The Path to 100% Renewable Energy in Denver
Denver is working towards a 100% renewable energy future by 2030. The city is working with Xcel Energy, the first investor-owned utility to announce a voluntary target, to reach that goal.
- 100% carbon-free electricity by 2050
- 80% renewable electricity on their electric grid by 2030
However, there is still a gap that Denver must close between Xcel Energy’s carbon reduction trajectory and the city’s goal of 100% renewable energy. Denver has significant untapped potential that can help close this gap, a key component of the city’s 100% Renewable Electricity Action Plan.
The deployment, integration, and management of solar, battery storage, and vehicle-to-building (V2B) electric vehicle (EV) charging, is essential to support a 100% carbon-free electric grid. However, these upgrades can be cost-prohibitive for non-profit Human Service Providers and low- and moderate-income residents in Denver. CASR’s goal is to reduce the electricity-associated greenhouse gas emissions from each Human Service Provider funded by this program by at least 20%.
Investing in Solar, Battery Storage, and EV Charging for Human Service Providers
CASR intends to meet this goal by offering a financial incentive to human service providers. The incentive can fund up to 100% of the costs associated with installation. This program will also accelerate market adoption, leading to greater emissions reductions more quickly. The technologies included and the levels of incentives offered will be updated as market conditions change.
CASR has determined that the incentive program aligns with the Legislative Declaration establishing the Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency (Sec. 2-404 D.R.M.C.) as well as the Permitted Uses of Revenue in the Climate Protection Fund (Sec. 2-405 of the D.R.M.C.).