Warehouses See incentives, rebates, and other services available to owners and managers of warehouses.
Residential Condominiums Condo owners, managers, or HOA boards can find opportunities for free energy audits, rebates, loans, and guidance.
Commercial Offices Owners and managers of office buildings can find funding, loans, rebates, and guidance here.
Commercial Retail Owners and managers of commercial retail buildings can find links to free energy audits, rebates, grants, loans, and guidance that will help you meet your Energize Denver and sustainability targets.
Restaurants There are many restaurant-specific resources to help you get free energy audits, equipment and lighting rebates, grants, loans, and other help for your energy efficiency upgrades.
Nonprofits Nonprofit organizations in Denver that own their building can get free energy audits, grants, loans, rebates, and other help when making energy efficiency upgrades to their building.
Agricultural Buildings Buildings focused on horticulture or agriculture can find industry-specific energy audits, rebates, loans, and other help for improving energy efficiency.
Industrial Buildings Buildings focused on industrial processes and manufacturing can get support to improve operations and energy efficiency.