G Golden Triangle Zone District:
This is a mixed use zone district located in the Golden Triangle (bounded by Speer Blvd., Lincoln Street, and Colfax Avenue) that encourages pedestrian activity areas and related uses while making auto related uses and other more intense uses conditional uses subject to design review. Housing, the arts, child care facilities and preservation of historic buildings are favored uses in this area and subject to generous floor area premiums above the basic 4:1 F.A.R.