Reuse Denver Incentives


Incentives for Replacing Disposable Service Ware with Reusables for Onsite Dining

The application for this program is now closed.

The city's new Reuse Denver program can help your small business save money and create a better dining experience for your customers! The program will help 35 retail food establishments switch to reusable service ware for onsite dining. Participants will get support and up to $600 worth of reusable food service ware, such as plates, bowls, cups, or cutlery that can be washed and reused again and again.

Participants will work with our partner, Diversion Designers, to:
  • Assess opportunities to reduce waste for onsite dining
  • Identify the reusable service ware you need
  • Incorporate reusables into your operations. 
Diversion Designers will handle all the details! This includes purchasing and delivering the reusable service ware for you. 
Retail food establishments in the City and County of Denver that offer onsite dining can apply.   

This program is paid for by the disposable bag fee fund. It is managed by the city's Zero Waste and Circular Economy Program in partnership with Diversion Designers.  


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is eligible to apply?

Any retail food establishment is eligible to apply if it:

  • Has a physical location within the City and County of Denver
  • Offers onsite dining
  • Has dishwashing capabilities (dishwasher or 3-compartment sink)
  • Meets the U.S. Small Business Administration's size standards 

Examples of retail food establishments that are eligible for this funding include but are not limited to:

  • Cafes
  • Delis
  • Ice Cream Shops
  • Bakeries
  • Taquerias

Do I need to be a Certifiably Green Denver business to apply?

No, you do not need to be certified by the Certifiably Green Denver program to be eligible to apply. 

What are the requirements?

If you are accepted to participate in this program, you must meet the following requirements:  

  • Meet with Diversion Designers to assess opportunities to reduce waste for onsite dining, identify the reusables service ware needed, and incorporate reusables into operations.
  • Report metrics (ex: annual usage and cost of disposable service ware and savings once reusables products are implemented) to Diversion Designers to help the city assess benefits of the program. 

How much reusable service ware can I request?

Participants work with our partner, Diversion Designers, for this program. Diversion Designers helps you assess opportunities to reduce waste from onsite dining and identify the reusable service ware you need. Participants receive up to $600 worth of reusable food service ware.

Do I need to replace all disposable service ware with reusables?

No. Retail food establishments working with our partner, Diversion Designers, may find that replacing some of their service ware with reusables is the best first step to reducing waste. Replacing all disposables is optional and not required for participation.

Will this program fund reusable to-go containers?

No. This program is focused on reusable service ware for onsite dining only. 

Will this program fund recyclable or compostable service ware?

No. This program is focused on reducing waste from onsite dining. While recycling and composting are great options, the best option is to avoid creating waste at all. This program funds reusable service ware, which prevents waste in the first place.

Will this program fund a dishwasher?

No. This program will not fund dishwashers. However, Certifiably Green Denver's Equity Funding helps small businesses fund their sustainability projects, which could include an EnergyStar dishwasher.

What if I need help with my application?

If you need assistance completing the application, please email us at

How will you evaluate applications?

Applicants must meet the eligibility requirements and agree to work with our program partner, Diversion Designers, on making reusable service ware part of their onsite dining operations and reporting metrics. Only 35 businesses will be chosen to participate in this pilot program. Preference will be given to applicants that demonstrate a waste reduction potential and a commitment to partnering with the city.