Electrical Vehicle (EV) Charging Spaces

Car with EV charger (photo by Kindel Media) EV code requirements impact how parking is configured for a project and should be addressed during the Site Development Plan process. Section C405.13 of the 2022 Denver Energy Code (DEC) governs the quantity of EV spaces required. Section 1107 of the 2022 Denver Commercial Building Code (DCBC) governs accessible and universal spaces for installed electrical vehicle (EV) charging stations. This page provides a summary of requirements, please see the 2022 DEC and DCBC for full requirements.

On June 20, 2023, City Council approved amendments that take a phased approach to these requirements to ensure projects already at the formal site development plan/construction drawing preparation stage can continue with minimal impacts.

The EV requirements on this page are for commercial and multifamily building projects. These requirements do not apply to detached one- and two-family dwellings, townhouses, and Group R-3 and R-4 buildings three stories or less in height. Provisions for these projects can be found in DEC Section R404.4.

Submit for building permits before February 1, 2024
Submit for building permits on or after February 1, 2024
Required to provide 5% of the installed EV charging spaces as accessible spaces
Required to provide universal EV charging spaces in addition to the accessible EV charging spaces
There will be no extensions to this date. Projects must plan accordingly during the Site Development Plan review process to meet appropriate design requirements.

Helpful Information

Terms and Definitions

The below definitions are abbreviated. See DEC and DCBC sections for the full definitions of defined terms.

  • EVSE – Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment for plug-in power transfer between a premises wiring and an electric vehicle.
  • EVSE Installed Space – Parking space that is provided with an EVSE connection.
  • DCFC EVSE Installed Space – Parking space that is provided with a Direct Current Fast Charging EVSE.
  • EV Ready Space – Parking space provided a branch circuit to an outlet, junction box or receptacle for future EVSE.
  • EV Capable Space – Parking space provided with electrical infrastructure for future EVSE, such as conduit. No electrical service or panel capacity is required.
  • Electrical Vehicle Charging Station – Vehicle spaces served by an electrical vehicle charging system (i.e., EVSE Installed space or DCFC EVSE Installed space).
  • Accessible EVSE Installed Space – Parking space provided for an electric vehicle charging station that is designed to be accessible to and usable by people with physical disabilities and complies with Section 1107 of the DCBC and ICC A117.1.
  • Universal Vehicle Charging Station – Parking space provided for an electric vehicle charging station that can be utilized for all users and complies with Section 1107 of the DCBC and certain sections of ICC A117.1.

DEC Requirements

DEC Section C405.13.1 and Table C405.13.1 provide detailed requirements for determining the number of required EVSE Installed Spaces, EV Capable Spaces, and EV Ready Spaces based on the occupancy served by the parking facility. Detailed electrical requirements for each type of space is also provided.

Table C405.13.1 Required EV Charging Infrastructure

Occupancy EVSE Installed Spaces EV Ready Spaces EV Capable Spaces
Group A, B, E, M 10% 5% 10%
Group I 5%
0% 5%

Group R-1 and R-2a

15% 5% 40%
Group R-3 and R-4 2% 0% 5%
Group S-2 Parking Garages 10% 5% 0%

a. Where all parking spaces serving R-2 occupancies are EV ready spaces, requirements for EVSE spaces for R-2 occupancies shall not apply.

  • EV requirements apply to new parking facilities only
  • EV requirements are based on total number of parking spaces provided (not zoning required minimum)
  • EV spaces count towards required zoning minimum parking spaces
  • For other than Group R occupancies, EVSE Installed Spaces required can be reduced by 10 for each DCFC EVSE Installed Space provided (with a maximum reduction of 50 spaces)

Summary of Requirements BEFORE February 1, 2024

The following is a summary of EV requirements for projects that are submitted for building construction permits before February 1, 2024. There will be no extensions to this date. Projects must plan accordingly during the Site Development Plan review process to meet appropriate design requirements.

  • (DEC) EVSE Installed, EV Ready and EV Capable Spaces as required by DEC C405.13
  • (DCBC) Accessible EVSE Installed Spaces
    • 1107.2.1 Number: 5% of provided EVSE Installed Spaces (the exception for larger parking facilities is not required to be used since it increases number of accessible spaces required instead of reducing number as intended – this will be fixed in next errata to the Denver Building Code toward the end of 2023)
    • 1107.2.2 Space Size: 11’ wide space with 5’ wide access aisle
    • 1107.2.3 Features: Comply with A117.1 502.3-502.5, and 502.11, except that EVSE is permitted at end of access aisle opposite drive aisle
    • 1123.4: “Use Last” signage required unless only one accessible EVSE Installed space is provided
    • 1106: Accessible parking spaces required by DCBC 1106 are in addition to the accessible EVSE Installed Spaces and must have signage with the International Symbol of Accessibility

Summary of Requirements ON OR AFTER February 1, 2024

The following is a summary of EV requirements for projects that are submitted for building construction permits on or after February 1, 2024.

  • (DEC) EVSE Installed, EV Ready and EV Capable spaces as required by DEC C405.13
  • (DCBC) Accessible EVSE Installed Spaces
    • 1107.2.1 Number: 5% of provided EVSE Installed Spaces (the exception for larger parking facilities is not required to be used since it increases number of accessible spaces required instead of reducing number as intended– this will be fixed in next errata to the Denver Building Code toward the end of 2023)
    • 1107.2.2 Space Size: 11’ wide space with 5’ wide access aisle
    • 1102.1: All features of accessible space and charging stations must comply with applicable provisions of A117.1 (Sections 502.3-502.8 and 502.11)
    • 1112.4: “Use Last” signage required unless only one accessible EVSE Installed space is provided and no Universal Vehicle Charging Stations are provided
    • 1106: Accessible parking spaces required by DCBC 1106 are in addition to the accessible EVSE Installed Spaces and must have signage with the International Symbol of Accessibility
  • (DCBC) Universal Vehicle Charging Stations
    • 1107.2.3 Number: All required EVSE Installed Spaces that are not accessible EVSE Installed Spaces. Exception for larger parking facilities (100 total spaces or 200 total spaces for Group I) allows reduction to 10 plus 5% of required EVSE Installed spaces with a maximum of 40
    • 1107.2.3 Space Size: 11’ wide space with 5’ wide access aisle
    • 1107.2.3 Features: Comply with ICC A117.1 Sections 502.3-502.5, and 502.11, except that EVSE is permitted at end of access aisle opposite drive aisle
    • 1107.2.3: Signage with International Symbol of Accessibility prohibited

Accessible vs. Universal – Key Differences

Accessible Universal
Require 98” vertical clearance for spaces, access aisles and vehicle routes to them
No vertical clearance requirement
Signage with International Symbol of Accessibility is not required and DCBC requires “Use Last” signage instead
Signage with International Symbol of Accessibility is prohibited and there is no requirement for “Use Last” signage
Spaces must have EVSE located outside of access aisle, which must extend full length of parking space
Spaces allow EVSE to be located at end of access aisle opposite drive aisle

EV Parking Examples

  • 350 parking spaces serving Group R-2 (before February 1, 2024)
    • Required EV Spaces (DEC C405.13):
      • 53 EVSE Installed (15% of 350)
      • 18 EV Ready (5% of 350)
      • 140 EV Capable (40% of 350)
    • Required accessible EVSE Installed Spaces (DCBC 1107): 3* (5% of 53)
      • *Base on actual number of EVSE Installed Spaces provided, if more than required
    • Required accessible parking spaces (DCBC 1106): 7, including 2 van spaces (2% of 350)

  • 350 parking spaces serving Group R-2 (on or after February 1, 2024)
    • Required EV Spaces (DEC C405.13):
      • 53 EVSE Installed (15% of 350)
      • 18 EV Ready (5% of 350)
      • 140 EV Capable (40% of 350)
    • Required accessible EVSE Installed Spaces (DCBC 1107): 3* (5% of 53)
      • *Base on actual number of EVSE Installed Spaces provided, if more than required
    • Required universal EVSE Installed Spaces (DCBC 1107): 13 (10 + 5% of 53)
    • Required accessible parking spaces (DCBC 1106): 7, including 2 van spaces (2% of 350)

  • 60 parking spaces serving Group R-2 (on or after February 1, 2024)
    • Required EV Spaces (DEC C405.13):
      • 9 EVSE Installed (15% of 60)
      • 3 EV Ready (5% of 60)
      • 24 EV Capable (40% of 60)
    • Required accessible EVSE Installed Spaces (DCBC 1107): 1* (5% of 9)
      • *Base on actual number of EVSE Installed Spaces provided, if more than required
    • Required universal EVSE Installed Spaces (DBCC 1107): 8 (all EVSE Installed that are not accessible)
    • Required accessible parking spaces (DCBC 1106): 2, including 1 van spaces (2% of 60)

  • 520 parking spaces serving Groups M, A, and B with DCFC EVSE (on or after February 1, 2024)
    • Required EV Spaces (DEC C405.13):
      • 52 EVSE Installed (10% of 520), or
      • 5 DCFC EVSE Installed + 2 EVSE Installed (example continues with this), or
      • 7 DCFC EVSE Installed
      • 26 EV Ready (5% of 520)
      • 52 EV Capable (10% of 520)
    • Required accessible EVSE Installed Spaces (DCBC 1107): 1* (5% of 7)
      • *Base on actual number of EVSE Installed Spaces provided, if more than required.
    • Required universal EVSE Installed Spaces (DBCC 1107): 6 (all EVSE Installed that are not accessible)
    • Required accessible parking spaces (DCBC 1106): 11, including 2 van spaces (2% of 520)

FAQs – EV Charging for Existing Buildings

For the purpose of the information below, Commercial and Multifamily Buildings are regulated by the Denver Commercial Building Code or the Denver Existing Building Code. Residential Buildings are single-family homes, duplexes, and townhomes that are three stories or less and regulated by the Denver Residential Code.

  1. Q. When is EV parking required?
    A. Only when a new parking facility is being constructed (either a standalone, or as part of a new building). Also see questions 7 and 8. 

  2. Q. Can I retrofit a site with a previously approved Site Development Plan or Planned Building Group?
    A. Proposed EV installations at sites with previously approved Site Development Plans or Planned Building Groups will need to be reviewed for consistency with those plans. Depending on the impact, the EV installation may require Modifications or Amendments to previously approved plans.

  3. Q. What is the Electric Vehicle charging requirement for my existing building (Commercial) where I am planning to add a new parking facility?
    A. Please refer to 2022 Denver Energy Code(PDF, 5MB) (DEC) section C405.13 for EV charging requirements for new parking facilities. The exact number of EVSE, EV Ready, and EV Capable spaces will vary based on the total quantity of parking spaces being added, as well as the occupancy type of your specific project. Learn more.

  4. Q. I want to add EV charging stations to my existing parking facility. What are Denver’s requirements?
    A. New EV charging stations added to existing parking facilities shall comply with accessibility requirements found in 2022 Denver Commercial Building Code(PDF, 5MB) (DCBC) section 1107.2 unless technically infeasible, then refer to 2021 International Existing Building Code (IEBC) section 306.7. There are no requirements to add universal vehicle charging stations to existing parking facilities. Refer to 2022 DCBC section 1107.2.3.

  5. Q. I am planning on building a new detached garage for my home. What is the requirement for EV charging?
    A. Please refer to 2022 Denver Energy Code(PDF, 5MB) (DEC) section R404.4 for EV ready space requirements for new garages and carports. Each new garage and/or carport with on-site parking spaces are required to be provided with a minimum of one EV ready space.

  6. Q. What is the EV ready space requirement for my new garage?
    A. Please refer to 2022 Denver Energy Code(PDF, 5MB) (DEC) sections R404.4.4 and R404.4.5 for EV ready space infrastructure requirements and construction document requirements.

  7. Q. If I re-stripe my existing parking lot and add new parking spaces, am I required to meet the EV requirements?
    A. Re-striping an existing parking lot, including the addition of new parking spaces, does not trigger compliance with the EV requirements in the 2022 Denver Energy Code(PDF, 5MB) (DEC). Only new parking facilities are required to meet the 2022 DEC EV charging requirements. New parking facilities are defined as a new parking lot or a new parking structure. Refer to the 2022 DEC section C405.13.

    Note: Re-striping of parking spaces must comply with the Denver Zoning Code requirements concerning the minimum parking spaces required for the use(s), or at least not reduce the parking spaces provided below the minimum parking spaces required. Re-striping of parking areas must also meet the dimensional requirements required within the zoning code.

  8. Q. What constitutes a new facility? For example, if I have a single parking space and add four spots to it, is this a new facility? What if I have an existing parking lot on a site and add another lot but connected to with a drive?
    A. This is reviewed on a site-specific basis, though neither of the two examples above would be considered a new facility.

  9. Q. Can accessible EVSE installed spaces count towards accessible parking spaces?
    A. No, because the signage requirements are different. Accessible parking spaces require signage or markings with the International Symbol of Accessibility and accessible EVSE installed spaces require ‘Use Last’ signage instead. The regulations do not intend to limit the use of EVSE spaces to those that are allowed to park in accessible parking spaces.

  10. Q. Can the EVSE be located in the access aisle of an accessible EVSE Installed space?
    A. If you submitted for a permit prior to February 1, 2024: Yes, as allowed by 2022 Denver Commercial Building Code(PDF, 5MB) (DCBC) section 1107.2.3 that was in effect prior to this date. However, if access aisle is shared with an accessible parking space, the EVSE can’t be in the access aisle since ICC A117.1 requires the access aisle for these spaces to be the full length of the parking space.

    If you submitted for a permit on or after February 1, 2024: No, because ICC A117.1 requires the access aisle to be the full length of the parking space. Learn more.

  11. Q. Where are accessible and universal EVSE installed spaces required to be located?
    A. There are no location requirements other than the spaces and access aisles cannot be on a slope of more than 2%.

  12. Q. Where do EV spaces need to be located?
    A. Location requirements for EV spaces were removed in the 2022 Denver Energy Code(PDF, 5MB) (DEC). Also, the location of any EV spaces must be installed in a way as to not reduce the number of required parking spaces or reduce the minimum required parking dimensions.

  13. Q. I’m designing a parking lot for a new building with a Group F-1 occupancy and Group B occupancy. How do I calculate the required quantity of EV spaces?
    A. Where one shared parking lot serves multiple building occupancies, the required number of spaces shall be determined proportionally based on the floor area of each building occupancy. Refer to 2022 Denver Energy Code(PDF, 5MB) (DEC) section C405.13.1 item 2.

    For example, if the Group B occupancy is 20% of the floor area and the remainder of the floor area is a Group F-1 occupancy, then the shared parking lot shall provide 20% of the percentages required for Group B occupancies in DEC Table C405.13.1. Group F-1 occupancy is not listed in DEC Table C405.13.1, so no additional EV charging infrastructure is required.

  14. Q. Can an Electric Vehicle Energy Load Management Systems be used to show compliance with the requirements of 2022 DEC C405.13?
    A. Yes, 2022 Denver Energy Code(PDF, 5MB) (DEC) section C405.13 allows Load Management Systems to be used provided that the requirements of C405.13.4 and C405.13.5 are met. Documentation for the Load Management System will be required at the time of plan submittal to demonstrate compliance.

  15. Q. Are EV parking requirements based on the number of parking spaces required or the number provided?
    A. The EV parking requirements in 2022 Denver Energy Code(PDF, 5MB) (DEC) section C405.13 are based on the total number of parking spaces provided. Accessible EVSE Installed space quantities in DCBC section 1107 are based on the number of provided EVSE Installed spaces. Universal EVSE Installed space quantities in DCBC section 1107 are based on the number of required EVSE Installed spaces.

  16. Q. Will a zoning permit be required for an EV charging station?
    A. In most cases, yes. For more information, refer to the Denver Zoning Code or contact the commercial zoning plan review team at zoning.review@denvergov.org or (720) 865-3000. For sites subject to a Site Development Plan, Planned Building Group, or similar, changes and modifications to off-street parking areas need to be evaluated for any potential impacts to approved plans and may require an amendment or modification to an approved plan in addition to a permit. Please contact developmentservices@denvergov.org to discuss what may be required.