City Council Sponsored: Proposed Regulations for New Gas Stations
Denver City Councilmembers Diana Romero-Campbell (District 4), Amanda Sawyer (District 5), and Paul Kashmann (District 6) are proposing new zoning regulations that would prioritize the implementation of Denver’s adopted plans and policies for walkable, mixed-use, sustainable development with affordable housing on and near transit corridors by significantly limiting where new gas stations can be established.
The draft text amendment to the Denver Zoning Code would prohibit new gas stations:
- within a quarter-mile of an existing gas station
- within a quarter-mile of a light rail transit station
- within 300-feet of low-intensity residential zone districts like single-unit (SU) and two-unit (TU)
The sponsoring Councilmembers propose that these changes would go into effect on February 25, 2025, but allow flexibility for concepts submitted by May 13, 2024.
See the map for proposed impacts
Read the latest draft(PDF, 337KB)
Submit a question or comment
The project was presented at Denver Planning Board on December 18, 2024, and at the City Council Land Use, Transportation and Infrastructure Committee on January 7, 2025.
Watch the Planning Board meeting (starts at 47:18)
Download the Planning Board staff report (PDF)
Watch the LUTI meeting
View staff report and public comments
Next Steps
City Council is scheduled to hold a final public hearing and vote on Tuesday, February 18.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are the proposed changes to the Denver Zoning Code?
This amendment would establish new rules prohibiting the establishment of new retail gas stations in the following locations:
This amendment does not apply to gas stations that aren’t open to the public, such as fuel services for government fleets, rental car or transit facilities, etc.
Additionally, the proposal includes:
An exception to some of the above limitations for gas stations that are combined with commercial space that provides opportunities for the sale of groceries, home goods or other products that could serve nearby residents.
A prohibition on the expansion of fueling services for most existing gas stations, such as to add additional gas pumps, unless the expansion would add electric vehicle charging equipment.
Are there any other changes that would impact new retail gas stations?
Yes, the text amendment sponsors are considering updates to the Denver Energy Code that would require new gas stations to be constructed with some infrastructure and/or capacity for future addition of electric vehicle charging equipment. This will be a separate amendment that will be considered in 2025 as part of regular updates to the Denver Building Code and associated regulations like the Denver Energy Code. We will update this webpage with more information on this proposal when available.
Why are councilmembers proposing to limit where gas stations can be located?
Councilmembers have heard concerns from residents that they do not want more proliferation of gas stations. Long-standing businesses that Denverites considered community spaces have been torn down in recent years to make room for new gas station construction. According to the councilmembers, the city is in need of new mechanisms that prioritize the thoughtful placement of future gas stations, take a holistic approach to address the housing affordability crisis, promote walkable and sustainable development, and support the build-out of mixed-use development near transit corridors. These new rules will foster place-making while allowing for the new construction of gas stations in high-need neighborhoods and are supported through guidance defined by adopted city plans.
How can I tell if my property will be affected?
Visit the interactive map here to see if your property will be affected.
When will these changes go into effect?
City Council is expected to take action on the proposal in early 2025. If adopted, the new rules would apply to any project that was formally submitted after May 13, 2024.
I have a proposed gas station project that is already in the development review process. Will this affect my development plans?
If your site development plan was submitted for concept review on or before May 13, 2024, you may continue the permitting process under the current rules. If your concept plan was submitted after May 13, 2024, your application will be reviewed under the new rules. You will hear from your project coordinator if your project may be impacted by these amendments.
What is the expected timeline for this project?
We expect to release a Public Review Draft of the proposed Denver Zoning Code Text Amendments in November 2024. A Denver Planning Board public hearing, and subsequent City Council public hearing are expected in the first quarter of 2025. The project webpage will be updated as specific dates are confirmed.