Collective Clean Energy Fund Clean Conversion Loan Buildings can get below-market-rate loans of up to $1 million. You can use this money to install renewable energy or electric heat pumps. You can also use the loan to improve energy efficiency in your building.
Collective Clean Energy Fund LED Lighting Loans Below market-rate loans of $10,000-$500,000 to upgrade your lights to LEDs. These new lights will save you money long after the loan is repaid.
Collective Clean Energy Fund Energy Project Accelerator Loan Small businesses and nonprofits can get below-market-rate loans of up to $500,000. This financing can help you install renewable energy or electric heat pumps. You can also use this money to improve energy efficiency.
Collective Clean Energy Fund Energy Service Agreement Commercial building owners can make near-term, energy efficiency and on-site power generation upgrades to buildings, without requiring an out-of-pocket investment.
Colorado C-PACE Colorado C-PACE gives financing to eligible commercial and industrial buildings. These funds can cover up to 100% of energy and water efficiency and renewable energy projects. Private capital allows for competitive rates. Repayment terms can be up to 25 years.
Commercial Buildings Energy-Efficiency Tax Deduction Building owners can claim a tax deduction when they install qualifying systems. Tenants may also be eligible.
Energy Sage Solar Our partners at EnergySage can help you look at your different options for solar energy. They provide FREE help, resources, and calculators. Their experts can help you look at estimates from installers to see which one is right for you.
Rocky Mountain Industrial Assessment Center (IAC) IAC services small and medium-sized manufacturers who meet the eligibility requirements. Commercial buildings may also be services if they meet all requirements.
Solar Help Desk Work with our partners at Solar United Neighbors to figure out if solar will work for you. They will help you look for solar vendors and assess the estimates you get from them. They can also help you subscribe to community solar.
Xcel Energy Business Energy Assessments Xcel Energy has energy assessments for businesses of any size. They will help you identify which assessment is best for you. After confirming the details with you, they will guide you through the energy assessment process. You will get advisory services along the way.
Xcel Energy Business Energy Match Tool Fill out a short survey and get signed up for a free energy audit and other services. A great first steps for businesses who aren't sure where to start.
Xcel Energy Business Lighting Rebates Get money back when you upgrade your lights to LEDs. Increase your savings when you also add lighting controls or other improvements. Perfect for buildings that need a quick ROI on energy efficiency.
Xcel Energy Renewable Connect Subscribe to get your energy from renewables! This program lets you get your energy will be from nearby solar gardens and wind farms. Get the benefit of renewables without having to install them onsite.
Xcel Energy Small Business Energy Audits Help your small business save money and reduce energy. Get FREE energy audits, energy efficiency upgrades, and rebates.
Xcel Energy Solar Rewards Subscribe to get your energy from solar! This program lets you join a solar co-op, which means that your energy will be coming from a nearby solar garden. Get the benefit of solar without having to install it onsite.