If you are pursuing either the Prescriptive Pathway or the Performance Pathway using the Production Efficiency metric, you will have to enter annual production data on your chosen metric when you submit your annual benchmarking report through ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager (ESPM). To do so, follow these steps:
First, you will need to enter your custom metric data for the year. Go to the "Details" tab in ESPM and locate the "Entire Property Use" line:

Under the "Action" column, click on the "I want to..." drop-down menu and choose "Edit Use Details":

This will take you to a page where you can "Edit Use Details for Entire Property." Make sure that "Custom Use Detail 1" is where you enter the name and data for your custom metric. In this example, we used "Number of loaves of Bread Baked Annually" for a bread manufacturer. You can leave the "Units" blank or choose "Other" if you wish to define the units yourself.
If this is your first time benchmarking a custom metric, your "Current As Of" date should start with January 1 of the given benchmarking year. For example, if you are reporting 2022 dating in 2023, your "Current As Of" date should be January 1, 2022. The "Value" represents the total number of widgets produced in that calendar year. In this example, 1,000 loaves of bread were produced by our bakery between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022. Please note! The value you enter should be for the entire calendar year - no more and no less. The "(to present)" should be interpreted as December 31 of your benchmarking year (2022 in this example).

In your second year of benchmarking (in this example, 2023 data being reported in 2024), you will click "Add a New Row" and change the "Current As Of" date to January 1 of the new benchmarking year (in this example, 2023). You will notice that the previous year now has an end date, as demonstrated by the note that says "(through 12/31/2022)." Now add the total number of widgets produced for the new calendar year. In this example, our bakery increased its production to 1,100 loaves for 2023.

You will follow this process every year that you submit a benchmarking report for the given metric. You can also retroactively report your custom metric for previous years, back to your chosen baseline year. In this example, the bakery chose 2020 as its baseline year, so it back-reported data to 2020 by adding a new row for each benchmarking year:

Note: if you are reporting more than one custom metric, you can add your second metric in "Custom Use Detail 2" following the same methodology.
Click "Save" when you are finished to return to the ESPM homepage.
Next, you will need to calculate your production efficiency. Go to the "Summary" tab in ESPM and locate the "Custom Metrics" section. Click on the blue pen icon next to Custom Metrics:

Now, create your custom metric. Make sure to use "Custom Metric 1" to ensure your data is accurately reported. Unless otherwise agreed upon with the Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resiliency, your custom metric should be "Weather Normalized Site Energy Use (kBtu)" per your chosen metric. A "Name" will be auto-generated. You can change the name if you like.

Click "Save" and you will now see your custom metric on the Summary Page:

To see how your custom metric compares from your baseline year to your current year, you will need to add the custom metric to the Metrics Summary table. Click on "Change Metrics":

A box titled "Select Information and Metrics" will pop up. Make sure to select the following metrics:
- Property Information Tab
- Custom Metric 1 - Name
- Custom Metric 1 - Value
- Property Use Details tab
- Custom Metric #1 - Name
- Custom Metric #1 - Value
Please note that currently, you are only allowed to select up to seven metrics, so you may have to deselect some metrics in order to see the custom metric. Do not deselect Site EUI (kBtu/ft2).

Click "Apply Selection" to see your metrics on your Summary Page:

You can now see your custom Production Efficiency value in the "Custom Metric 1 - Value" row in the Metrics Summary table. The value in the "Change" column shows your Production Efficiency Improvement from the baseline year to the current benchmarking year. In this example, the bakery achieved a Production Efficiency Improvement of 35.4% from 2017 to 2019.