It is quite difficult for a non-specialist to determine if 90% of the building’s lighting load (i.e. kilowatt hours consumed by lighting) is provided by LEDs. As a rule of thumb, typically 97% of the lighting fixtures in a building must be LED in order to 90% of the lighting load to be provided by LEDs, but this can vary based upon the type of lighting present. You will need a lighting professional to conduct a lighting audit for your building. This audit will either:
- Show that 90% of your lighting load already comes from LEDs, which means you are already in compliance!
- Give you a plan for making lighting upgrades that will allow 90% of your lighting load to come from LEDs.
If you have previously upgraded the majority of your building's lighting to LED, you may already be in compliance. This is great! All you will need to do is have a lighting professional verify that your lighting is in compliance by filling out the lighting verification template(XLSX, 74KB). This is a simplified lighting audit, but in order to use it, a lighting fixture count by your lighting specialist must demonstrate that at least 97% of the lighting fixtures in the building are LED. Otherwise, you must use the more detailed Lighting Audit Template(XLSX, 38KB) to demonstrate compliance.
You will attach the completed verification or audit template to the lighting compliance form you fill out in Step 7.
The lighting professional you work with must meet one of the following qualifications:
- Certified Lighting Consultant through the American Lighting Association
- Licensed Electrical Contractor registered with the State of Colorado
- Lighting Certification from the National Council on Qualifications for the Lighting Professions
- National Association of Innovative Lighting Distributors (NAILD) Lighting Specialist II (LSII) designation
- Certified Lighting Efficiency Professional (CLEP)
- Certified Energy Manager (CEM)
- Service Providers directly implementing Business Energy Assessments or the Multifamily Building Efficiency Program on behalf of Xcel Energy (must be implementing programs on behalf of Xcel Energy; merely being listed as an Xcel Energy trade partner is insufficient)
- Master Electrician licensed in the State of Colorado
- California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program (CALCTP)
You are free to choose any lighting professional with one of these certifications. If you’d like a list of lighting professionals who have taken an online training about the performance requirements and compliance reporting, you can refer to our list. You should plan to spend a couple of hours with the lighting professional to accompany them through the building as they conduct their assessment.